The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: James Bond
number of items: 889
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
A qui appartient James Bond? In: Filméchange 1988. No. 2(42). [?D] pp. 70-71.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Abrams, Jerold J.: The epistemology of James Bond: The logic of abduction. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 157-171.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Adam, Ken / Frayling, Christopher: Ken Adam designs the movies: James Bond and beyond. - New York: Thames & Hudson 2008.
Hemphill, Jim: [untitled.] In: American Cinematographer. Online edition, December 2008.
Adam, Ken
James Bond ~ James Bond
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
Adamovic, M.: Ne dumaj o "Mgnoven’jah" svysoka ... In: Iskusstvo Kino 2002. No. 3. [March] pp. 74-85.
On the representation of the spy in film. Discusses, among others, the James Bond series.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Adams, M.: Bonds turn up every two years but nevertheless the producers are "constantly running scared". In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Adams, M.: Dutch outfit plans James Bond features and animated series. In: Variety 330. 1988. No. ?N. [February 17] pp. 8 ff.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Niederlande ~ Netherlands
James Bond ~ James Bond
Animation ~ Animation
After helming 4 in a row, Glen knows Bonds don’t come cheap. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 58 ff.
Glen, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Die Akte James Bond. Hrsg. von Michael Petzel und Manfred Hobsch. - Berlin: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Albion, Alexis: Wanting to be James Bond. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 202-220.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Alexander, Bryan: Do Bond films have an expiration date? In: Hollywood Reporter 415. 2010. No. 34. [July 27] pp. 1 ff..
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Alion, Yves: La balle au Bond. In: Mensuel du Cinéma 1993. No. 11. [November] p. 12.
On the marketing strategies for the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Allen, Dennis W.: "Alimentary, Dr. Leiter": Anal anxiety in Diamonds Are Forever. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 24-41.
Fleming, Ian
Hamilton, Guy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Allen, Vicky: Goldeneye. In: Sight and Sound NS 5. 1995. No. 12. [December] pp. 12-13.
On the initial sequence of the latest James Bond film created by Danny Kleinman.
Campbell, Martin
Kleinman, Danny
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Alpert, Robert: Skyfall: A mother and her twin boys. In: Jump Cut 2013. No. 55. [Fall] p. 38.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Zwillinge ~ Twins
Mutter ~ Mothers
James Bond ~ James Bond
Alsted, C. / Schmidt, Kaare: John Glen om James Bond. In: Kosmorama 31. 1985. No. 173. [October] pp. 123-124.
Interview with the director on the Bond character in general and especially on his film A View to Kill.
Glen, John
View to Kill, A (1985)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Alter, Ethan: Spectacular 007. In: Film Journal International ?G. 2015. No. ?N. [November] pp. 8-11.
On Sam Mendes’s Spectre.
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Altman, Mark A.: Acting Bond. In: Cinefantastique 19. 1989. No. 5. [?D] pp. 18 ff.
On Timothy Daltons role in John Glen’s Licence to Kill.
Glen, John
Dalton, Timothy
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Altman, Mark A. / Feinleib, Kenneth R. / Rebello, Stephen: James Bond 007 - Licence to Kill. In: Cinefantastique 19. 1989. No. 5. [July] pp. 16-35, 57-58.
Discusses, among others, the work of director John Glen, actors Timothy Dalton, Robert Davi, Carey Lowell and Desmond Llewelyn, scriptwriter Richard Maibaum, producer Albert R. Broccoli and the posters for the previous Bond films. Includes also a short summary of the previous films.
Glen, John
Dalton, Timothy
Davi, Robert
Lowell, Carey
Llewelyn, Desmond
Maibaum, Richard
Broccoli, Albert R.
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Altman, Mark A.: James Bond: Selling the 007 franchise. In: Cinefantastique 21. 1991. No. 4 [?D] pp. 10-11.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Altman, Mark A.: The selling of James Bond. In: Cinefantastique 21. 1991. No. 4. [February] pp. 10-11.
On the history of the heroic character created by Ian Flemming.
Flemming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Amacker, Anna Katherine / Moore, Donna Ashley: "The bitch is dead": Anti-feminist rhetoric in Casino Royale. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Anderson, Patrick: Neocon Bond: The cultural politics of Skyfall. In: Quarterly Review of Film and Video 34. 2017. No. 1. [January] pp. 66-92.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Anez, Nicholas: James Bond (Part 1). In: Films in Review 43. 1992. No. 9/10. [?D] pp. 310-319.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Anez, Nicholas: James Bond (Part 2). In: Films in Review 43. 1992. No. 11/12. [?D] pp. 382-388.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Anez, Nicholas: James Bond (Part 3). In: Films in Review 44. 1993. No. 1/2. [?D] pp. 30-36.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Angelstorf, Leonard / Schmieder, Lydia: Die Persönlichkeit des James Bond. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 47 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ansen, David: Battle of the Bonds. In: Newsweek 152. 2008. No. 21. [November 24]. pp. 58-59.
On Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Antibi, Serge: La Robinsonade au cinema: Robinson Crusoe, Hercule, Tarzan, Jules Verne, James Bond 007. - Toulouse: ?V, Th.doct. 1990.
Verne, Jules
Herkules ~ Hercules
Tarzan ~ Tarzan
Abenteuer ~ Adventure
Robinson Crusoe ~ Robinson Crusoe
James Bond ~ James Bond
Appelbaum, Ralph: Changing course. In: Films and Filming 26. 1980. No. 5(?N). [?D] pp. 20-25.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Armstrong, Vic / Sellers, Robert: The true adventures of the world’s greatest stuntman: My life as Indiana Jones, James Bond, Superman and other movie heroes. Introduction by Steven Spielberg. - London: Titan 2011.
Armstrong, Vic
Spielberg, Steven
Indiana Jones (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Superman (Filmreihe)
Superman ~ Superman
James Bond ~ James Bond
Indiana Jones ~ Indiana Jones
Helden ~ Heros
Abenteuer ~ Adventure
Arnett, Robert P.: Casino Royale and franchise remix: James Bond as superhero. In: Film Criticism 33. 2009. No. 3. [Spring] pp. 1-16.
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Arnold, Frank: Johnny English: Rowan Atkinson in einer 007-Parodie. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 5. [May] pp. 48-49.
Howitt, Peter
Atkinson, Rowan
Johnny English (2003)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Arnold, Frank: Spy Kids 2 - Die Rückkehr der Superspione: Schön lässig: Ein Familienfilm im Fahrwasser von 007. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 1. [January] p. 44.
On Robert Rodriguez’s Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams.
Rodriguez, Robert
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Familie ~ Family
Arp, Robert / Decker, Kevin S.: "That fatal kiss": Bond, ethics, and the objectification of women. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Astrup, Christian Boe: Filmhistoriens mest anvendelige potet. In: Film & Kino ?G. 1989. No. 7. [?D] pp. 32-35.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Astrup, Christian: Boe: James Bonds skrytealbum. In: Film & Kino ?G. 1987. No. 9. [?D] pp. ll-III.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Attolino, Paola: Shaken ... and stirred: Different degrees of "Bondness" through discourse analysis. In: Forms of migration, migrations of forms. Proceedings of the 23rd AIA Conference, Bari, 20-22 September 2007. Vol. 1: Language studies. Edited by Marina Dossena, Annamaria Sportelli and Domenico Torretta. - Bari: Progedit 2009. pp. 145-156.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Aus dem Leben einer Doppel-Null. In: EPD Film 32. 2015. No. 11. [November] pp. 28-34.
On the history of the James Bond filmings.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bachman, G. / Johnston, S.: Male-order movies. In: Stills ?G. 1983. No. 7. [?D] pp. 38-42.
On the history of the James Bond films and especially on Never Say Never Again.
Kershner, Irvin
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Backe, Hans-Joachim: Narrative feedback: Computer games, comics, and the James Bond franchise. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 221 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik: Computer ~ Technology: Computer
Animation: Comics ~ Animation: Comics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bad to the Bond. In: Premiere 16. 2002. No. 3. [November] p. 80ff.
List of Bond villains.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Bahr, Petra: Helden wie ihr: James & Co. - echte Männer im Retrolook. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 12. [December] p. 5.
Männer ~ Men
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barmeyer, Christoph / Scheffer, Jörg: "Mr. Bond, Sie widersetzen sich allen Versuchen, Ihnen einen amüsanten Tod zu bereiten": Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James Bond-Filmen. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 11 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Tod ~ Death
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barmeyer, Christoph / Scheffer, Jörg: "Welcome to Our Culture, Mr. Bond!": Interkulturelle Kompetenz und Fremdheitsdarstellungen in James Bond-Filmen. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 83 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barnes, Alan / Hearn, Marcus: Kiss kiss bang! bang! The unofficial James Bond film companion. Revised and updated edition. - London: Batsford 2000.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barnes, Alan / Hearn, Marcus: Kiss kiss bang! bang! The unofficial James Bond film companion. - London: Batsford 1997.
Chapman, James: [untitled] In: Journal of Popular British Cinema 1999. No. 2. [?D] pp. 160-161.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barnes, Alan / Hearn, Marcus: Kiss kiss bang! bang! The secret history of James Bond. - Woodstock, New York: Overlook Press 1998.
First edition:
[The unofficial James Bond film companion. - London: Batsford 1997]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Baron, Cynthia: Doctor No: Bonding Britishness to racial sovereignty. In: USC Spectator 14. 1994. No. 2. [?D] pp. 68-81.
Young, Terence
Dr. No (1962)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Baron, Cynthia: Doctor No: Bonding Britishness to racial sovereignty. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
Young, Terence
Dr. No (1962)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Barrett, Thomas M.: The undefined agent, Illya Kuryakin: Making the Russian (in)visible in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
Man from UNCLE, The (TV)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Russland ~ Russia
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Baskett, Michael: Japan’s 1960s spy boom: Bond meets imperial nostalgia. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Japan ~ Japan
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Baughan, Nikki: Place your bets In: Film Review 2006. No. 677 [December] pp. 56-58.
Interview with Daniel Craig on his role as James Bond in Martin Campbell’s Casino Royale.
Campbell, Martin
Craig, Daniel
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Baumgarten, Nicole: The secret agent: Film dubbing and the influence of the English language on German communicative preferences: Towards a model for the analysis of language use in visual media. - Hamburg: Universität Hamburg: Dissertation 2005.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Deutschland ~ Germany
Baxter, John: Det var en gang ... eller for evigt. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 6. [?D] pp. 16-21.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Baxter, John: Det var en gång ... eller för evigt? Intellektuellas fascination för James Bond. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 124. [?D] pp. 16-21.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Beale, Lewis: Bond. James Bond. In: Saturday Evening Post 284. 2012. No. 1. [January/February] pp. 42-45.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bedoya, Ricardo: Bond story. In: Hablemos de Cine 14. 1979. No. 70. [?D] pp. 15-16.
On slapstick elements in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Beier, Lars-Olav: Ein Mann wie eine Black Box. In: Der Spiegel 66. 2012. No. 40. [October 1] pp. 124-132.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Beier, Lars-Olav: In Düsternis versunken: Das neue 007-Abenteuer Spectre. In: Der Spiegel 69. 2015. No. 45. [October 31] p. 133.
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Abenteuer ~ Adventure
Beier, Lars-Olav: James Bond wird Mensch. In: Der Spiegel 62. 2008. No. 43. [October 20] pp. 170-171.
On Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Beier, Lars-Olav: Rette die Welt, wer kann. In: kulturSpiegel 2002. No. 10. [October] pp. 24-28.
On new action pastiches in the tradition of the James Bond films. Discusses especially Rob Cohen’s XXX, Jay Roach’s Austin Powers in Goldmember and the new Bond adventure Die Another Day by Lee Tamahori.
Cohen, Rob
Roach, Jay
Tamahori, Lee
James Bond (Filmreihe)
XXX (2002)
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Abenteuer ~ Adventure
Beier, Lars-Olav / Wolf, Martin: Wiedergeburt der Doppel-Null. In: Der Spiegel 60. 2006. No. 46. [November 13] pp. 190-192.
On Martin Campbell’s Casino Royale and the new Bond actor Daniel Craig.
Campbell, Martin
Craig, Daniel
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bénédict, Sébastien: JB for men. In: Cahiers du Cinéma 2002. No. 573. [November] p. 37.
On the body language in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Körper ~ Bodies
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bennett, Tony / Woolacott, Janet: Bond and beyond: The political career of a popular hero. - New York: Methuen 1987.
Discusses also the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bennett, Tony / Woolacott, Janet: Bond and beyond: The political career of a popular hero. - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan 1987. (= Communications and culture.)
Berger, Arthur Asa: Enigmatic 007. In: Journal of Communication 38. 1988. No. 2. [?D] pp. 162-164.
Browne, Ray B.: [untitled] In: Journal of Popular Culture 23. 1989. No. 2. [?D] p. 179.
Discusses also the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Benson, Raymond: Can the cinematic Bond ever be the literary Bond? In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 3 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Benson, Raymond: The James Bond bedside companion. With an introduction by Ernest L. Cuneo. - New York: Galahad Books 1986.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Benson, Raymond: The James Bond bedside companion. With an introduction by Ernest L. Cuneo. Updated edition. - New York: Dodd, Mead 1988.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Benson, Raymond: The James Bond bedside companion. With an introduction by Ernest L. Cuneo. - New York: Dodd, Mead & Company 1984.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Benson, Raymond: The real Bond. In: New York Times, August 9, 1987. Sec. 2. p. 9.
Glen, John
Dalton, Timothy
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Berberich, Christine: At Her Majesty’s service: Bond, Englishness and the subversion of the gentleman ideal. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 105 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Berger, Arthur Asa: Media, myth, and society. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013. (= Palgrave pivot.)
Discusses especially the Oedipus myth, James Bond, Star Wars and fairy tales.
Lucas, George
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales
James Bond ~ James Bond
Star Wars ~ Star Wars
Berger, Jürgen: Notizen zu einer Karriere. In: Production Design: Ken Adam: Meisterwerke der Filmarchitektur. Hrsg. im Auftrag des Verbandes der Szenenbildner, Filmarchitekten und Kostümbildner in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Redaktion: Jürgen Berger. Mit Texten von Donald Albrecht und Georg Seeßlen. - München: Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München 1993. pp. 33-118.
Chronological list of films that Ken Adam worked for; among them Jacques Tourneur’s Night of the Demon, Robert Aldrich’s The Angry Hills, Sodoma e Gomorra by Robert Aldrich and Sergio Leone, Ken Hughes’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Sidney J. Furie’s The Ipcress File, Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s Sleuth, Norman Jewinson’s Agnes of God, John Frankenheimer’s Dead Bang, Barry Sonnenfeld’s The Addams Family Values and the James Bond filme Dr. No by Terence Young, You Only Live Twice, The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker by Lewis Gilbert, Goldfinger and Diamonds are Forever by Guy Hamilton and Thunderball by Terence Young.
Adam, Ken
Tourneur, Jacques
Aldrich, Robert
Leone, Sergio
Young, Terence
Gilbert, Lewis
Hughes, Kenneth
Furie, Sidney J.
Kubrick, Stanley
Hamilton, Guy
Young, Terence
Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Jewison, Norman
Frankenheimer, John
Sonnenfeld, Barry
Night of the Demon / Curse of the Demon (1956)
Angry Hills, The (1959)
Sodoma e Gomorra / Sodome et Gomorrhe (1961)
Dr. No (1962)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
Ipcress File, The (1964)
Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Thunderball (1965)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
Sleuth (1972)
Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977)
Moonraker (1979)
Agnes of Good (1985)
Dead Bang (1989)
Addams Family Values (1993)
Architektur ~ Architecture
James Bond ~ James Bond
Deutschland ~ Germany
Berk, Sheryl: Pierce Brosnan: The real man behind Bond. In: Biography 6. 2002. No. 12. [December] p. 50ff.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bernard, Andreas: Das Prinzip: James-Bond-Darsteller. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin 2005. No. 43. [October 28] p. 46.
On the massiv anticipatory criticsm of the new James Bond actor Daniel Craig.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bertolino, Marco: 007 La morte puù attendere. In: Cineforum 43. 2003. No. ?N(424). [April] pp. 42-43.
On Lee Tamahori’s Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tod ~ Death
Besas, Peter: In Spain they say "si si" to Bond phenom. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 72 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spanien ~ Spain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Die besten Zitate aus James-Bond-Filmen: Für Reden, E-Mails, Gästebuch, zum Vergnügen und zur Erkenntnis: Mit ausführlicher Vorstellung aller Filme. Hrsg. von Siegfried Tesche. 2., aktualisierte Auflage. - Hannover: Humboldt 2010. (= Information & Wissen.)
