The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: Fleder, Gary
number of items: 14
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
Denn zum Küssen sind sie da. - Wien: ?V ?J. (= Neues Filmprogramm 10323.)
Fleder, Gary
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Dumars, Denise: Philip K. Dick’s Impostor. In: Cinefantastique 32. 2000. No. 2. [August] pp. 30-31.
Fleder, Gary
Dick, Philip K[indred]
Impostor (2001)
Dumars, Denise: Philip K. Dick’s Impostor: Scriptwrighter David Twohy on adapting one of the giants of SF for the big screen. In: Cinefantastique 32. 2000. No. 3. [October] pp. 6-9.
Discusses, among others, the work of production designer Nelson Coates and the special effects by Joe Grossberg.
Fleder, Gary
Twohy, David
Coates, Nelson
Grossberg, Joe
Impostor (2001)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Hinkel, Arnulf: Ein Psychopath, der Frauen sammelt, ...denn zum Küssen sind sie da. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 4(39). [April] pp. 48-49.
On Gary Fleder’s Kiss the Girls.
Fleder, Gary
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Frauen ~ Women
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Leyland, Matthew: Imposter. In: Sight and Sound NS 12. 2002. No. 8. [August] pp. 40-41.
Fleder, Gary
Impostor (2001)
Oppenheimer, Jean: Casting murder in a new light. In: American Cinematographer 78. 1997. No. 9. [September] pp. 66-74.
On Gary Fleder’s Kiss the Girls; especially on the camera work of Aaron Schneider.
Fleder, Gary
Schneider, Aaron
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Mord ~ Murder
Rivard, Yves: Impostor. In: L’Écran Fantastique 2002. No. 220. [April] pp. 64-65.
Fleder, Gary
Impostor (2001)
Sag kein Wort. - Nürnberg: Verlag Karin Stähle ?J. (= Phantopia-Filmprogramm 611.)
On Gary Fleder’s Don’t Say a Word.
Fleder, Gary
Don’t Say a Word (2001)
Scheloske, Ivo: Zwei einsame Herzen im Schnee: Kiss the Girls. In: Splatting Image 1997. No. 32. [December] pp. 63-64.
Fleder, Gary
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Schnee ~ Snow
Sterneborg, Anke: Denn zum Küssen sind sie da. In: EPD Film 15. 1998. No. 3. [March] p. 42.
On Gary Fleder’s Kiss the Girls.
Fleder, Gary
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Tschiedert, Markus: "Ich habe vor nichts Angst": Ein Interview mit Ashley Judd. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 4(39). [April] p. 50.
Especially on her role in Gary Fleder’s Kiss the Girls.
Fleder, Gary
Judd, Ashley
Kiss the Girls (1997)
Angst ~ Fear
Vest, Jason P.: Future imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the movies. Foreword by Phillip Lopate. - Lincoln, Nebrasca: University of Nebraska Press 2009.
First edition:
[Westport, Connecticut: Praeger 2007.]
Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall, Christian Duguay’s Screamers, Gary Fleder’s Impostor, Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, John Woo’s Paycheck and Richard Linklater’s A Scanner Darkly.
Dick, Philip K[indred]
Scott, Ridley
Verhoeven, Paul
Duguay, Christian
Fleder, Gary
Spielberg, Steven
Wu Su-Yum [Pseudonym: Woo, John]
Linklater, Richard
Blade Runner (1982)
Total Recall (1990)
Screamers (1996)
Impostor (2001)
Minority Report (2002)
Paycheck (2003)
Scanner Darkly, A (2006)
Utopie ~ Utopia
Vest, Jason P.: Future imperfect: Philip K. Dick at the movies. - Westport, Connecticut: Praeger 2007.
Easterbrook, Neil: Print Philip K. Dick on film in print. In: Science Fiction Film and Television 3. 2010. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 107-120.
Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, Paul Verhoeven’s Total Recall, Christian Duguay’s Screamers, Gary Fleder’s Impostor, Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, John Woo’s Paycheck and Richard Linklater’s A Scanner Darkly.
Dick, Philip K[indred]
Scott, Ridley
Verhoeven, Paul
Duguay, Christian
Fleder, Gary
Spielberg, Steven
Wu Su-Yum [Pseudonym: Woo, John]
Linklater, Richard
Blade Runner (1982)
Total Recall (1990)
Screamers (1996)
Impostor (2001)
Minority Report (2002)
Paycheck (2003)
Scanner Darkly, A (2006)
Utopie ~ Utopia
Walters, Ben: Don’t Say a Word. In: Sight and Sound NS 12. 2002. No. 1. [January] p. 41.
Fleder, Gary
Don’t Say a Word (2001)
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