The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: Antamaro, Giulio Cesare
number of items: 3
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
Nagel, Josef: Im Zeichen des Kreuzes: Früher Jesus-Film restauriert und in Venedig wieder aufgeführt. In: Film-Dienst 53. 2000. No. 21. [October 10] p. 15.
On the film Christus by Giulio Cesare Antamoro and Enrico Guazzoni.
Antamaro, Giulio Cesare
Guazzoni, Enrico
Christus (1916)
Venedig ~ Venice
Religion ~ Religion
Petermann, Werner: Pinocchio. In: Enzyklopädie des phantastischen Films. 43. Ergänzungslieferung. - Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, Dezember 1995.
Antamaro, Giulio Cesare
Pinocchio (1911)
Pucci, Giuseppe: Christus (Cines, 1916): Italy’s first religious "kolossal" by Antamoro and Salvatori. In: The silents of Jesus in the cinema, 1897-1927. Edited by David J. Shepherd. - New York; London: Routledge 2016. (= Routledge studies in religion and film 5.) p. ?P.
Antamaro, Giulio Cesare
Guazzoni, Enrico
Christus (1916)
Italien ~ Italy
Società Italiana Cines [Firma] ~ Società Italiana Cines [Company]
Stummfilm ~ Silent Film
Religion ~ Religion
This literature list was generated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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