First edition:
[Die schönsten Zitate aus James-Bond-Filmen. - Baden-Baden: Humboldt 2005.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bethke, Bruce: James Bond: Now more than ever. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 189 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Biddulph, Edward: Modelling Bond: The cultural perception of James Bond on the eve of the Eon production films. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bignell, Jonathan: James Bond’s forgotten beginnings: Television adaptations. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 41-60.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Fernsehen ~ Television
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bignell, Jonathan: Spies, style, and the Cold War: James Bond in the 1960s and 1970s. In: Symbolism 2010. No. 10. [?D] pp. 81-92.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Biodrowski, Steve: Battling Beswick. In: Filmfax 1992. No. 34. [?D] pp. 62-67, 94-95.
Interview with actress Martine Beswick on her roles in the James Bond and in the Hammer films.
Beswick, Martine
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hammer [Firma] ~ Hammer [Company]
Biret, Alice: "Red wine with fish ... Well that should have told me something": Habitus und Stil von James Bond als Stellvertreter der englischen Upper middle class. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 159 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
The birth of BO. In: Vanity Fair 2012. No. 626. [October] pp. 246-258.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Black, Jeremy: The politics of James Bond: From Fleming’s novels to the big screen. - Westport, Connecticut: Praeger 2001.
Chapman, James: [untitled.] In: Scope [Nottingham] 2007. No. 7. [?D] p. ?P.
Fleming, Victor
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Black, Jeremy: The politics of James Bond: From Fleming’s novels to the big screen. - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2005.
Fleming, Victor
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Blauvelt, Christian / Nashawaty, Chris: The movies. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1219. [August 10] pp. 39-44.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Blauvelt, Christian: The Bond universe. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1219. [August 10] pp. 46-47.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Blauvelt, Christian; Nashawaty, Chris: Bond highs & lows. In: Entertainment Weekly 2010. No. 1115. [August 13] pp. 36-39.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böger, Astrid: Zum Sterben schön: Das Bond-Girl als modische Projektionsfläche. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 169 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Kleidung ~ Clothes
Tod ~ Death
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
The Bond affair. Edited by Oreste Del Buono and Umberto Eco. Translated by R. A. Downie. - London: Macdonald & Co. 1966.
First edition:
[Il caso Bond. - Milano: Valentino Bompiani 1965.]
Eco, Umberto
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bond girls: Past and present. In: Biography 6. 2002. No. 12. [December] p. 56ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bond, ... James Bond: 50 Jahre im Geheimdienst ihrer Majestät: Plakate und Fotografien. Museum Folkwang. - Göttingen: Steidl 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Fotografie ~ Photography
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bond, Jeff: Super 007 Sonics. In: Cinefantastique 35. 2003. No. 2. [April/May] p. 10.
On classic James Bond film scores.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bond on TV. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 66.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
Bond, rated. In: Rolling Stone 2012. No. 1170. [November 22] pp. 54-55.
On the history of the James Bond franchise.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bond wars 2. In: Cinefantastique 30. 1998. No. 9/10. [November] p. 5.
On the struggle over the James Bond franchise.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bonset, Michel: Bond gaat digitaal. In: Skrien 32. 2000. No. 8. [October] p. 55.
On a DVD edition with Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Borschke, Alexandra / Strobel, Ricarda: James Bond: Diamantenfieber: Ein Filmtranskript: Diamonds Are Forever. - Siegen: Wissenschaftler-Verlag 1987. (= Filmtranskripte 7.)
Hamilton, Guy
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bourne, Wéland: Analysis of creative opening titles. In: Videomaker 30. 2015. No. 2. [August] pp. 42-46.
Discusses, among others, the title sequences in several "James Bond" films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bouzereau, Laurent: James Bond: L’art d’une légende: Du story-board au grand écran. - ?O: Éditions Flammarion 2006.
Masson, Alain / Niogret, Hubert: [untitled.] In: Positif 2007. No. 551. [January] p. 81.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bouzereau, Laurent: The art of Bond: From storyboard to screen: The creative process behind the James Bond phenomenon. - New York: Abrams 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brabazon, Tara: Britain’s last line of defence: Miss Moneypenny and the desperations of filmic feminism. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brady, Miranda J.: The well-tempered spy: Family, nation, and the female secret agent in Alias. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 111 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Alias (TV)
Frauen ~ Women
Familie ~ Family
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Bratich, Jack Z.: Spies like us: Secret agency and popular occulture. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 133 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Religion: Okkultismus ~ Religion: Occultism
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Brennan, Judy: Broccoli sues over TV 007. In: Variety 347. 1992. No. ?N. [May 4] p. 6.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
Breuning, Ulrich: Navnet er Bond James Bond. In: Levende Billeder 3. 1987. No. ?N. [September 1]. pp. 38-40.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Britton, Wesley: 007 on the turntable: The Bond music off-screen. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Britton, Wesley: Beyond Bond: Spies in fiction and film. - Westport, Connecticut; London: Praeger 2005.
Diskusses also TV films and series.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
Broccoli, Albert R. / Zec, Donald: When the snow melts: The autobiography of Cubby Broccoli. - London: Boxtree 1998.
Autobiography of the James Bond producer.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond ~ James Bond
Broccoli to name Brosnan next 007. In: Variety 323. 1986. No. ?N. [June 4] p. 4.
Broccoli, Albert R.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brockmann, Christian: Niemand ist mein Name: Über Odysseus und James Bond. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 259 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Odysseus ~ Ulysses
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brosnan, John: James Bond in the cinema. - London, Tantivy Press / South Brunswick: A. S. Barnes 1972.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brosnan, John: James Bond in the cinema. 2nd. edition. - London, Tantivy Press / San Diego, California: A. S. Barnes 1981.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brosnan, Pierce: Pierce Brosnan’s 007 diary. - London: Boxtree 1997.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brosnan’s role as Bond in jeopardy as "Steele" revived. In: Variety 323. 1986. No. ?D. [July 16] pp. 5 ff.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brun, Frederic: James Bond Girls. - Hamburg: Edel Germany 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brunckhorst, Inga: Gentleman’s girls and guns: James Bond und die Frauen. - Marburg: Tectum Verlag 2009.
On the representation of women and men in James Bond films. Discusses especially Terence Young’s From Russia with Love, John Glen’s Licence to Kill, and Lee Tamahori’s Die Another Day.
Young, Terence
Glen, John
Tamahori, Lee
From Russia with Love (1963)
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Brusberg-Kiermeier, Stefani / Greve, Werner: Die Evolution des James Bond: Facetten einer vielgestaltigen Entwicklungsgeschichte. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 7 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Brusberg-Kiermeier, Stefani: Stabilität und Wandel am Beispiel von James Bonds selbstverschuldeter Mündigkeit. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 77 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bryce, Allan: Many happy returns. In: Photoplay 38. 1987. No. ?N. [July] pp. 32-39.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Buckley, Christopher: One too many. In: Newsweek 159. 2012. No. 13/14. [March 26]. p. 27.
On the Martini in U.S. popular culture, especially in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Alkohol ~ Alcohol
Nahrung ~ Food
James Bond ~ James Bond
Buder, Bernd: Super-Agent K9. In: Film-Dienst 61. 2008. No. 22. [October 23] p. 35.
On Bülent Isbileni’s Turkish James Bond persiflage Süper ajan K9.
Isbileni, Bülent
Süper ajan K9 (2008)
Türkei ~ Turkey (Country)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Buendia, Patrice: Dans le James Bond. In: Le suspence au cinéma. Dirigée par Jean Bessalel et André Gardies. (= Cinémaction 1994. No. 71. [?D]) pp. 102-111.
On suspense elements in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Burgess, Susan: Gender and sexuality politics in the James Bond film series: Cultural origins of gay inclusion in the U.S military. - In: Polity 47. 2015. No. 2. [?D] pp. 225-248.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Burlingame, Jon: The music of James Bond. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Bussens, Marc / Pede, Ronnie: 007 Bond, James Bond ... maakt bet al 40 jaar bont! / Die Another Day: Traditiegetrouw wervelend amusement. In: Film en Televisie 2002. No. 527. [December] pp. 15-22.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Butterfield, Elizabeth: Being-towards-death and taking pleasure in beauty: James Bond and existentialism. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 3-15.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Tod ~ Death
Existentialismus ~ Existentialism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Byungju Shin / Gon Namkung: Films and cultural hegemony: American hegemony "outside" and "inside" the 007 movie series. In: Asian Perspective 32. 2008. No. 2. [?D] pp. 115-143.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Asien ~ Asia
Politik ~ Politics
Cammuso, Frank / Seely, Hart: Oldfinger. In: The New Yorker 1993. No. ?N. [June 21] p. 102.
Humoristic stuff on the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Caplen, Robert A.: Shaken & stirred: The feminism of James Bond. - Bloomington, Indiana: Xlibris 2010.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Cappi, Andrea Carlo / Coffrini dell’Orto, Edward: Mondo Bond: Tutto quanto fa 007. - Bologna: PuntoZero 1999. (= Punto spot 5.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cappi, Andrea Carlo / Coffrini, Edward: James Bond 007: 50 anni di un mito. Introduzione di Piera Detassis. - Milano: Oscar Mondadori 2002. (= Oscar varia.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cappi, Andrea Carlo: Why do we still want to be James Bond? In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 155 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Caps, John: Sound and vision: James Bond. In: Film Comment 39. 2003. No. 2. [March/April] p. 16.
On the music for the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Carcassonne, Philippe: Bond vs. Bond. In: Cinématographe 1983. No. 94. [?D] p. 26.
Compares the two James Bond films Octopussy and Never Say Never Again.
Glen, John
Kershner, Irvin
Octopussy (1983)
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Carlo, Cappi, Andrea / Coffrini Dell’Orto, Edward: Mito Bond: Il nuovo cinema di 007. Con interventi di Raymond Benson [et al.]. - Milano: Alacrán 2008. (= Gli albi.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Casablanca, Ted: For his eyes only. In: Premiere 9. 1995. No. ?N. [December] pp. 67-68.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Augen ~ Eyes
Il caso Bond. A cura di Oreste del Buono e Umberto Eco. - Milano: Valentino Bompiani 1965.
Eco, Umberto
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Castiel, Élie / Chaput, Luc / Ranger, Pierre: James Bond 007. In: Séquences ?G. 2006/2007. No. 246. [November-January] pp. 31-37.
Special section.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Catania, Alessandro: Bond. Just Bond: Transforming Daniel Craig 007’s (un)popular narratives into high-pop entertainment. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 93 ff.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cawthorne, Nigel: A brief guide to James Bond. - London: Robinson / Philadelphia: Running Press 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: A licence to thrill. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: A short history of Bond: The texts of Casino Royale. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 11 ff.
Brown, William H.
Guest, Val
Hughes, Kenneth
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (1954)
Casino Royale (1967)
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: Afterword: "Reflections in a double Bourbon". In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: Bond and Britishness. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 129-143.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: Från Goldeneye till Die Another Day: James Bonds återkomst. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 124. [?D] pp. 8-15.
On the Bond films in which Pierce Brosnan played the title role.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: James Bond and the end of Empire. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 203-222.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: Licence [sic] to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - New York: Columbia University Press 2000.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: License to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - New York: Columbia University Press 2000.
First edition:
[London: Tauris 1999]
Cull, Nicholas J. [untitled] In: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 20. 2000. No. 2. [June] pp. 265-266.
Tapp, Tom: [untitled] In: Variety 378. 2000. No. ?N. [April 3/9] p. 44.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chapman, James: License to thrill: A cultural history of the James Bond films. - London: Tauris 1999. (= Cinema and society.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
CHAPMAN, JAMES: Hitchcock and Bond. In: Hitchcock Annual 19. 2014. pp. 153-180.
Hitchcock, Alfred
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chase, Donald: Albert R. Broccoli. In: Millimeter 16. 1988. No. ?N. [January] pp. 93-94.
Broccoli, Albert R.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Chenille, Vincent: Variations sur le James Bond theme. - ?O: Editions l’Harmattan 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Christinidis, Georgia: Britishness and popularity: Narrative, formula and verisimilitude in the James Bond films and Doctor Who. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 81 ff.
Doctor Who (TV)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Clarke, Roger: Premium Bond. In: Sight and Sound NS 18. 2008. No. 11. [November] p. 11.
Interview with director Marc Forster on Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Claydon, E. Anna: Bonded to the series: Musical style, performance and the 007 theme song. In: The Soundtrack 7. 2014. No. 2. [October] pp. 105-118.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cockburn, Alexander: James Bond at 25. In: American Film 12. 1987. No. 9. [July/August] pp. 26-31, 59.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cohn, L.: Broccoli Bonds spawned imitators. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 62 ff.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Collis, Clark: 007: Behind the scenes. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1219. [August 10] pp. 48-55.
Set reports from several James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Comentale, Edward P.: Fleming’s company man: James Bond and the management of modernism. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Condon, Richard: James and us - 25 years and the Bond survives. In: New York Times, May 10, 1987. Sec. 2. pp. 17 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Conforti, Angelo: L’ultimo Bond nega se stesso. In: Cineforum 21. 1981. No. ?N(210). [?D] pp. 20-25.
On James Bond in literature and film.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Literatur ~ Literature
James Bond ~ James Bond
Conrad, Andreas: Das Rätsel des Spectre. In: Der Tagesspiegel [Berlin]. December 5, 2014. p. 32.
On the first announcement presentation of Sam Mendes’s James Bond movie Spectre.
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Coopman, Jeremy.: 007: A license to print money for Warner Home Video in Europe. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 70.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Video ~ Video
James Bond ~ James Bond
Europa ~ Europe
Cordemann, Martin: Sie sind durchschaut, Mr. Bond! Alle 007-Filme, kritisch aufs Korn genommen. - München: neobooks Self-Publishing 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / d’Abo, Maryam: Bond girls are forever. - London: Boxtree 2003.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Scivally, Bruce: James Bond: Die Legende von 007. - Bern; München; Wien: Scherz 2002.
First edition:
[James Bond: The legacy. - London: Boxtree 2002]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Scivally, Bruce: James Bond: The legacy. - London: Boxtree 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Scivally, Bruce: James Bond: The legacy. - New York: Abrams 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Stutz, Collin: James Bond encyclopedia. - New York: DK Publishing 2007.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Stutz, Collin: James Bond encyclopedia. Revised edition. - New York: DK Publishing 2009.
First edition:
Hemphill, Jim: [untitled.] In: American Cinematographer. Online edition, December 2009.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cork, John / Stutz, Collin: James-Bond-Enzyklopädie. Aus dem Englischen von Edigna Hackelsberger. - München: Dorling Kindersley 2008.
First edition:
[James Bond encyclopedia.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Corliss, Richard: Bond keeps up his silver streak. In: Time 130. 1987. No. ?N. [August 10] pp. 54-55.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cortesi, Mario: James Bond, Belmondo et cie: Le livre du cinéma européen. - Neuchatel: Édition Avanti 1983.
Belmondo, Jean-Paul
James Bond ~ James Bond
Europa ~ Europe
Cortesi, Mario: James Bond, Belmondo und Co: Das Buch des europäischen Films. - Neuenburg: Avanti Verlag 1983.
Belmondo, Jean-Paul
James Bond ~ James Bond
Europa ~ Europe
Costello, A. J.: Innovation yielding to convention: Music’s role in establishing Eon’s James Bond formula. - Liverpool: University of Liverpool, M.Phil. 2008. [Abstract in: Index to Theses with Abstracts 58-13953.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cousins, Mark: Spy games. In: Sight and Sound NS 26. 2016. No. 1. [January] p. 13.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cox, John: The sexual subtext of 007. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 13 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Coyte, Derek: Bond promo machine cranks up same time as the script writers. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 59 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cross, Robert: Ian Fleming’s refashioning of the English gentleman in From Russia, With Love. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Young, Terence
From Russia with Love (1963)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Kleidung ~ Clothes
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Cuenca, José Ignacio / Tejero, Juan: James Bond: La obra definitiva sobre el agente 007. - Madrid: Ed. JC 1998.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Daas, Martha: Ian Fleming’s solitaire: The voodoo virgin dethroned. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Religion: Voodoo ~ Religion: Voodoo
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dailey, Erin / Elliott, Harry: "My name is Coochie McPantsless, what’s Yours?" In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 81 ff.
On the Bond girls.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dalton new Bond; on list for years. In: Variety 324. 1986. No. ?N. [August 13] pp. 5 ff.
