Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Brabin, Charles

number of items: 12

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Benayoun, Robert: Zaroff, or, The prosperities of vice. In: The shadow and its shadow: Surrealist writings on the cinema. Edited and introduced by Paul Hammond. Second edition. - Edinburgh: Polygon 1991. pp. 204-209.
First edition:
[In: Présence du Cinéma 1960. No. 6/7. pp. 7-12.]
On the early horror film. Discusses, among others, The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabin and Charles Vidor as well as The Most Dangerous Game by Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Schoedsack.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Pichel, Irving
Schoedsack, Ernest B.
Benayoun, Robert
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Most Dangerous Game, The (1932)
Surrealismus ~ Surrealism
Horror ~ Horror

Dörfler, Goswin: The Mask of Fu Manchu. In: Enzyklopädie des phantastischen Films. 3. Ergänzungslieferung. - Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, November 1986.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)

Ehrenstein, David: War business. In: Sight and Sound NS 3. 1993. No. 10. [October] pp. 12-13.
On the long tradition of showing Japan and the Japanese as objects of paranoid fears in US American cinema, from The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabbin and Charles Vidor through Steve Barron’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles up to Philip Kaufman’s Rising Sun.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Barron, Steve
Kaufman, Philip
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Rising Sun (1993)
Krieg ~ War
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
Japan ~ Japan
Angst ~ Fear

Huehls, Mitchum: Racialized toxins and sovereign fantasies. In: Discourse 29. 2007. No. 2/3. [Spring/Fall] pp. 367-383.
On the scandals over Chinese toxoc toys imported to the USA.Discusses, among others, The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabin and Charles Vidor.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Spielzeuge ~ Toys*
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Phantasie ~ Fantasy
China ~ China

Lahusen, Thomas: Dr Fu Manchu in Harbin: Cinema and moviegoers of the 1930s. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 99. 2000. No. 1. [?D] pp. 143-161.
On The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabin and Charles Vidor.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Fu Manchu ~ Fu Manchu

Lucas, Tim: MGM horror classics. In: Video Watchdog 1997. No. 37. [?D] pp. 66-68.
On Laserdisk editions of Tod Browning’s Mark of the Vampire and The Devil Doll, Karl Freund’s The Mad Love as well as The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabin and Charles Vidor.
Browning, Tod
Freund, Karl
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mark of the Vampire (1935)
Devil Doll, The (1936)
Mad Love / Hands of Orlac, The (1935)
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) ~ MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer)
Horror ~ Horror

Mank, Gregory William: The Mask of Fu Manchu. In: Mank, Gregory William: Hollywood cauldron: Thirteen horror films from the genre’s golden age. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland & Company 1994. pp. 53-88.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Horror ~ Horror
Hollywood ~ Hollywood

The Mask of Fu Manchu. - Stuttgart: Verlag Uwe Wiedleroither ?J. (= Filmprogramm 22.)
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)

Navarro, Antonio José: La máscara de Fu-Manchú. In: Dirigido 2007. No. 364. [February] p. 79.
On The Mask of Fu Manchu by Charles Brabin and Charles Vidor.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)

Senn, Bryan: The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932). In: Senn, Bryan: A year of fear: A day-by-day guide to 366 horror films. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Co. 2007. p. ?P.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Horror ~ Horror

Turner, George E. / Price, Michael H.: Behind The Mask of Fu Manchu. In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 1. [January] pp. 68-74.
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)

Wingfield, Rebecca: Gazing on Fu Manchu: Obscurity and imperial crisis in the work of Sax Rohmer. In: Studies in Popular Culture 31. 2008. No. 1. [?D] pp. 81-97.
Ward, Arthur Henry Sarsfield [Pseudonym: Rohmer, Sax]
Brabin, Charles
Vidor, Charles
Mask of Fu Manchu, The (1932)
Fu Manchu ~ Fu Manchu
Fu Manchu (Literatur ~ Literature)

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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