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dams, Tim: Secrets of Spectre. In: Televisual 2015. No. ?N. [December] pp. 49-54.
On the special effects for Sam Mendes’s James Bond movie.
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Daub, Arian / Kronengold, Charles: The James Bond songs: Pop anthems of late capitalism. - ?O: Oxford University Press 2015.
Hubai, Gergely: Bond songs: The writing in the book. In: Film Score Monthly 20. 2015. No. 10. [October] pp. 75-91.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
de Kock, Ivo: DVD aanraders. In: Film en Televisie 2000. No. 505. [October] pp. 44-45.
On a DVD edition with James Bond films
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
De Kosnik, Abigail: M stands for mother: James Bond and Freudian family romance in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 145 ff.
Campbell, Martin
Forster, Marc
Freud, Sigmund
Casino Royale (2006)
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Mutter ~ Mothers
Familie ~ Family
James Bond ~ James Bond
Debruge, Peter: Bond’s evolution is a sign of the times. In: Variety 428. 2012. No. 12. [October 29] pp. 20 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dehn, Peter: Mein Name ist Hesse, Horst Hesse. In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 63. 2009. No. 27. [July 3] p. 17.
On the East-Berlin actor Alfred Müller and his role as superagent in the GDR James Bond version For Eyes Only.
Müller, Alfred
Veiczi, János
For Eyes Only (1963)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Berlin ~ Berlin
Delpeut, Peter: Geheim agent 007 in het volle daglicht. In: Skrien 1987. No. 155. [September/October] pp. 11-13.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Delson, J.: Art directors: Ken Adam. In: Film Comment 18. 1982. No. 1. [January/February] pp. 36-42, 50.
Especially on the James Bond films.
Adam, Ken
James Bond ~ James Bond
Demichael, Tom: James Bond FAQ: All that’s left to know about everyone’s favorite superspy. - Montclair, New Jersey: Applause Theatre & Cinema Books 2013.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dempsey, Ray: Bonding by the numbers. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 49 ff.
Discusses the endless question: What is the best Bond movie of all times?
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mathematik ~ Mathematics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dench, Judi: And furthermore: As told to John Miller. - New York: St. Martin’s Press 2011.
On the actress and her role as "M" in the James Bond films.
Dench, Judith Olivia
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Derichs, Lothar: Er schuf den legendären sexy Bond-Sound. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 7. [July] p. 56.
On the composer John Barry.
Barry, John
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Diak, Nicholas: Permission to kill: Exploring Italy’s 1960s Eurospy phenomenon. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Italien ~ Italy
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
DiLeo, Michael: The spy who thrilled us: A guide to the best of the cinematic James Bond. - New York: Limelight 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dimauro, Phil: Broccoli Bonds have spawned 5 top-ten hits. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 59 ff.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dobrotvorskij, S. [et al.]: Spion, prisedsij s holodnoj vojny. In: Iskusstvo Kino 1996. No. 6. [?D] pp. 80-87.
On James Bond films, especially on Goldeneye.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dodds, Kathrin / Weiner, Robert G.: James Bond audiography. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dodds, Klaus / Funnell, Lisa: "The man with the Midas touch": The haptic geographies of James Bond’s body. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 43. 2015. No. 3. [?D] pp. 121-135.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Körper ~ Bodies
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dodds, Klaus: Shaking and stirring James Bond: Age, gender, and resilience in Skyfall (2012). In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 42. 2014. No. 3. [?D] pp. 116-130.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dodds, Klaus: The resilient agent: James Bond, "nostalgic geopolitics" and Skyfall. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 223-242.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Spione ~ Spys
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Doense, Jan: Amsterdamned: Director Dick Maas mixes Jaws, James Bond and Jason to concoct a horrofic Dutch treat. In: Cinefantastique 19. 1989. No. 3. [March] pp. 15, 58.
Maas, Dick
Amsterdamned (1988)
Jaws (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Nightmare on Elm Street, A (Filmreihe)
Niederlande ~ Netherlands
James Bond ~ James Bond
Doherty, Tom: Giammarco, David / Jones, Alan / Spottswood, Stephen: Tomorrow Never Dies. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1998. No. 9. [January] pp. 16-31, 60-61.
Articles on the film. Discusses, among others, the work of Roger Spottiswoode, Pierce Brosnan, Michael G. Wilson, Jonathan Pryce and the Bond creator Ian Flemming.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Brosnan, Pierce
Wilson, Michael G.
Pryce, Jonathan
Flemming, Ian
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dompke, Christoph: xXx - Triple X: Rob Cohen und Vin Diesel fordern 007 heraus. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 10. [October] p. 50.
Cohen, Rob
Diesel, Vin
XXX (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond: 50 years of movie posters. Consultant editor: Dennis Gassner. - London; New York: DK Publishing 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond, Geheimagent 007. Aus dem Englischen von Claudia Panzacchi. - München: Doring Kindersley 2000.
First edition:
[James Bond: The secret world of 007. - London: Dorling Kindersley 2000]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond, Geheimagent 007. Aus dem Englischen von Claudia Panzacchi. - Starnberg: Coventgarden 2009.
First edition:
[James Bond: The secret world of 007. - London: Dorling Kindersley 2000]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond: The secret world of 007. - London; New York: Dorling Kindersley 2000.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond: The secret world of 007. Revised edition. - London; New York: Dorling Kindersley 2006.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dougall, Alastair: James Bond: The secret world of 007. 3rd edition. - London; New York: Dorling Kindersley 2008.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Douglas, Alastair: James Bond - Geheimagent 007. Mit Illustrationen von Roger Stewart. Aus dem Englischen von Claudia Panzacchi. - Starnberg: Coventgarden 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dowd, Maureen: He works hard at being James Bond. In: New York Times, May 26, 1985. Sec. 2. p. 11.
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dr. No. In: Sight and Sound NS 5. 1995. No. 12. [December] pp. 10-11.
On the title sequence of the James Bond film, created by Maurice Binder.
Young, Terence
Binder, Maurice
Dr. No (1962)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dreyer, Anna-Lena: Der Wandel der Figur James Bond - oder wie James Bond sich an die aktuelle Männlichkeit anpasst. - Hamburg: Diplomica-Verlag 2011.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Du fric en frac. In: La Revue du Cinéma 1987. No. 430. [?D] pp. 17-18.
On the commercial success of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wirtschaft ~ Economy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Duchovnay, Geral: Sean Connery reconfigured: From Bond to cult science fiction figure. In: Science fiction double feature: The science fiction film as cult text. Edited by J. P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay. - Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2015. (= Liverpool science fiction texts and studies 52.) p. ?P.
Connery, Sean
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Duemila 007: Piccola enciclopedia James Bond. In: Segnocinema 27. 2007. No. 144. [March/April] pp. 14-33.
Special section.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Durant, Philippe: Les James Bond girls: Les 230 créatures de rêve et un agent 007. - Paris: Dreamland Edition 1999. (= Ciné légendes 2/3.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Traum ~ Dreams
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dursin, Andy / Kendall, Lukas: Bondmania! In: Film Score Monthly ?G. 1995. No. ?N(63). [November] pp. 11-14.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Musik ~ Music
Dutz, Britni: James Bond and the evolution of the gaze through female spectatorship. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dyer, Jay: 007 and Hitchcock. In: Dyer, Jay: Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, cults and symbols in film. - Waterville, Oregon: Trine Day LLC 2016. p. ?P.
Hitchcock, Alfred
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Early, Gerald: Jungle fever Ian Fleming’s James Bond novels, the Cold War, and Jamaica. In: New Letters 72. 2005/2006. No. 1. [?D] pp. 172-198.
Discusses also the Bond films.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dschungel ~ Jungle
Earnshaw, Tony: James Bonds många ansikten. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 124. [?D] pp. 22-27.
On the Bond films and the underlying novels by Ian Fleming.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Eaton, Shirley: Golden girl. - ?O: B. T. Batsford 1999.
Roddick, Nick: [untitled] In: Sight and Sound NS 10. 2000. No. 2. [February] p. 36.
On the life and career of the Goldfinger actress.
Eaton, Shirley
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ebinger, Inken: Ein romantischer Actionfilm mit einem Hauch James Bond: Double Team. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 12(35). [December] pp. 46-47.
Xu Ke [Pseudonym: Tsui Hark]
Double Team (1997)
Romantik ~ Romanticism
Action ~ Action
James Bond ~ James Bond
Eby, Douglas: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me: Director Jay Roach on spoofing the Bond formula. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 7. [August] pp. 48-49.
Roach, Jay
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Eder, Martin: Das Kulturzwiebel-Modell von Geert Hofstede angewendet auf die Welt von James Bond. - München: GRIN Verlag 2014.
Hofstede, Geert
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Eon is the one but others had a go at Bond. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 70.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Erlinger, Hans Dieter / Reifenrath, Tanja: Der Superheld: 007 jagt Dr. No (1962). In: Fischer Filmgeschichte. Band 4: Zwischen Tradition und Neuorientierung 1961-1976. Hrsg. von Werner Faulstich und Helmut Korte. - Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag 1992. (= Fischer Taschenbuch 4494.) pp. 55-67.
On the classic James Bond filming starring Sean Connery.
Young, Terence
Connery, Sean
Dr. No (1962)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Everschor, Franz: Daniel Craig 007: Ein neuer, raubeiniger James Bond. In: Film-Dienst 58. 2005. No. 23. [November 10] pp. 48-49.
On the new James Bond actor and his role in Casino Royale.
Craig, Daniel
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Everschor, Franz: Hollywood spricht über ... James Bond. In: Film-Dienst 64. 2011. No. 3. [February 3] p. 43.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Evin, Guillaume: Goldmaker: Comment James Bond est devenu le plus gros succès de l’histoire du cinéma. - Paris: Fayard 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Evin, Guillaume: James Bond est éternel: 50 ans de cinéma, 50 histoires secrètes de l’agent 007. Préface de Roger Moore. - Paris: Moment 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gent ~ Gent
Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Faulstich, Werner / Strobel, Ricarda: Innovation und Schema: Medienästhetische Untersuchungen zu den Bestsellern "James Bond", Airport, Und Jimmy ging zum Regenbogen, Love Story und Der Pate. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1987. (= Buchwissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München 20.)
Compares the underlying novels with the filmings.
Fleming, Ian
Hailey, Arthur
Simmel, Johannes Mario
Segal, Erich Wolf
Puzo, Mario
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Airport (Literatur ~ Literature)
Und Jimmy ging zum Regenbogen (Literatur ~ Literature)
Love Story (Literatur ~ Literature)
Godfather, The (Literatur ~ Literature)
Faulstich, Werner / Strobel, Richarda: James Bond im Medien-Produktverbund. In: Text transfers: Probleme intermedialer Übersetzung. Hrsg. von Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich. - Münster: Nodus Publikationen 1987. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Literatur ~ Literature
Faunce, Rob: "The gay Bond" or "Bond goes camping". In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fear, Bob: Therapeutic visions: James Bond, Stanley Kubrick, Captain Kirk, and George Lucas. In: Architectural Design 70. 2000. No. 1. [January] pp. 86-95.
On the importance of architecture and design for the science fiction film. Discusses especially the work of Ken Adam and Matthew Priestman for the James Bond films, Nicholas Grimshaw’s work for Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Anton Markus Pasing’s work for Irvin Kershner’s The Empire Strikes Back and the design for the Star Trek and Star Wars films.
Adam, Ken
Priestman, Matthew
Grimshaw, Nicholas
Kubrick, Stanley
Pasing, Anton Markus
Kershner, Irvin
Lucas, George
James Bond (Filmreihe)
2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)
Star Wars Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back / Empire Strikes Back, The (1980/1997)
Star Trek (Filmreihe)
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
James Bond ~ James Bond
Architektur ~ Architecture
Feldman, Christine Jacqueline: Austin Powers: Reinventing the myth of mod spies and swingers. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 53 ff.
Austin Powers (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Ferguson, Ken / Hadley-Garcia, George: Introducing the new James Bond. In: Photoplay 37. 1986. No. ?N. [November] pp. 4-6.
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ferreras, Daniel F.: James Bond 007 and the name of the order. In: Popular Culture Review 20. 2009. No. 1. [?D] pp. 23-33.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fiegel, Eddie: John Barry: A sixties theme - From James Bond to Midnight Cowboy. - London: Boxtree 2001.
KS: [untitled.] In: Sight and Sound NS 12. 2002. No. 5. [May] p. 32.
Barry, John
Schlesinger, John
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
James Bond ~ James Bond
For his eyes only: The women of James Bond. Edited by Lisa Funnell. - ?O: Columbia University Press 2015.
Burton, Llewella: [untitled.] In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 13. 2016. No. 3. [July] pp. 508-510.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Augen ~ Eyes
Fordham, Joe: Casino Royale: Back to basics. In: Cinefex 2007. No. 108. [January] pp. 52-58, 61-64, 67-73, 132, 134.
On the special effects by "Peerless Camera Company" and the work of special effects supervisors Chris Corbould and Steven Begg, of stunt coordinator Gary Powell and of actor Daniel Craig for the latest Bond movie.
Campbell, Martin
Corbould, Chris
Begg, Steve
Powell, Gary
Craig, Daniel
Casino Royale (2006)
Peerless Camera Company [Firma] ~ Peerless Camera Company [Company]
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fordham, Joe: Quantum leap: Quantum of Solace. In: Cinefex 2009. No. 116. [January] p. 30-49.
On the special effects by Double Negative, The Moving Picture Company, Framestore, Machine and MK12 for Marc Forster’s latest James Bond movie. Discusses especially the work of visual effects designer Kevin Tod Haug and special effects supervisor Chris Corbould.
Forster, Marc
Haug, Kevin Tod
Corbould, Chris
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
MK12 [Firma] ~ MK12 [Company]
Machine FX [Firma] ~ Machine FX [Company]
Framestore CFC [Firma] ~ Framestore CFC [Company]
Moving Picture Company, The [Firma] ~ Moving Picture Company, The [Company]
Double Negative [Firma] ~ Double Negative [Company]
Forsberg, Myra: Rolling the 007’s. In: New York Times, May 10, 1987. Sec. 2. p. 17.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Forster, Greg: "Just a stupid policeman": Bond and the rule of law. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 121-137.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Justiz ~ Justice
Polizei ~ Police
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Foulkes, Nick / McInerney, Jay / Norman, Neil / Sullivan, Nick: Dressed to kill: James Bond, the suited hero. - Paris: Édition Flammarion 1996.
Chapman, James: [untitled] In: Journal of Popular British Cinema 1999. No. 2. [?D] pp. 160-161.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fowler, Dirk: James Bond posters: An art professor’s personal view. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Freedland, Michael: Sean Connery. Von James Bond zu Bruder William. - München: Heyne 1995. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 225.)
First edition:
[London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1994]
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frenk, Joachim / Krug, Christian: Introduction: James Bond and multiplicity. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 1 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
50 Jahre James Bond. - Hamburg: Gruner + Jahr 2012. (= Stern, Edition 2012, 2.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Funnell, L.: Negotiating shifts in feminism: The "bad" girls of James Bond. In: Women on screen: Feminism and femininity in visual culture. Edited by Melanie Waters. - Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Funnell, Lisa: "I know where you keep your gun": Daniel Craig as the Bond-Bond girl hybrid in Casino Royale. In: Journal of Popular Culture 44. 2011. No. 3. [June] pp. 455-472.
Campbell, Martin
Craig, Daniel
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Männer ~ Men
Funnell, Lisa: The Bond girl phenomenon: Defining the female protagonists of the James Bond films. - St. Catharines, Ontario: Brock University, M.A. 2005. [Abstract in: Masters Abstracts International 44. 2006. No. 4. p. 1549.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Fussfeld Cohen, Orit: The digital action image of James Bond. In: Quarterly Review of Film and Video 33. 2016. No. 2. [February/March] pp. 101-121.
On the representation of masculinity in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik: Computer ~ Technology: Computer
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Gaine, Vincent M.: "Not now that strength:" Embodiment and globalisation in post-9/11 James Bond. In: American cinema in the shadow of 9/11. Edited by Terence McSweeney. - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2017. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Globalisierung ~ Globalization
Politik ~ Politics
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Gajewski, G.: James Bond - Prometeusz skomercjalizowany. In: Iluzjon 1987. No. 4(28). [?D] pp. 28-34, 60-63.
On cultural myths and their representation in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Prometheus ~ Prometheus
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gajic, Alexander: Die Marke des Helden. In: EPD Film 25. 2008. No. 11. [November] pp. 18-23.
Reflections on product placement in film, especially in the James Bond films, on occasion of the German release of Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Deutschland ~ Germany
Garcia, Santiago: Oh, James! In: El Amante Cine 12. 2003. No. ?N. [February] pp. 16-19.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Garland, Tony W.: "The coldest weapon of all": The Bond girl villain in James Bond films. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 37. 2009. No. 4. [Winter] pp. 179-188.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Gassner, Dennis: James Bond - 50 Jahre Filmplakate. - München: Dorling Kindersley 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Georgy, H.: Was James Bond so erfolgreich macht. - Bonn: Rausch VBS 1991.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gergely, Hubai: Recapturing the Midas touch: A critical reading of the Bond songs’ chart positions. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gerle, Jörg: In (zu) großen Fußstapfen: Bonds Musik. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 22. [October 29] p. 14.
On the music for the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gerle, Jörg: Lizenz zum Sammeln: Die "007-DVD-Special-Edition". In: Film-Dienst 53. 2000. No. 26. [December 19] p. 39.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Getachew, Mahlete-Tsige: How to live (and how to die). In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Giammarco, David: For your eyes only: Behind the scenes of the James Bond films. - Toronto, Ontario: ECW Press / Chicago: Independent Publishers Group 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Giammarco, David / Handley, Rich / Jones, Alan: The World Is Not Enough. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 36-55.
Articles on the James Bond film. Discusses, among others, the work of director Michael Apted, producer Michael G. Wilson, stunt director Vic Armstrong, actors Pierce Brosnan, Robert Carlyle and Desmond Llewelyn, former Bond actors Sean Connery and George Lazenby and on the underlying novels by Ian Fleming.
Apted, Michael
Wilson, Michael G.
Armstrong, Vic
Brosnan, Pierce
Carlyle, Robert
Llewelyn, Desmond
Connery, Sean
Lazenby, George
Fleming, Ian
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Literatur ~ Literature
James Bond ~ James Bond
Giammarco, David: Sean Connery. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 50-51.
On Connery’s role as agent 007 in the James Bond films.
Connery, Sean
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Giardina, Natasha: Agent 007 performance review. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 125 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gibson, Suzie: James Bond and the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty - Carnal life: Shaken, not stirred. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gifford, Clive: So you think you know James Bond. - London: Hodder Children’s 2006.
Quiz book.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gilbey, Ryan: Emotional bond. In: South China Morning Post [HK], November 6, 2008. p. C6.
On director Marc Forster’s doubts of making the the James Bond film Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gilligan, Sarah: Branding the new Bond: Daniel Craig and designer fashion. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Kleidung ~ Clothes
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gilroy, D.: Aston-Martin revs imagination. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 70 ff.
On the cars in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Glen, John / Hearn, Marcus: For my eyes only. - London: Batsford 2001.
Autobiography of the "James Bond" director.
Glen, John
James Bond ~ James Bond
Augen ~ Eyes
Glombitza, Birgit: Stirb an einem anderen Tag: Mit Leidensmiene: Der Jubiläums-Bond. In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 12. [December] p. 42.
On Lee Tamahori’s Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Goethals, Piet: Kort en Bond-ig: James Bond & Ian Fleming geanalyseerd. In: Film en Televisie 1988. No. 372/373. [May/June] pp. 38-39.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Goggin, Joyce: 007 does Vegas: The diamond standard and experience economies. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 65 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wirtschaft ~ Economy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Goggin, Joyce: Live and Let Die: The Tarot as other in the 007 universe. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 143-162.
Hamilton, Guy
Live and Let Die (1973)
Tarot ~ Tarot
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gold, Richard: Ekland and St. John recollect days as the girls in Bond’s arms. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 58 ff.
Ekland, Britt
St. John, Jill
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Grant, Charles: Blown away by Bond. In: Sight and Sound NS 17. 2007. No. 1. [January] p. 8.
On the boxoffice for the new James Bond Casino Royale and on actor Daniel Craig.
Craig, Daniel
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Graser, Marc: All the world, shaken and stirred. In: Variety 427. 2012. No. 1. [May 14] pp. 56 ff..
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gray, James: Voici pourquoi Timothy Dalton est le James Bond ideal! In: Cine-Tele-Revue ?G. 1986. No. 34. [August 21] pp. 10-11.
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Greinacher, Udo: James Bond - a true modernist? In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gresh, Lois H. / Weinberg, Robert E.: Die Wissenschaft bei James Bond. Aus dem Amerikan. von Joachim Körber. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH-Verlag 2009.
First edition:
[The science of James Bond. 2006.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Technik ~ Technology
Gresh, Lois H. / Weinberg, Robert: James Bond gadgets. In: The enlightened bracketologist: The final four of everything. Edited by Mark Reiter and Richard Sandomir. - New York: Bloomsbury / Holtzbrinck Publishers 2007. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gresh, Lois H. / Weinberg, Robert: The science of James Bond: From bullets to bowler hats to boat jumps, the real technology behind 007’s fabulous films. - Hoboken, New Jersey: J. Wiley & Sons 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Technik ~ Technology
Schiffe ~ Ships
James Bond ~ James Bond
Greve, Werner: James Bond - Fluide Identität. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 25 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Greve, Werner: James Bond 007: Agent des Zeitgeistes. - Göttingen; Bristol, Connecticut: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2012.
Lämmlin, Georg: Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt! In: Praktische Theologie 49. 2014. No. 2. [?D] pp. 124-126.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Politik ~ Politics
Der große James-Bond-Atlas: Alle Filme, Schauplätze & Hintergründe. Hrsg. vom Bertelsmann Lexikon-Institut. Redaktion: Armin Sinnwell. - Gütersloh; München: Wissen-Media-Verlag 2008.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Grünkemeier, Ellen: Das kleine Bond-Buch: From cultural studies with love. - Marburg: Schüren 2007.
Siebert, Jan: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2008. No. 2. pp. 192-193.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Guider, Elizabeth: Bond ambition brings 007 to TV. In: Variety 346. 1992. No. ?N. [January 27] pp. 1 ff.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
Gurin, Philip: The James Bond trivia quiz book. - New York: Arbour House 1984. (= Priam Books.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gutiérrez, Peter: Bond & beyond. In: Screen Education 2013. No. 69. [Autumn] pp. 56-61.
On secret agents in film.
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gutmann, Hans-Martin: Opfer und Erlösung im Blockbuster-Film. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 281 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Religion ~ Religion
Opfer ~ Sacrifice
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Habsburg-Lothringen, Eduard: James Bond in 60 Minuten. - München; Wien: Thiele 2008. (= Die Welt in 60 Minuten.)
On the history of the James Bond novels and films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Habsburg-Lothringen, Eduard: James Bond in 60 Minuten: Staunen im Stundentakt. Hrsg. von Jonathan Byron. - München : Piper ebooks 2013. (= Die Welt in 60 Minuten.)
First edition:
On the history of the James Bond novels and films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hackfurth, Jörg: Bond ist nicht hier - Ein Nachwort: Ein Quantum Trost. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, November 2008.
On Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hagopian, Kevin J.: Flint and satyriasis: The Bond parodies of the 1960s. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 21 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Humor ~ Humor
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Haining, Peter: James Bond: A celebration. - London: Planet 1987.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hairapetian, Marc: Simply the Best. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 4. [February 14] p. 26.
On a CD edition of several James Bond title songs.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Halloran, Vivian: Tropical Bond. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hampel, Susanne / Zillessen, Stefanie: "White face in Harlem, good thinking Bond!": Der "westliche Blick": Eine kritische Analyse des Bond-Films Live and Let Die. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 181 ff.
Hamilton, Guy
Live and Let Die (1973)
Gute, Das ~ Good
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Handley, Rich: George Lazenby. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 54-55.
On Lazenby’s role as agent 007 in the James Bond films.
Lazenby, George
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Handley, Rich: Novelizing James Bond. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 52-53.
On the filmings of Ian Flemings fictional character.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Harcks, Arne: Ein neuer Prototyp des Agentenhelden? James Bond - Casino Royale, eine figurtheoretische Analyse. - München: GRIN Verlag 2012.
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Harder, Bernd: Der Bond-Appeal. - München: Knaur-Taschenbuch-Verlag 2008. (= Knaur 78066.)
On lifestyle in James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Harder, Bernd: Der Bond-Appeal: 007 - Alles über den Spion, den wir lieben. - München: Knaur eBook 2010.
First edition:
On lifestyle in James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Harder, Bernd: Der Bond-Appeal: Von Bond lernen, heißt siegen lernen. - München: dotbooks Verlag 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hartleb, Xenia: James Bond 007 Goldeneye zwischen Neukonzeptionierung und Reminiszenz. - München: GRIN Verlag 2001.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Have a look; new books paying homage to hero Fleming wrought. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 68.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Hay, James: Statecraft, spycraft, and spacecraft: The political career (and craft) of a popular hero in outer space. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 163 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Weltraum ~ Space
Politik ~ Politics
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Hearn, Marcus: The secret history of James Bond. - Richmond: Reynolds & Hearn 2001.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hechelhammer, Bodo: Der Bundesnachrichtendienst und das Filmprojekt Mr. Dynamit: "Jedenfalls kommt der BND ganz groß raus...". - Berlin: Bundesnachrichtendienst 2014. (= Mitteilungen der Forschungs- und Arbeitsgruppe "Geschichte des BND" 7.)
On the participation of German Federal Intelligence Service "Bundesnachrichtendienst" in Franz Josef Gottlieb’s James-Bond-style film project Mister Dynamit - morgen küßt Euch der Tod.
Gottlieb, Franz Josef
Mister Dynamit - morgen küßt Euch der Tod (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Deutschland ~ Germany
Spione ~ Spys
Hedegaard, Erik: Daniel Craig blows his cover. In: Rolling Stone 2012. No. 1170. [November 22] pp. 48-53.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Held, Jacob M.: "Don’t You men know any other way?" Punishment beyond retributivism and deterrence. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hepp, Andreas: Cultural Studies: Medientexte und Kontexte: Ein Beitrag zur Interpretationsdebatte um Terminator 2. In: Medien Praktisch 21. 1997. No. 2. [April] pp. 42-47.
On the hero figure in Terminator 2 and in the James Bond films. Includes a bibliography.
Cameron, James
Terminator II - Judgement Day (1991)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hernu, Sandy: Q: The biography of Desmond Llewelyn. - Seaford: S. B. Publishing 1999.
Llewelyn, Desmond
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: James Bond 007, livre officiel. Avant-propos de Albert R. Broccoli. - Paris: Ramsay 1987.
Spehner, Norbert: [untitled] In: 24 Images 1988. No. 38. [Summer] p. 81.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: My name is ... James Bond. In: Films and Filming ?G. 1987. No. ?N(394). [July] pp. 22-25.
A 25 year history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: The making of Licence to Kill. - London: Hamlyn 1989.
On the James Bond film.
Glen, John
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: The official James Bond 007 movie book: Special 25 anniversary edition. - New York: Crown Publications 1987.
Kimmel, Daniel M.: [untitled] In: Variety 328. 1987. No. ?N. [July 29] p. 132.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: The official James Bond movie book. - Twickenham: Hamlyn 1987.
Sibley, A.: [untitled] In: Films and Filming ?G. 1987. No. ?N(394). [July] p. 46.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: The official James Bond movie book. Revised edition - London: Hamlyn 1989.
First edition:
Brownlie, Tom: [untitled] In: Film [London] 1989. No. 27. [September] p. 8.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hibbin, Sally: The official James Bond movie book. Revised edition. - New York: Crown Publishing 1989.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hickethier, Knut: Macht über die Zeit und Gewalt über den Blick: James Bond als Paradigma moderner Aufmerksamkeitsorganisation. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 131 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Zeit ~ Time
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Gewalt ~ Violence
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hillhouse, Raelynn: "I knew Julius No. Julius No was a friend of mine: Osama, you are no Dr. No." In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 145 ff.
bin Laden, Osama
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hines, Claire: "Shaken, not stirred"? James Bond, "Playboy" and changing gender roles in the 1960s. - Southampton: University of Southampton, Ph.D. 2004. [Abstract in: Index to Theses with Abstracts 54. 2005. No. 6. p. 1624(54-12474).]
Discusses especially the first Bond film cycle: Terence Young’s Dr. No, From Russia with Love and Thunderball, Guy Hamilton’s Goldfinger and Lewis Gilbert’s You Only Live Twice. Contains also a detailed analysis of the role of Sean Connery as agent 007.
Young, Terence
Hamilton, Guy
Gilbert, Lewis
Connery, Sean
Dr. No (1962)
From Russia with Love (1963)
Thunderball (1965)
Goldfinger (1964)
You Only Live Twice (1967)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hines, Claire: For his eyes only? Men’s magazines and the curse of the Bond girl. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hines, Claire: How to be Bond: 007 / Daniel Craig, masculinity and British men’s lifestyle magazines. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 159 ff.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Männer ~ Men
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hines, Claire: The playboy and James Bond: 007, Ian Fleming and Playboy Magazine. - Manchester: Manchester University Press 2018.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hirsch, Tibor: Idon kivuli idoutazo. In: Filmvilag 43. 2000. No. 8. [?D] pp. 6-9.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hirshey, Gerri: Meet the new Bond. In: Rolling Stone 1987. No. 504/505. [July 16] pp. 37-39.
On Timothy Dalton’s role als James Bond in John Glen’s The Living Daylights.
Glen, John
Dalton, Timothy
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hobbs, Lucinda: The evolution of M in the latest Bond franchise instalments: Skyfall and Spectre. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 243-263.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Spectre (2015)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Höbel, Wolfgang: Unser Mann im Hades: In Skyfall taucht James Bond ins Jenseits ab und feiert furiose Auferstehung. In: Der Spiegel 66. 2012. No. 44. [October 29] p. 142.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hoberman, James: When Dr. No met Dr. Strangelove. In: Sight and Sound NS 3. 1993. No. 12. [December] pp. 16-21.
On the representation of the Cold War in US films of the Kennedy era, especially on the James Bond movie by Terence Young, the grotesquerie by Stanley Kubrik and on John Frankenheimer’s The Manchurian Candidate.
Young, Terence
Kubrick, Stanley
Frankenheimer, John
Kennedy, John F[itzgerald]
Dr. No (1962)
Dr. Strangelove Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1963)
Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hobsch, Manfred / Morgenstern, Danny: James Bond XXL. Two volumes (A-K / L-Z). - Berlin: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf 2006.
Encyclopedia of the Bond novels and films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hochscherf, Tobias: Bond for the age of global crises: 007 in the Daniel Craig era. In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 10. 2013. No. 2. [?D] pp. 298-320.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Politik ~ Politics
Holderness, Graham: You only live twice: A tale of two Bonds. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 23-40.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hollinger, Hy: Hand-picked Bond marketeers keep 007 under spotlight. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Honor roll of Bond girls. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 72.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hope-Jones, Mark: Forging a Bond. In: American Cinematographer 89. 2008. No. 11. [November] pp. 28-31, 33-41.
On Roberto Scchaefers camera work for Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Scchaefer, Roberto
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hopkins, David: Remixed, not stirred: Ripping off / riffing off James Bond in sixities Japan. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Japan ~ Japan
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hovey, Jaime: Lesbian bondage, or Why dykes like 007. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 42-54.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hoxha, Tim: The masculinity of James Bond: Sexism, misogyny, racism, and the female character. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Ethnie ~ Ethnicity
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Männer ~ Men
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hubai, Gergely: Quantum of strangeness. In: Film Score Monthly 17. 2012. No. 11. [November] p. 15.
On CD editions of several James Bond scores.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hüetlin, Thomas: Antifaschistische Playboys. In: Der Spiegel 69. 2015. No. 45. [October 31] pp. 130-132, 134.
On spies Johnny Jebsen and Dusan Popov, role models for the James Bond character.
Jebsen, Johnny
Popov, Dusan
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Faschismus ~ Fascism
Hügel, Hans-Otto: Lob des Mainstreams: Zu Begriff und Geschichte von Unterhaltung und populärer Kultur. - Köln: Halem 2007.
Includes chapters on the James Bond character in literature and film and on Diethard Klante’s filming of Viktor von Scheffel’s novel Ekkehard.
Scheffel, Viktor von
Klante, Diethard
Ekkehard (1990)
Literatur ~ Literature
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ekkehard (Literatur ~ Literature)
Hügel, Hans-Otto: Spieler und Spion - eleganter Profi und Mann von Welt: Zur Geschichte und Einheit der Figur James Bond. In: Montage/AV 8. 1999. No. 2. pp. 7-28.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hülsen, Isabell / Tuma, Thomas: "Wir sind ein Alptraum". In: Der Spiegel 62. 2008. No. 43. [October 20] pp. 172-174.
Interview with the producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson on the history of the Bond films and especially on Marc Forster’s latest Bond movie Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Broccoli, Barbara
Wilson, Michael G.
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Traum ~ Dreams
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humberg, Christian / Schumacher, Jens: BONDify your life: Wie man(n) Bomben entschärft, Frauen aufreißt und nebenbei die Welt rettet. - Ludwigsburg: Cross cult 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Hunt, Kristen: Beyond the spiral barrel: A critical history of dance in the James Bond films. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Tanz ~ Dance
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hunter, I. Q.: Mess and meta-mess: Casino Royale (1967). In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 127-141.
Guest, Val
Hughes, Kenneth
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Casino Royale (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hye Seung Chung: From Die Another Day to "another day": The South Korean anti-007 movement and regional nationalism in post- Cold War Asia. In: Spectator 27. 2007. No. 2. [Fall] pp. 64-78.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
Krieg ~ War
Korea ~ Korea
James Bond ~ James Bond
Asien ~ Asia
Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005.
Black, Jeremy: [untitled] In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 2. 2005. No. 2. [?D] pp. 365-367.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Iversen, Gunnar: James Bond pa alvor. In: Film & Kino ?G. 1987. No. 9. [?D] p. ll.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jacke, Andreas: "Mein Name ist Bond - James Bond": Eine filmpsychoanalytische Studie. - Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jaffe, Aaron: James Bond, meta-brand. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 87-106.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jakob, Nina / Landes, Andreas / Schatz, Andreas: "Mr. Bond, you can’t kill my dreams. But my dreams can kill you": Von der Fiktion in die Realität: Die politische Macht der James Bond-Filme. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 57 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Traum ~ Dreams
Politik ~ Politics
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond (2)007: Anatomie d’un mythe populaire. Sous la direction de Françoise Hache-Bissette, Fabien Boully et Vincent Chenille. - Paris: Belin 2007.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond 007: De Goldfinger a Goldeneye. Textes de Jay McInerney [et al.]. - Paris: Édition Flammarion 1996.
Ginis, Pierre: [untitled] In: Ciné-Fiches de Grand Angle ?G. 1997. No. 203. [April] p. 59.
Hamilton, Guy
Campbell, Martin
Goldfinger (1964)
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond 007. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey. 3. Auflage. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1995.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond 16 will be based at Mexico City studio. In: Variety 330. 1988. No. ?N. [February 24] p. 454.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mexiko ~ Mexico
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond a major Zeman: Ideologizující vzorce vyprávení. Sestavil a redigoval Petr A. Bílek. - Pri bram: Pistorius & Olsanská / Litomysl: Paseka 2007. (= Edice Scholares 14.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.)
Planka, Sabine: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2013. No. 3. pp. 352-357.
Sarkhosh, Keyvan: [untitled.] In: Komparatistik 2013/2014. pp. 175-181.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Das James Bond Archiv. Hrsg. von Paul Duncan. Neue Ausgabe. - Köln: Taschen 2012.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Das James Bond Archiv: 007. Hrsg. von Paul Duncan. - Köln: Taschen 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Das James Bond Archiv: Spectre Edition: - Köln: Taschen 2015:
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
The James Bond archives. Edited by Paul Duncan. - Köln: Taschen 2012.
Newman, Kim: [untitled.] In: Sight and Sound NS 23. 2013. No. 2. [February] p. 124.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond at 40. In: Variety 388. 2002. No. 13. [November 11] pp. A1-A16.
Especially on Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond: Eroe con stile: Da Goldfinger a Goldeneye. Testi di Jay McInerney [et al.] - Firenze: Octavo 1996.
First edition:
[Dressed to kill. - Paris: Édition Flammarion 1996]
Hamilton, Guy
Campbell, Martin
Goldfinger (1964)
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
The James Bond films (1980-1989). In: The dreamweavers: Interviews with fantasy filmmakers of the 1980s. By Lee Goldberg, Randy Lofficier, Jean-Marc Lofficier and William Rabkin. Foreword by Marv Wolfman. - Jefferson, North Carolina; London: McFarland & Company 1995. pp. 164-191.
Includes interviews with Michael Wilson and Timothy Dalton on John Glen’s The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill.
Wilson, Michael
Dalton, Timothy
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Fantasy ~ Fantasy
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond films’ performance. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 84.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. Second edition. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press 2009.
Black, Jeremy: [untitled.] In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 7. 2010. No. 2. [?D] pp. 348-349.
Bolton, Lucy: [untitled.] In: Film-Philosophy 15. 2011. No. 1. [?D] pp. 278-282.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003.
Lancaster, David: [untitled] In: Film & History 34. 2004. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 82-83.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond: Spieler und Spion: Begleit- und Lesebuch zur Ausstellung im Roemer-Museum Hildesheim. Hrsg. von Hans-Otto Hügel und Johannes von Moltke. - Hildesheim: Gerstenberg 1998. (= Ausstellungsbuch des Roemer- und Pilzaeus-Museums.)
Becker, Jens P.: [untitled] In: Medienwissenschaft 1999. No. 4. pp. 456-458.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Hildesheim ~ Hildesheim
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond, Spieler und Spion: Begleit- und Lesebuch zur Ausstellung "James Bond: Die Welt des 007". Hrsg. von Hans-Otto Hügel und Johannes von Moltke. - Hildesheim: Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum 1998.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
James, Hugh: Bond vs. Bond. In: Cinefantastique 14. 1984. No. 3. [March] pp. 4-5.
On the conflict over the film rights for the Bond character created by author Ian Flemming.
Flemming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Justiz ~ Justice
James Bond ~ James Bond
Die James-Bond-Filme. - Nürnberg: Filmverlag Peter Schmidl 1996. (= Phantopia-Portrait 18.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Janz, Tobias: Soundtrack des Mythos: Zum musikalischen Design der James Bond-Filme. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 185 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jenkins, Tricia: James Bond’s "Pussy" and the Anglo-American Cold War sexuality. In: Journal of American Culture 28. 2005. No. 3. [?D] pp. 309-317.
On the representation of women and sexuality in Guy Hamilton’s Goldfinger.
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Jessen, Kai: Pierce Brosnan: Mehr als James Bond. - München: Heyne 1998. (= Heyne Mini 1422.)
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
jög: James Bond - die 70er Jahre. In: Film-Dienst 54. 2001. No. 10. [May 8] p. 38.
On several DVD editions.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Johnson, Brian D.: Daniel Craig in conversation with Brian D. Johnson. In: Maclean’s 125. 2012. No. 42. [October 29] pp. 14-16.
Craig, Daniel
Mendes, Sam
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Johnston, Jessica / Rennschmid, Andrea / Weber, Reinhard: Roger Moore ... mehr als nur James Bond. - Landshut: Weber 2002.
Kriest, Ulrich: Von Indianern, Agenten und Soldaten. In: Film-Dienst 56. 2003. No. 12. [June 3] p. 39.
Moore, Roger
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jones, Alan: Bond girls from the ’90s: Goldeneye: Famke Janssen and Izabella Scorupco on playing 007’s latest femmes fatale. In: Cinefantastique 27. 1995. No. 2. [November] pp. 6-7.
Campbell, Martin
Janssen, Famke
Scorupco, Izabella
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Jones, Alan: Goldeneye 007. In: Cinefantastique 27. 1995. No. 3. [?D] pp. 14-19, 22-25.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jones, Alan: Haunted: Bond-director Lewis Gilbert films James Herbert’s ghost story. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1997. No. 4/5. [October] pp. 90-92.
Gilbert, Lewis
Herbert, James
Haunted (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Geister ~ Ghosts
Jones, Alan: James Bond: Pierce Brosnan. In: Cinefantastique 31. 1999. No. 9. [December] pp. 32-35.
On Brosnan’s role in Michael Apted’s The World is Not Enough.
Brosnan, Pierce
Apted, Michael
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jones, Alan: The return of James Bond: Goldeneye. In: Cinefantastique 26/27. 1995. No. 6/1. [October] pp. 6-7.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jones, Alan: Tomorrow Never Dies: Pierce Brosnan returns as James Bond, battling British baddie Jonathan Pryce. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1997. No. 8. [December] pp. 8-9.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Brosnan, Pierce
Pryce, Jonathan
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Jordan, Matthew: Tween Rockwell and Orwell: The re-culturing of paranoia in the Spy Kids films. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 77 ff.
Rodriguez, Robert
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spy Kids (Filmreihe)
Wahnsinn ~ Madness
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Juroe, Charles: Launching Sean required blonde, brunette, redhead. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 58.
Connery, Sean
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Just, Dagmar: Mit Leid zur Leitfigur: Durch Werther zu Bond. In: Literatur als Skandal: Fälle - Funktionen - Folgen. Hrsg. von Stefan Neuhaus und Johann Holzner. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2007. pp. 429-438.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Leiden des jungen Werthers, Die (Literatur ~ Literature)
Literatur ~ Literature
Just, Margarita D.: Der Gral: Aus den Archiven der EON-Productions. In: Montage/AV 8. 1999. No. 2. pp. 42-50.
Three letters from candidates for the role of "Miss Moneypenny" in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Religion: Gral ~ Religion: Grail
Kaderábková, Jana: James Bond na internetu. In: Film a Doba 46. 2000. No. 2. [Summer] pp. 90-92.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Internet ~ Internet
Kam, Tan See: Shaw Brothers’ bangpian: Global Bondmania, cosmopolitan dreaming and cultural nationalism. In: Screen 56. 2015. No. 2. [Summer] pp. 195-213.
On the "bangpian" films, inspired by the James Bond series.
Traum ~ Dreams
James Bond ~ James Bond
Shaw Brothers [Firma] ~ Shaw Brothers [Company]
Kanis, Anton: Merken maken de man: Product placement in de Bond-films. In: Skrien 38. 2006. No. 10. [December] pp. 40-41.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kapsis, Robert E.: Hitchcock in the James Bond era. In: Studies in Popular Culture 11. 1988. No. 1. [?D] pp. 64-79.
Discusses especially Alfred Hitchcock’s Marnie, Topaz and Torn Curtain.
Hitchcock, Alfred
Marnie (1963/1964)
Topaz (1968)
Torn Curtain (1966)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Karasek, Hellmuth: 007 im freien Flug. In: Der Spiegel 49. 1995. No. 51. [18. Fezember] pp. 174-179.
On the new James Bond film Goldeneye by Martin Campbell and on its main actor Pierce Brosnan.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Keller, J. R. K.: Bond pics sit near the top of Scandinavian b.o. ladder. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 72 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Skandinavien ~ Scandinavia
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kelm, Nuschi Natalie: Warum James Bond nicht ohne Marken und die Marken nicht ohne James Bond auskommen. - München: GRIN Verlag 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kemp, Philip: Beyond Bond. In: Sight and Sound NS 19. 2009. No. 10. [October] p. 8.
On the British spy thriller.
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Kenny, Glenn: On golden Bond. In: Premiere 16. 2002. No. 3. [November] p. 77ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kindred, Jack: Longrun German 007 affair; latest looks no different. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 66.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Deutschland ~ Germany
Kirchner, Susanne: Mögliche Aspekte des Erfolges der James-Bond-Filme. - Wien: Universität Wien, Diplom-Arbeit 1993.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kirkham, Pat: Dots & sickles. In: Sight and Sound NS 5. 1995. No. 12. [December] pp. 10-12.
On Maurice Binder who created the Bond title sequence.
Binder, Maurice
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kissling-Koch, Petra: Macht(t)räume: Der Production Designer Ken Adam und die James-Bond-Filme. - Berlin: Bertz und Fischer 2012. (= Medien/Kultur 4.)
Planka, Sabine: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2013. No. 3. pp. 352-357.
Adam, Ken
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Klasen, Marisa: James Bond 007 Goldfinger - Eine Analyse anhand der feministischen Filmtheorie - Die Inzenierung und narrative Funktion der Bond-Girls. - München: GRIN Verlag 2005.
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Klein, Alexander: 50 years of From Russia With Love. In: Film Score Monthly 18. 2013. No. 12. [December] pp. 63-79.
On John Barry’s score for the James Bond film.
Young, Terence
Barry, John
From Russia with Love (1963)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Musik ~ Music
Klein, Terrance W.: Unbreakable Bond. In: America: The National Catholic Weekly 207. 2012. No. 17. [December 10] pp. 27-30.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Klein, Thomas: Roger Moore (14.10.1927-23.5.2017). In: Film-Dienst 70. 2017. No. 13. [June 22] p. 26.
Moore, Roger
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kleiner, Felicitas: 110 Prozent Bond ... und ein versierter Charakterdarsteller: Daniel Craig. In: Film-Dienst 60. 2007. No. 26. [December 20] pp. 6-8.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kleiner, Felicitas: Erschüttert, nicht gerührt. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 22. [October 29] pp. 10-15.
Discusses how actor Daniel Craig changed the image of the Bond character in his James Bond films.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kleiner, Felicitas: Spectre: 007-Spektakel mit nostalgischen Untertönen. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 23. [November 12] p. 46.
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kluger, Garry: Vide007: "Playboy’s" guide to Bond on tape. In: Playboy 36. 1989. No. ?N. [August] pp. 132-133.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die Akte James Bond: Die Billy-Kocian-Fotocollection der klassischen James-Bond-Filme mit Sean Connery und Roger Moore, mit vielen bislang unveröffentlichten Fotografien von den Dreharbeiten der James-Bond-Filme. Herausgegeben von Michael Petzel und Manfred Hobsch. - Berlin: Schwarzkop & Schwarzkopf 2002.
Connery, Sean
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Fotografie ~ Photography
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. - München: Heyne 1982. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 2. erweiterte Auflage. - München: Heyne 1984. (= Heyne-Bücher 32 / Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 3. erweiterte Auflage. - München: Heyne 1986. (= Heyne-Bücher 32 / Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 4. erweiterte Auflage. - München: Heyne 1987. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 5. erweiterte Auflage. - München: Heyne 1989. (= Heyne-Bücher 32 / Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 6. Auflage. - München: Heyne 1991. (= Heyne-Bücher 32 / Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kocian, Erich: Die James-Bond-Filme. 8. erweiterte Auflage. - München: Heyne 1997. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 44.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Köhler, Heinz-Jürgen / Wulff, Hans J.: Bond in Angst und Schmerzen: Szenenspannung, Szenenauflösung und die Charakteristik des Helden. In: Montage/AV 8. 1999. No. 2. pp. 29-41.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Angst ~ Fear
Konrath, J. A.: DON’T PRESS THAT BUTTON! In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 73 ff.
On the best gadgets shown in a Bond movie.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kopp, Dennis: Bond als Idee - Bond in Aktion. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 155 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Korte, Barbara: (Re-)Bonded to Britain: The meta-heroic discourse of Skyfall (2012). - In: helden. heroes. héros. 2014. No. 1. [?D] pp. 68-77.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Korte, Barbara: Spion. - Freiburg: Universität Freiburg 2018. (= Compendium heroicum: das Online-Lexikon des Sonderforschungsbereichs 948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen".)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Korte, Barbara: Tough or tongue in cheek? Heroic performances of Bond from page to screen. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 25 ff.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Körte, Barbara: Bond und das Heroische - Von Flemings Romanen zu Skyfall. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 107 ff.
Mendes, Sam
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Skyfall (2012)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kosolapov, Mikhail: Bond - mifogeneticeskij analiz. In: Iskusstvo Kino 2000. No. 4. [April] pp. 52-58.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kowalski, Dean A.: The new millennium Bond and yin-yang Chinese cosmology. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 215-227.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
China ~ China
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kruger, D.: 007 oeuvre in Oz earns $A60-mil from cinemagoers. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 72 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Krüger, Cord: "Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!": 007s Widersacher und die Transnationalisierung des Bösen. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 122 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond ~ James Bond
Krummenacher, Adrian: "To live and let die": Sprichwörter, Redensarten und Zitate in den James-Bond-Filmen. In: Sprichwörter sind Goldes Wert: Parömiologische Studien zu Kultur, Literatur und Medien. Hrsg. von Wolfgang Mieder. - Burlington, Vermont: University of Vermont 2007. (= Proverbium, Supplement 24.) pp. 127-152.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Literatur ~ Literature
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kulbarsch-Wilke, Julia: Frauen, Politik und Action - das Phänomen der James-Bond-Spielfilmreihe im Spiegel der Zeit: Eine Analyse der Filme im Zeitraum von 1962 bis 2006. - Hamburg: Diplomica-Verlag 2009.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Action ~ Action
Kulbarsch-Wilke, Julia: James Bond und der "Zeitgeist": Eine Filmreihe zwischen Politik und Popkultur. - Münster; New York: Waxmann 2016.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kung, Michelle / Svetkey, Benjamine: He’s Bond. He’s blond. Get used to it! In: Entertainment Weekly 2006. No. 870. [March 31] pp. 11-13.]
On James Bond actor Daniel Craig.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Kutzera, Dale: Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: "Our man Bashir": Trek goes 007 as the doctor goes undercover in Bob Gillan’s salute to 1960s secret agent films. In: Cinefantastique 28. 1996. No. 4/5. [November] pp. 32-34.
Gillan, Bob
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine (TV)
Star Trek (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Krankheit ~ Illness
Landa, Ishay: James Bond: A Nietzschean for the Cold War. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
Nietzsche, Friedrich
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Krieg ~ War
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lane, Andy / Simpson, Paul: The Bond files: The unofficial guide to the world’s greatest secret agent. Expanded and updated edition. - London: Virgin 2002.
First edition:
[The Bond files: The unofficial guide to Ian Fleming’s James Bond. - London: Virgin 1998]
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lane, Andy / Simpson, Paul: The Bond files: The unofficial guide to Ian Fleming’s James Bond. - London: Virgin 1998.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lane, Andy / Simpson, Paul: The Bond files: The unofficial guide to Ian Fleming’s James Bond. Revised and updated edition. - London: Virgin 2000.
First edition:
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Laqué, Stephan: "Any thug can kill": James Bond’s education and the question of evil. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 129 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Pädagogik ~ Paedagogy
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lavington, Steve / Smith, Jim: Bond films. - London: Virgin 2002. (= Virgin film.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lawrence, John Shelton: The American superhero genes of James Bond. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lawrenson, Edward: Bond for beginners. In: Sight and Sound NS 12. 2002. No. 11. [November] pp. 16-19.
On Die Another Day, includes an interview with Lee Tamahori.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Le Gall, Michel / Taliaferro, Charles: Bond as chivalric, comic hero. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 95-108.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Animation: Comics ~ Animation: Comics
Helden ~ Heros
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Leach, Jim: "The world has changed": Bond in the 1990s - and beyond? In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Leach, Jim: The spymaster who loved me: M and the gender dynamics of the Bond phenomenon. In: Beauty and the abject: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Edited by Leslie Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici and Ernesto Virgulti. - New York; Frankfurt/Main: Lang 2007. (= Studies on themes and motifs in literature 88.) pp. 225-233.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lee, Nora: 007 sharks get personal cameraman. In: American Cinematographer 70. 1989. No. 8. [August] pp. 28-33.
On John Glen’s Licence to Kill.
Glen, John
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lee, Nora: 007 x 4 - John Richardson. In: Cinefex 1988. No. 33. [February] pp. 4-23.
On the special effects artist and his work for the Bond films of the 1980s.
Richardson, John
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lee, Nora: John Glen has long Bond history. In: American Cinematographer 68. 1987. No. 7. [July] pp. 67-72.
Especially on Glen’s The Living Daylights.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lee, Nora: New Bond fills bill in The Living Daylights. In: American Cinematographer 68. 1987. No. 7. [July] pp. 56-64.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lee, Nora: Production design for that Bond look. In: American Cinematographer 70. 1989. No. 8. [August] pp. 52-57.
On John Glen’s Licence to Kill.
Glen, John
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lemieux, Philippe: L’agent le moins secret. In: Ciné-Bulles 21. 2003. No. 1. [Winter] pp. 49-53.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lemke, Cordula: "Shaken, and not stirred": James Bond’s emotions. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 115 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lewis, Michael: The ultimate James Bond trivia book. - Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing 1996. (= A Citadel Press Book.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lindner, Christoph: 007’s nasty habit of surviving: The future of James Bond scholarship. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 265 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lindner, Christoph: A Bond affair: The cultural politics of Ian Fleming and 007. In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 1. 2004. No. 1. [?D] pp. 96-99.
On a 2003 conference held at the Indiana University in Bloomington on the work of Bond creator Ian Fleming.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lindner, Christoph: Why size matters. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lipp, Deborah: The ultimate James Bond fan book. - New York: Sterling & Ross 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lisa, Philip / Pfeiffer, Lee: The incredible world of 007: An authorized celebration of James Bond. - London: Boxtree 1992.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lisa, Philip / Pfeiffer, Lee: The incredible world of 007: An authorized celebration of James Bond. 2. updated edition. - London: Boxtree 1995.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lisa, Philip / Pfeiffer, Lee: The incredible world of 007: An authorized celebration of James Bond. 2. updated edition. - Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing 1995. (= A Citadel Press Book.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
The little book of Bond: Classic 007 quotes. Quotations selected by Emma Marriott, Dan Newman and David Wilson. - London: Boxtree 2001.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lovece, Frank: Skyfall rising. In: Film Journal International 115. 2012. No. 11. [November] pp. 8-10.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lünnemann, Ole: Vom kalten Krieg bis Perestroika: James Bond - Ein Filmagent zwischen Entspannung und Konfrontation: Eine inhaltsanalytische Studie zur Reflex- und Kontrollhypothese. - Münster: Universität Münster, Institut für Publizistik, Magisterarbeit ?J (1993/1994).
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lünnemann, Ole: Vom Kalten Krieg bis Perestroika: James Bond: Ein Filmagent zwischen Entspannung und Konfrontation: Eine inhaltsanalytische Studie zur Reflex- und Kontrollhypothese. - Münster; Hamburg: Lit Verlag 1993. (= Beiträge zur Kommunikationstheorie 2.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Lyall, Sarah: Spy games with Daniel Craig: Getting at the elusive actor. In: International Herald Tribune, October 29, 2008. p. 20.
On Craigs role as 007 James Bond, especially in the latest Bond movie Quantum of Solace by Marc Forster.
Craig, Daniel
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Macintyre, Ben: For your eyes only: Ian Fleming and James Bond. - London: Bloomsbury 2008.
Chotiner, Isaac: [untitled.] In: The Times Literary Supplement, July 18, 2008. p. 27.
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey: [untitled.] In: New York Review of Books 55. 2008. No. 13. pp. 22-24.
Companion book for an exhibition at the Imperial War Museum in London.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
London ~ London
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Augen ~ Eyes
Macnab, Geoffrey: Before Bond. In: Sight and Sound NS 2. 1992. No. 6. [October] p. 32.
On Sean Connery’s career and on his first appearance as James Bond in Dr. No.
Connery, Sean
Dr. No (1962)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Macnab, Geoffrey: The spy returns. In: Sight and Sound NS 6. 1996. No. 1. [January] p. 62.
On a new British video edition with James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Video ~ Video
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Madden, Karl: The melancholy touch: Romantic shades of John Barry’s Bond. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Romantik ~ Romanticism
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Magid, Ron: 007 takes the CG plunge. In: American Cinematographer 83. 2002. No. 11. [November] p. 42.
On the special effects for Lee Tamahori’s James Bond film Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Magid, Ron: Paging 007. In: American Cinematographer 80. 1999. No. 12. [December] pp. 60-62, 65-73.
On the special effects for the James Bond film The World is Not Enough, especially on the camera work of Adrian Biddle.
Apted, Michael
Biddle, Adrian
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Magid, Ron: Vic Armstrong: Thrill-Seeker. In: American Cinematographer 80. 1999. No. 12. [December] p. 64.
On the stuntman and his work for the James Bond film The World is Not Enough.
Armstrong, Vic
Apted, Michael
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mangodt, Daniel: John Barry. In: Soundtrack: The Collector’s Quarterly 15. 1996. No. 58. [?D] pp. 21-23.
Interview with the composer on his work for the James Bond films.
Barry, John
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mangodt, Daniel: Leslie Bricusse. In: Soundtrack: The Collector’s Quarterly 15. 1996. No. 58. [?D] pp. 24-25.
Interview with the songwriter who worked for several James Bond films as well as for Richard Fleischer’s Doctor Doolittle, Steven Spielberg’s Hook and Richard Donner’s Superman.
Bricusse, Leslie
Fleischer, Richard
Spielberg, Steven
Donner, Richard
Doctor Dolittle (1966)
Hook (1991)
Superman (1978)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Manning, Craig: License to joke: Parody and camp in and around the James Bond series. In: Film Matters 4. 2013. No. 2. [Summer] pp. 17-23.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Manning, Maria: Futile attraction. In: New Statesman & Society 3. 1990. No. ?N. [October 12] pp. 12-13.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mannsperger, Georg: "Die Wirklichkeit finde ich ziemlich langweilig": Ken Adam und das Set Design der Bond-Filme. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 150 ff.
Adam, Ken
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mannsperger, Georg: Eine Nummer - sechs Darsteller: Die unterschiedlichen Typologien des 007. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 36 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mannsperger, Georg: James Bond will return: Der serielle Charakter der James-Bond-Filme: Wiederkehrende Elemente in 40 Jahren Action-Kino. - Mainz: Universität Mainz, Dissertation 2003.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Marano, Michael: Dalton’s gang. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 101 ff.
Discusses the question: Who was the best Bond actor so far?
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Marhos, Louis: Nobody does it better. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 163 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Marquardt, Jutta: Der James Bond-Film: Ein modernes Märchen. - Marburg: Universität Marburg, Fachbereich 9: Institut für Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Magisterarbeit 1988.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales
James Bond ~ James Bond
Marti, Michael / Wälty, Peter: James Bond und die Schweiz. - Basel: Echtzeit-Verlag 2008.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Schweiz ~ Switzerland
James Bond ~ James Bond
Martin, Kevin H.: Falling for Bond. In: International Cinematographers Guild Magazine 79. 2008. No. 11. [November] pp. 58-62.
Om the special effects for Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Martini, Emanuela: Mai direbond. In: Cineforum 36. 1996. No. ?N(351). [January/February] pp. 30-39.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mathews, John J.: Bond on DVD. In: Scarlet Street 2000. No. 40. [?D] pp. 60 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
McCarthy, Todd: Harry Saltzman recalls early coolness to Bond features. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
Saltzman, Harry
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
McCarthy, Todd: The accent’s on F/X as Brosnan & Berry Bond. In: Variety 389. 2002. No. 1. [November 18] pp. 23, 26.
On Lee Tamahori’s Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Brosnan, Pierce
Die Another Day (2002)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mcclure, Daniel: Defining, re-defining colonial legacies in film: Live and Let Die, The Harder They Come, and the cultural geographies of early 1970s Jamaica. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Hamilton, Guy
Henzell, Perry
Live and Let Die (1973)
The Harder They Come (1972)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mcdermott, Mark R.: "He strikes Thun-n-n-nder-r-r-r-BALL-L-L-L-L-L!": The place of the James Bond theme song. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
McGowan, Philip: The games Bond plays. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
McGrath, Charles: Centennial Fleming and perennial Bond. In: International Herald Tribune, June 4, 2008. p. 9.
On Ian Fleming and the history of the Bond filming.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mcguigan, Cathleen: Bond at 25: back to basics. In: Newsweek 110. 1987. No. ?N. [July 27]. pp. 56-57.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
McKay, Sinclair: The man with the golden touch: How the Bond films conquered the world. - London: Aurum 2008.
Purdon, J. J.: [untitled.] In: The Times Literary Supplement, March 20, 2009. p. 29.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
McKinney, William J.: James Bond and the philosophy of technology: It’s more than just the gadgets of Q branch. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 187-197.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
McMillan, Christopher: Broken Bond: Skyfall and the British identity crisis. In: Journal of British Cinema and Television 12. 2015. No. 2. [?D] pp. 191-206.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
McMorrow, Jack: "Mr. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang": The effects of geo politics in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000 on the James Bond movies For Your Eyes Only, Goldeneye and Casino Royale. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Glen, John
Campbell, Martin
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Goldeneye (1995)
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mcneely, Tom L.: Somebody does it better: Competent women in the Bond films. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mcneely, Tom L.: The feminization of M: Gender and authority in the Bond films. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Melanson, James: "Potent figure across the globe": Bond lures homevideo customers. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 68 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Video ~ Video
James Bond ~ James Bond
Membery, York: Pierce Brosnan: Der smarte Verführer: Von Remington Steele zu Bond 007. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1997.
First edition:
[Pierce Brosnan: The biography. - London: Virgin Publishing 1997]
Discusses, among others, Brosnan’s role in Martin Campbell’s Goldeneye.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Remington Steele (TV)
Goldeneye (1995)
Verführung ~ Seduction
James Bond ~ James Bond
Merigeau, P.: Tout la misere du Bond. In: La Revue du Cinéma 1985. No. 408. [September] pp. 10-11.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Merrick, Hélène: Entretien avec Maryam D’Abo. In: La Revue du Cinéma 1987. No. 430. [September] pp. 9-11.
d’Abo, Maryam
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Meyer, Jennifer: Die Wirkung von Product Placement am Beispiel der James Bond Filmreihe. - München: GRIN Verlag 2014.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Michaud, Stéphane: Agités mais non secoués. In: Séquences ?G. 2003. No. 228.. [November/December] pp. 14-15.
On John Barry’s music for the James Bond films.
Barry, John
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Midding, Gerhard: Agent des bösen Schicksals. In: EPD Film 32. 2015. No. 9. [September] pp. 18-19.
On actor Jesper Christensen.
Christensen, Jesper
Spione ~ Spys
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond ~ James Bond
Miller, Toby: Afterword: Why won’t spies go away? In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 189 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Miller, Toby: James Bond: Kulturimperialist eller man på fallrepet. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 124. [?D] pp. 28-35.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moclair, Daniel: James Bond: Aux services secrets de sa publicité. In: Cinémaction 2004. No. 112. [June] pp. 184-202.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moclair, Daniel: James Bond: Aux services secrets de sa publicité. In: Cinémaction 2004. No. 112. [?D]) pp. 184-202.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moline, Karen: The new James Bond. In: American Premiere Magazine 8. 1987. No. 2. [?D] pp. 16-18.
On Bond actor Timothy Dalton.
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Monedero, Juan Carlos: Skyfall: James Bond al Servicio Secreto de los neocon: šqué es el estado? In: Cuando las películas votan: Lecciones de ciencias sociales a través del cine. Ed. Pablo Iglesias Turrión. - Madrid: Catarata 2013. (= Catarata 445.) p. ?P.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Wissenschaft ~ Science
James Bond ~ James Bond
Politik ~ Politics
Spione ~ Spys
Monnier, Claude: James Bond: Une esthétique du plaisir. - Paris: L’Harmattan 2015. (= Coll. Cinéma(s).)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Monte, Norman: "Mr. kiss kiss bland bland." In: Film Score Monthly ?G. 1995. No. ?N(63). [November] p. 14.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Musik ~ Music
Moore, Roger: Mein Name ist Bond ... James Bond: Die Autobiographie. Aus dem Englischen von Rudolf Mast. - Berlin: IP-Verlag Jeske, Mader 2009. (= Edition celebrities.)
First edition:
[My word is my Bond.]
Dompke, Christoph: Sydney & I. In: EPD Film 27. 2010. No. 2. [February] p. 64.
Moore, Roger
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moore, Roger / Owen, Gareth: Bond on Bond: Reflections on 50 years of James Bond movies. - Guilford, Connecticut: Lyons Press 2012.
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moore, Roger / Owen, Gareth: Bond über Bond: Alles über die erfolgreichste Kinoserie der Welt. Aus dem Englischen von Ursula C. Sturm und Alexander Scharfs. - München: Knesebeck 2012.
First edition:
[Bond on Bond.]
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moore, Roger: Roger Moore as James Bond: Roger Moore’s own account of filming Live and Let Die, with exclusive colour photographs by Luisa Moore and stills from the film. - London: Pan Books 1973.
Hamilton, Guy
Moore, Roger
Live and Let Die (1973)
Fotografie ~ Photography
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mörchen, Roland: "Der härteste Typ der Welt": Liebesgüsse aus Hildesheim: Große James-Bond-Ausstellung. In: Film-Dienst 51. 1998. No. 14. [July 7] pp. 36-37.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hildesheim ~ Hildesheim
Mörchen, Roland: Antwort auf 007: Sean Connery wird 80. In: Film-Dienst 63. 2010. No. 17. [August 19] pp. 46-47.
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morecambe, Gary / Sterling, Martin: Martinis, girls and guns: 50 years of 007. - London: Robson 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morefield, David: So You want to be an evil genius. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 135 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny: 007 XXS - 50 Jahre James Bond - Man lebt nur zweimal. Limitierte Auflage. - Braunschweig: DAMOKLES 2017. (= 007 XXS 8.)
Gilbert, Lewis
You Only Live Twice (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny: 007 XXS - James Bond - die Akte Casino Royale. - Braunschweig: Damokles 2016.
Flemming, Ian
Brown, William H.
Guest, Val
Hughes, Kenneth
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (1954)
Casino Royale (1967)
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Casino Royale (Literatur ~ Literature)
Morgenstern, Danny: 007 XXS - James Bond vs. Spectre: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen. - Braunschweig: DAMOKLES 2015:
Mendes, Sam
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny: James Bond für Besserwisser: Der tiefe Einblick in die Welt des 007. Übersetzt von Christian Danner. - Braunschweig: Damokles 2014.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny / Schuhmann, Tim: 007 XXS - 50 Jahre James Bond Liebesgrüße aus Moskau. - Braunschweig: Damokles 2013.
Young, Terence
From Russia with Love (1963)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny / Schuhmann, Tim: 007 XXS - 50 Jahre James Bond - Feuerball. - Braunschweig: Damokles 2015.
Young, Terence
Thunderball (1965)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny / Schuhmann, Tim: 007 XXS - James Bond Jahrgang 1974 - Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt. - Braunschweig: DAMOKLES 2015 (= 007 XXS 4.)
Hamilton, Guy
Man With the Golden Gun, The (1974)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny / Schuhmann, Tim: 007 XXS: 50 Jahre James Bond 007 jagt Dr. No. - Braunschweig: Damokles 2012.
Young, Terence
Dr. No (1962)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morgenstern, Danny / Schuhmann, Tim: 007 XXS 50 Jahre James Bond - Goldfinger. - Braunschweig: DAMOKLES 2014.
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Morton, Ray: Richard Maibaum - 007 screenwriter. In: Script 14. 2008. No. 1. [January/February] pp. 90-92.
Maibaum, Richard
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Moscati, Massimo: James Bond: Missione successo. - Bari: Dedalo 1987. (= Prisma 23.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mottram, James: Au revoir, Mr. Bond. In: Sunday Morning Post [HK], May 25, 2008. p. 4.
On French actor Mathieu Amalric who plays the villaine in the latest James Bond movie Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Amalric, Mathieu
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frankreich ~ France
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Mottram, James: Bond reloaded. In: Sunday Morning Post [HK], November 2, 2008. Section Sight & Sound, p. 8.
On the recent changes in the Bond figure represented by the shift from Pierce Brosnan to Daniel Craig. Discusses especially Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Brosnan, Pierce
Craig, Daniel
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Movie by movie. In: Segnocinema 27. 2007. No. 144. [March/April] pp. 30-33.
A listing of all Bond films so far.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mroczkowski, Stéphane / Pignol, Alexandra: Architecture et design dans les films de James Bond. - Paris: L’Harmattan 2015. (= Coll. Esthétique série Ars.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mühlbeyer, Harald: 007, französisch. In: EPD Film 27. 2010. No. 1. [January] p. 57.
On a DVD edition of Michel Hazanavicius’s James Bond parody OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d’espions.
Hazanavicius, Michel
OSS 117: Le Caire, nid d’espions (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Frankreich ~ France
Müller, Jo / Tschiedert, Markus: Wann ist ein Mann ein Bond? Was Sie vom smartesten Geheimagenten der Welt lernen können. - Köln: Bastei Lübbe 2012. (= Bastei-Lübbe-Taschenbuch 60708.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Müller, Thomas: Tourismuskonzept: James Bond in Bregenz. - München: GRIN Verlag 2008.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Münch, Markus / Utler, Simone: Ein Parkplatz für Bond: Drehort 18: Hotel Atlantic in Der Morgen stirbt nie. In: Münch, Markus / Utler, Simone: Drehort Hamburg: Wo berühmte Filme entstanden. - Berlin; Brandenburg: Ed. q im be.bra-Verlag 2009. pp. 124 ff.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hamburg ~ Hamburg
Murray, Jonathan: "I’ve been inspecting You, Mister Bond". In: Cineaste 41. 2016. No. 2. [Spring] pp. 4-11.
On Daniel Craig as James Bond actor.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond ~ James Bond
Murray, Scott: Bond age women. In: Cinema Papers 1988. No. 67. [January] pp. 32-37.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Murray, Scott: The Bond age. In: Cinema Papers 1987. No. 66. [November] pp. 20-25.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Myers, Christine D.: Refashioning James Bond as an American secret agent: Scarecrow and Mrs. King, 1983/1987. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
Scarecrow and Mrs. King (TV)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007.
Orth, Dominik: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2007. No. 4. pp. 448-449.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nashawaty, Chris: And the Bond plays on. In: Entertainment Weekly 2008. No. 1025. [December 12] pp. 34-38.
On James Bond actor Roger Moore.
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nashawaty, Chris: Double-OMG! In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1231. [November 2] pp. 28-35.
On Sam Mendes’s Skyfall.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nashawaty, Chris: George Lazenby: The unsung Bond. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1219. [August 10] p. 45.
Lazenby, George
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nashawaty, Chris: Javier Bardem. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1239. [December 28] p. 44
Mendes, Sam
Bardem, Javier
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nashawaty, Chris: Skyfall director on Bond’s big comeback. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1234. [November 23] pp. 16-17.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nath, Ipshita / Pradhan, Anubhav: Nation and action: The case of the Bollywood spy thriller. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
Bollywood ~ Bollywood
Action ~ Action
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nightingale, Benedict: 007: A new Bond meets the new woman: Timothy Dalton finds a Hamlet in the hero. In: New York Times, July 26, 1987. pp. 21 ff.
Glen, John
Dalton, Timothy
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Helden ~ Heros
Hamlet ~ Hamlet
Frauen ~ Women
Nitins, Tanya: A boy and his toys: Technology and gadgetry in the James Bond film series. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spielzeuge ~ Toys*
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Nixdorf, Thomas: Licence to thrill: James Bond Plakate, 1962-1997. - Hannover: PlakatKonzepte 1997.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Norbert, Grob,: Abenteuer aus der Fremde: Grußwort von Norbert Grob. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 7 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Abenteuer ~ Adventure
James Bond ~ James Bond
007-Knalleffekte: Der Mann fürs Grobe im Dienste ihrer Majestät. In: Geheim. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Autoren: Christian Hellmann, Artur Jung, Andreas Kern und Richard Pleuger. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1990. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 147-150.
On the special effects for several James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
O’Brien, Daniel:: Bond and blackness: Challenging racial schism in the 007 universe. In: O’Brien, Daniel: Black masculinity on film: Native sons and white lies. - London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ethnie ~ Ethnicity
O’Connor, J. J.: James Bond paid tribute on ABC. In: New York Times, May 13, 1987. p. C26.
On Mel Stuart’s TV documentary Happy Anniversary 007: 25 Years of James Bond.
Stuart, Mel
Happy Anniversary 007: 25 Years of James Bond (1987)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Dokumentarfilm ~ Documentary Film
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
O’Donnell, Patrick: James Bond: Cyborg-aristocrat. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 55-68.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Roboter ~ Robots
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Oehmke, Philipp: Die neue Bauer-Power. In: Der Spiegel 60. 2006. No. 46. [November 13] pp. 193-194.
Compares the "Jack Bauer" character from the TV series 24, played by Kiefer Sutherland, with the James Bond character.
24 (TV)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Fernsehen ~ Television
On the set of James Bond’s Spectre / Anderson & Low. Additional text by Scott Bukatman. Foreword by Sam Mendes. - Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz 2016.
Wach, Alexandra: Bonds Kulissenwelt: Verführerische Entzauberung eines vertrauten Sujets. In: Film-Dienst 69. 2016. No. 22. [October 27] p. 13.
Mendes, Sam
Anderson, Jonathan
Low, Edwin
Spectre (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Oney, Steve: 007: A new Bond meets the new woman: Maryam d’Abo - cultured romance. In: New York Times, July 26, 1987. Sec. 2. pp. 21 ff.
Glen, John
d’Abo, Maryam
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Opening each Bond with a bang is Binder’s bailiwick. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
On Maurice Binder who created the legendary leader for the James Bond films.
Binder, Maurice
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Orlin, Scott: James Bond unter dem Vulkan. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1997. No. 4(227). [?D] p. 41.
Interview with Pierce Brosnan on his role in Roger Donaldson’s Dante’s Peak.
Donaldson, Roger
Brosnan, Pierce
Dante’s Peak (1996)
Vulkane ~ Volcanos
James Bond ~ James Bond
Osteried, Peter: Im Auftrag Ihrer Majestät - James Bond und der Eurospy. - Hille: Medien-, Publikations- und Werbegesellschaft Knorr Martens 2013.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Owens, Craig N.: The Bond market. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
P., Valerie: Stormbreaker: James Bond for a new generation. In: Intelligence in contemporary media. Edited by Frances M. Walsch. - New York: Nova Science Publisher’s 2011. p. ?P.
Sax, Geoffrey
Stormbreaker / Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Politik ~ Politics
Packer, Jeremy / Sharma, Sarah: Postfeminism Galore: The Bond girl as weapon of mass consumption. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 89 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Packer, Jeremy: The many beyonds: An Introduction. In: Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009. pp. 1 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Pagnoni Berns, Fernando Gabriel: Subverting the Bond-canon in Madame Sin and Se tutte, Le donne del mondo. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
Greene, David
Levin, Henry
Maiuri, Arduino
Madame Sin (1971)
Se tutte le donne del mondo (1966)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Paland, Jean-Marc / Pinson, Jean-Marc: James Bond 007. - Paris: Edilig 1987. (= Cinégraphiques.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Paland, J[ean]-M[arc]: James Bond girls. - Paris: PAC 1985. (= Collection "Grand ecran".)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Palmares des Bond (Economie). In: Positif 1987. No. 322. [December] p. 59.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wirtschaft ~ Economy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pankratz, Anette: Casino Globale: Wie Bond mit der Welt spielt. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 145 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pankratz, Anette: The spies who spoofed him: Bond parodies. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 249 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Humor ~ Humor
James Bond ~ James Bond
Parker, Barry R.: Death rays, jet packs, stunts & supercars: The fantastic physics of film’s most celebrated secret agent. - Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press 2005.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Tod ~ Death
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Parker, John: Sean Connery. Von James Bond zu Bruder William. - München: Heyne Verlag 1995. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek ?R.)
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Patankin, Mark: Oh heresy, oh Connery. In: Newsweek 126. 1995. No. ?N [November 20]. p. 20.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Patton, Brian: Shoot back in anger: Bond and the "angry young man". In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pavlus, John: No holds barred. In: American Cinematographer 83. 2002. No. 11. [November] pp. 34-40, 43-49.
On the special effects for Lee Tamahori’s James Bond film Die Another Day, especially on the camera work of David Tattersall.
Tamahori, Lee
Tattersall, David
Die Another Day (2002)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pede, Ronnie: Filmmuziek. In: Film en Televisie 1980. No. 274. [?D] pp. 26-29.
On the James Bond film scores, especially on the work of John Barry.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: Diamonds are Forever: The James Bond files. - Canoga Park, California: Psi Fi Movie Press 1986.
Hamilton, Guy
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: Diamonds are Forever: The James Bond files. - San Bernardino, California: Borgo Press 1986.
Hamilton, Guy
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: Live and Let Die: A files magazine spotlight on the James Bond files. - San Bernardino: Borgo Press 1986.
On the film by Guy Hamilton.
Hamilton, Guy
Live and Let Die (1973)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: Files magazine spotlight on the James Bond files. - Canoga Park, California: Psi Fi Movie Press 1986.
Hunt, Peter
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service: Files magazine spotlight on the James Bond files. - San Bernardino, California: Borgo Press 1986. (= The James Bond files.)
Hunt, Peter
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: You Only Live Twice: Files magazine spotlight on the James Bond files. - San Bernardino, California: Borgo Press 1986. (= The James Bond files.)
Gilbert, Lewis
You Only Live Twice (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peel, John: You Only Live Twice: Files magazine spotlight on the James Bond files. - Canoga Park, California: Psi Fi Movie Press 1986.
Gilbert, Lewis
You Only Live Twice (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Der Mann, der Bond das Leben schenkte: Ian Fleming. In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] p. 7[45].
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Die phantastische Welt des James Bond 007. In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] p. 1[39]-8[46].
With seperate pagination.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Goldeneye: Pierce Brosnan ist der neue Bond! In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] pp. 22-25.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Medien, Miezen und Machos: James Bond ist wieder da! In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 1(36). [January] pp. 18-25.
On Roger Spottiswoode’s Tomorrow Never Dies.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Spektakuläre Intros: Die James Bond-Teaser. In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] p. 4[42]-5[43].
With seperate pagination.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peinkofer, Michael: Trampolins und leichte Mädchen: Die Titelsequenz des Maurice Binder. In: Moviestar 3. 1995. No. 16. [?D] p. 3[41].
On the classic James Bond trailer. With seperate pagination.
Binder, Maurice
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Penne, Rutger: John Barry & "James Bond": Legendarische tandems ( 6 ). In: Film en Televisie 2005. No. 557. [November] p. 20.
On the work of the British composer for the James Bond films.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Perret, Jean: "Es lohnt sich, Risiken einzugehen": Gespräch mit Michel Londsdale. In: Filmbulletin 36. 1994. No. 2(193). [?D] pp. 21-33.
On the actor and his role in Lewis Gilbert’s James Bond film Moonraker, Buñuel’s Le fantôme de la liberte and in various experimental films. Includes a filmography.
Londsdale, Michel
Gilbert, Lewis
Buñuel, Luis
Moonraker (1979)
Fantôme de la liberté, Le / fantasma de la libertad, El (1974)
Experimentalfilme ~ Experimental Films
James Bond ~ James Bond
Peruzzi, G.: Nuove istruzioni per l’uso del superuomo di massa. In: Cinema Nuovo 29. 1980. No. 264. [?D] pp. 11-13.
On ideological motifs in the James Bond films, especially in Moonraker.
Gilbert, Lewis
Moonraker (1979)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Petkovich, Anthony: James Bond of the jungle. In: FilmfaxPlus 2011. No. 127. [Spring] pp. 95-101.
Interview with "Tarzan" actor Mike Henry.
Henry, Mike
Tarzan ~ Tarzan
James Bond ~ James Bond
Dschungel ~ Jungle
Pfeiffer, Lee: "Bland ... James Bland". In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 23 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pfeiffer, Lee / Worrall, Dave: The essential Bond: The authorized guide to the world of 007. - London: Boxtree 1998.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pfeiffer, Lee / Worrall, Dave: The essential Bond: The authorized guide to the world of 007. - New York: HarperEntertainment 1999.
First edition:
[London: Boxtree 1998]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pfeiffer, Lee / Worrall, Dave: The essential James Bond. The revised authorised guide to the world of 007. - London: Boxtree 2003.
First edition:
[The essential Bond: The authorized guide to the world of 007. - London: Boxtree 1998.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Phantopia-Bond-Girls-Charts. - Nürnberg: Filmverlag Peter Schmidl 1996. (= Phantopia-Portrait 19.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Phillips, W.: 007 rating - licence to thrill. In: Television (RTS) 29. 1992. No. 5. [?D] pp. 18-19.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pierce-Jones, Roy: The men who played James Bond. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Planka, Sabine: Der Vorspann stirbt nie: Der James-Bond-Film und seine Eröffnungssequenzen. - Berlin: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin 2009.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Podratzky, Elke: "Istanbul, Moneypenny, da schimmert der Mond im Bosporus": Zur Konstruktion filmischer Sphären: Eine Analyse "englischer" und "ausländischer" Schauplätze in den James Bond-Filmen. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 133 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mond ~ Moon
Istanbul ~ Istanbul
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Price, Thomas J.: The changing image of the Soviets in the Bond saga: From Bond villains to "acceptable role partners". In: Journal of Popular Culture 26. 1992. No. 1. [?D] pp. 17-37.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
UdSSR (Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken) ~ USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Production design: Ken Adam: Meisterwerke der Filmarchitektur: Katalog zur Ausstellung James Bond & Co.: Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim, 17.7. - 14.9.1997: Eine Ausstellung des Verbandes der Szenenbildner, Filmarchitekten und Kostümbildner in Europa e.V. (S/F/K). Redaktion: Jürgen Berger. Übersetzung: Bettina Thienhaus und Jürgen Berger. Veränderter Nachdruck. - Mannheim: Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit 1997.
Exhibition cataöogue on the film architect who designed a lot of fantastic films. Includes a filmography.
Adam, Ken
Mannheim ~ Mannheim
James Bond ~ James Bond
Architektur ~ Architecture
Deutschland ~ Germany
Prüßmann, Karsten: Pierce Brosnan: Mehr als James Bond. - München: Heyne Verlag 1999. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 273.)
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pugliese, Roberto: 007 Vendetta privata: Indiana Jones e l’ultima crociata. In: Segnocinema 9. 1989. No. 40. [November] pp. 36-37.
On Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Spielberg, Steven
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Pugliese, Roberto: John Barry e 007: Una vita in tandem. In: Segnocinema 6. 1986. No. 25. [?D] pp. 42-43.
On the composer and his music for the James Bond films.
Barry, John
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Racioppi, Linda / Tremonte, Colleen: Geopolitics, gender, and genre: The work of pre-title/title sequences in James Bond films. In: Journal of Film and Video 66. 2014. No. 2. [Summer] pp. 15-25.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ranze, Michael: I Spy: Mit Anspruch auf James-Bond-Parodie - Agenten-Komödie von Betty Thomas. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 1. [January] p. 47.
Thomas, Betty
I Spy (2002)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Ranze, Michael: Spy - Susan Cooper Undercover: Melissa McCarthy goes 007. In: Film-Dienst 68. 2015. No. 11. [May 28] p. 51.
Feig, Paul
McCarthy, Melissa
Spy (2015)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: Die phantastische Welt des James Bond. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 1(36). [January] pp. 28-35.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Raum-Deinzer, Uwe: Parade der Bond-Girls. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 3(37/38). [?D] pp. 64-68.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rauscher, Andreas: Im Angesicht der Postmoderne: James Bond und der post-klassische Actionfilm. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 102 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Postmoderne ~ Postmodern
Action ~ Action
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rauscher, Andreas: Play It Again, James: Die 007-Videospiele. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 221 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Video ~ Video
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rauscher, Andreas: Sounds of 007: Scores und Songs der James-Bond-Filme. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 181 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rauscher, Andreas: Spy Games: Das Spiel mit Standardsituationen und Dramaturgien. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 60 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rayner, Richard: Of human Bondage. In: Esquire 124. 1995. No. ?N. [November] pp. 72-77.
On Bond actor Pierce Brosnan.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Reich, Susanne: "Allmählich gefallen Sie mir, Mr. Bond": Die Neuinterpretation von James Bonds archetypischem Heldenbild durch Daniel Craig. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 215 ff.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Reitz, Torsten: James Bond: Genese einer Kultfigur. - Marburg: Tectum-Verlag 2009.
On the differences between Bond novels and filmings. Discusses especially From Russia with Love, The Living Daylights and Casino Royale.
Young, Terence
Gilbert, Lewis
Glen, John
Guest, Val
Hughes, Kenneth
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Campbell, Martin
From Russia with Love (1963)
Moonraker (1979)
Living Daylights, The (1987)
Casino Royale (1967)
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rhodes, A. J.: James Bond - Fifty years in politics. - Swansea: The University of Wales Swansea, M.Phil. 2003.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rhodes, Scott: Nobody does it better. In: Filmfax 1994. No. 44. [April/May] pp. 36-40, 94.
On Ian Fleming, the creator of the James Bond character, and on the Bond filmings.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Richardson, Mike: Bond at the movies. In: Book and Magazine Collector 1992. No. 105. [?D] pp. 4-12.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rissik, A.: Steven Spielberg: Indiana Jones and the 007 myth. In: Films and Filming ?G. 1984. No. ?N(November). [?D] p. 13.
On the two Indiana Jones films and their similarity to the James Bond films.
Spielberg, Steven
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rissik, Andrew: The James Bond man. - London: Hamilton 1983.
On Sean Connery.
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rissik, Andrew: The James Bond man. - London: Elm Tree Books 1983.
On Sean Connery.
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ritzer, Ivo: All the Time in the World: Modernität, Wissenschaft und Pop in den James-Bond-Filmen der 1960er-Jahre. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 198 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wissenschaft ~ Science
James Bond ~ James Bond
Robbins, Jim: Once exhibs had to deal with who’s Connery? Bond? Fleming? In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 59 ff.
Connery, Sean
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Roberts, Adam: "An Englishman’s word is his Bond". In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 171 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Roberts, Nancy: Peak performer. In: Radio Times CCXCII. 1997. No. 3815. [?D] pp. 48-49.
Interview with Pierce Brosnan on his role in Dante’s Peak and how he sees himself as James Bond actor.
Brosnan, Pierce
Donaldson, Roger
Dante’s Peak (1996)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rochlin, Margy: Man for all seasons. In: Emmy 39. 2017. No. 2. [?D] pp. 38-43.
On the career of James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Roger Moore: "Si j’etais un cheval, la S.P.A. serait deja intervenue!" In: Cine-Tele-Revue ?G. 1986. No. 3. [January 16] p. 31.
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Ritter ~ Knights
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rombout, Raymond: De James Bond saga. - Roeselare: Roularta Books / Baarn: De Fontein 1995.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Romero, Ariana: The British are coming, the British are ... here. In: Broadcasting & Cable 144. 2014. No. 46. [December 22] p. 34.
On British film ant television series in the US.Discusses, among others, the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Fernsehen ~ Television
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rompotti, Tommi: James Bond. In: Filmihullu 1997. No. 6. [?D] pp. 18-22.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Römpötti, Tommi: Vieteriukko James Bond voittaa venäläiset huumorillaan. In: Filmihullu 1997. No. 6. [?D] pp. 18-22.
On ideology and humor in the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Roodnat, J.: James Bond - een verslaving: Aktie, spektakel & humor uit de jaren ’60. In: Skoop 17. 1981. No. 5. [?D] pp. 8-12.
On the James Bond films of the 1960s and 1970s.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Roof, Judith: Living the James Bond lifestyle. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. pp. 71-86.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Roshani, Anuschka: Erst die Fresse, dann die Moral. In: Der Spiegel 49. 1995. No. 51. [December 18] pp. 178-179.
Interview with actor Gottfried John on his role in the new James Bond Film Goldeneye by Martin Campbell.
Campbell, Martin
John, Gottfried
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ross, Philippe: Dissection et autopsie d’un mythe: "My name is Bond ..." In: La Revue du Cinéma 1989. No. 452. [September] pp. 62-66.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steve / Teschner, Siegfried: 007 James Bond: Die Geschichte der erfolgreichsten Filmserie. 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage - Hamburg: Kino-Verlag 1987. (= Cinema.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: Bond is back. In: Cinefantastique 27. 1996. No. 8. [April] p. 58.
On Martin Campbell’s Goldeneye.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: Goldeneye 007: Recreating Bond for the ’90s. In: Cinefantastique 27. 1995. No. 3. [?D] pp. 19-20.
On the new Bond actor Pierce Brosnan.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: James Bond: The complete movie encyclopaedia. - London: ?V 1996.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: The complete James Bond encyclopedia. Revised edition. - Chicago, Illinois: Contemporary Books 2003.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: The complete James Bond movie encyclopedia. - Chicago, Illinois: Contemporary Books 1990.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: The complete James Bond movie encyclopedia. Revised edition. - Chicago, Illinois: Contemporary Books 1995.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: The James Bond films: A behind the scenes history. - Westport, Connecticut: Arlington House 1981.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubin, Steven Jay: The James Bond films: A behind the scenes history. Revised edition. - New York: Crown 1983.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rubio, Steven: If i were a villain, but then again, No. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 93 ff.
On the Bond villains.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ryan, Roger / Sterling, Martin: Keeping the British end up. - Sevenoaks: Coronet 1987.
On the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Rye, Graham: Die James-Bond-Girls: Von Dr. No bis Goldeneye. Aus dem Englischen von Walter Wuttke. - Königswinter: Heel 1995.
First edition:
[The James Bond Girls]
Young, Terence
Campbell, Martin
Dr. No (1962)
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rye, Graham: The James Bond girls. - Secaucus, New Jersey: Carol Publishing Group 1998. (= A Citadel Press book.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rye, Graham: The James Bond girls. - New York: Carol Publishing Group 1996. (= A Citadel Press book.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rye, Graham: The James Bond girls. - London: Boxtree 1989.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rye, Graham: The James Bond girls. Revised edition. - London: Boxtree 1999.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Rye, Graham: The James Bond girls. Revised edition. - London: Boxtree 1997.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Saada, Nicolas: Justice pour James Bond In: Cahiers du Cinéma 2000. No. 550. [October] p. 46.
On a DVD edition with James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Justiz ~ Justice
James Bond ~ James Bond
Saavedra Castaño, Luis: James Bond 007: Aproximación a una saga. - Valencia: Saimel 2000.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sag niemals nie: Sean Connery tanzt den letzten Tango als 007. In: Geheim. Hrsg. von Dirk Manthey und Jörg Altendorf. Autoren: Christian Hellmann, Artur Jung, Andreas Kern und Richard Pleuger. - Hamburg: Kino Verlag 1990. (= Cinema Filmbuch.) pp. 151-156.
On the special effects for Irvin Kershner’s Never Say Never Again.
Kershner, Irvin
Connery, Sean
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Tanz ~ Dance
James Bond ~ James Bond
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
SALGADO, MARCELA: Daniel Craig, el Bond más taquillero. In: Contenido ?G. 2008. No. 546. [?] pp. 52-57.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond ~ James Bond
Salisbury, Mark: To ’die’ for. In: Premiere 16. 2002. No. 3. [November] p. 74ff.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sandrock, Kirsten: Travelling with Ian Fleming: From Thrilling Cities (1963) to James Bond. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 209 ff.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Thrilling Cities (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sarno, Antonello: Il mio nome è Bond: Viaggio nel mondo di 007. - Milano: Il Castoro 1996. (= Gli imprevisti.)
Jandelli, Cristina: [untitled] In: Rivista del Cinematografo 67. 1997. No. ?N. [November] p. 62.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Savoye, Daniel Ferreras: The signs of James Bond: Semiotic explorations in the world of 007. Foreword by James Chapman. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2013.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Scanner, Ivo: In viaggio con James Bond. - Milano: Il Minotauro 1997. (= Gli Argonauti 5.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schama, Simon: Shake us. Stir us. In: Newsweek 160. 2012. No. 19. [November 5]. pp. 30-37.
On the 50th anniversary of the James Bond film series.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schantz Lauridsen, P.: Verden ifolge Bond. In: Kosmorama 35. 1989. No. 190. [?D] pp. 20-31.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schäuble, Martin: Action, Frauen, Superwaffen: In Tomorrow Never Dies zieht 007 Pierce Brosnan wieder alle Register. In: Moviestar 5. 1997. No. 10(33). [October] pp. 16-17.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Action ~ Action
Scheingraber, Michael: Die James-Bond-Filme. Hrsg. von Joe Hembus. - München: Goldmann 1979. (= Citadel Filmbücher; Goldmann Magnum 10203.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Scheingraber, Michael: Die James-Bond-Filme. Hrsg. von Joe Hembus. - Stuttgart: Europäische Bildungsgemeinschaft ?J (1980). (= Citadel-Filmbücher.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Scheingraber, Michael: Die James-Bond-Filme. Hrsg. von Joe Hembus. - München: Goldmann 1981. (= Goldmann-Taschenbuch 10203 / Goldmann Magnum / Citadel-Filmbücher.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schifferle, Hans: Casino Royale: Martin Campbell inszeniert Daniel Craig als neuen Bond. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 12. [December] pp. 32-33.
Campbell, Martin
Craig, Daniel
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schifferle, Hans: Happy Birthday, Mr. Bond! In: EPD Film 19. 2002. No. 11. [November] pp. 2-3.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schifferle, Hans: James Bond, diesmal als Melodram: Die Welt ist nicht genug von Michael Apted. In: EPD Film 17. 2000. No. 1. [January] pp. 34-35.
On The World is Not Enough.
Apted, Michael
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schittko, Tatjana: "Licence to Look": James Bond und das Spiel mit dem Eigenen und Fremden, dem Nahen und Fernen. In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 107 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schmid, Susanne: From the Costa del Sol to the moon: James Bond and tourist locations. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 195 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mond ~ Moon
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schmidt, Kurt W. / Quindeau, Werner Schneider: "Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt ...!": Alkohol im Film. In: Schwierige Entscheidungen - Krankheit, Medizin und Ethik im Film. Hrsg. von Giovanni Maio, Kurz W. Schmidt und Hans Jürgen Wulff. - Frankfurt/Main: Haag + Herchen Verlag 2008. (= Arnoldshainer Texte 129.) pp. 199 ff..
Alkohol ~ Alcohol
James Bond ~ James Bond
Krankheit ~ Illness
Schmitz, Helmut: 007-15-1. In: Blimp 1987. No. 7. [Summer/Fall] p. 57.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schou, Solvej: Bond’s cool stuff. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1230. [October 26] p. 50.
On the costumes for Sam Mendes’s Skyfall.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schwab, Jan Tilman: Die Wiedergeburt eines Unsterblichen: James Bond in Casino Royale. In: Actionkino: Moderne Klassiker des populären Films. Hrsg. von Ingo Irsigler, Gerrit Lembke und Willem Strank. - Berlin: Bertz und Fischer 2014. (= Deep Focus 19.) pp. 123 ff.
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Schwanebeck, Wieland: Licence to replicate: Never Say Never Again (1983) as 007’s lesson in adaptation studies. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 163-184.
Kershner, Irvin
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schweizerhof, Barbara: "Geschüttelt und nicht gerührt, höhöhö!": Die Bond-Serie ist in die Jahre gekommen. In: EPD Film 23. 2006. No. 12. [December] pp. 8-9.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schweizerhof, Barbara: Der salzige Geschmack des Bösen. In: EPD Film 25. 2008. No. 11. [November] p. 10.
On actor Mathieu Amalric and his role as Bond counterpart in Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Amalric, Mathieu
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Schwertel, Marcel K.: Die Darstellung des Kalten Krieges in den James-Bond-Filmen zwischen 1963 und 1995. - München: GRIN Verlag 2017.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Schwetman, John D.: "Ever heard of EVEL Knievel?": James Bond meets the Rural sheriff. In: CINEJ Cinema Journal 6. 2017. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 95-118.
On the representation of Cold War politics in the appearance of Sheriff J. W. Pepper in Guy Hamilton’s Live and Let Die and The Man with the Golden Gun.
Hamilton, Guy
Live and Let Die (1973)
Man With the Golden Gun, The (1974)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Politik ~ Politics
ländlich ~ rural
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sciacca, Thomas P.: Promoting, marketing Bond successfully for 25 years doesn’t happen by accident. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 59 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Secret agents: Popular icons beyond James Bond. Edited by Jeremy Packer. - New York; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Bern; Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Brussels; Wien; Oxford: Peter Lang 2009.
Bassett, Drew: [untitled.] In: Medienwissenschaft 2010. No. 2. pp. 245-247.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Seeßlen, Georg: Die Bonds: Ein Mythos und seine Gesichter. In: EPD Film 29. 2012. No. 11. [November] pp. 22-27.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Seidl, Monika: One silhouette is not enough: The Bond silhouette as the visual representation of the "mobile signifier" James Bond. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 39 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Servizio segreto. In: Segnocinema 27. 2007. No. 144. [March/April] pp. 17-29.
On basic motifs in the James Bond series.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Shail, R. S.: Constructions of masculinity in 1960s British cinema. - Exeter, Devon: University of Exeter, Ph.D. 2002. [Abstract in: Index to Theses with Abstracts 52-8443.]
Dioscusses, among others, the representation of masculinity in the Bond films, in Hammer horror and in Performance by Donald Cammell and Nicolas Roeg.
Cammell, Donald
Roeg, Nicolas
Performance (1969)
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Horror ~ Horror
Hammer [Firma] ~ Hammer [Company]
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Shail, Robert: "More, much more ... Roger Moore": A new Bond for a new decade. In: Seventies British cinema. Edited by Robert Shail. - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2008. (= A BFI book.) p. ?P.
Moore, Roger
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Shay, Don: David Dryer - Never Say Never Again. In: Cinefex 1984. No. 15. [January] pp. 4-27.
On the special effects artist and his work for the James Bond films.
Kershner, Irvin
Dryer, David
Never Say Never Again (1983)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Shprintz, Janet: Blood feuds abound in trial on Bonding. In: Variety 374. 1999. No. ?N. [March 1/7] p. 7.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Blut ~ Blood
Shprintz, Janet: Judge rejects scribe’s claims to 007 franchise. In: Variety 378. 2000. No. ?N. [April 3/9] pp. 4 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Shprintz, Janet: MGM victory bonds franchise. In: Variety 374. 1999. No. ?N. [April 5/11] p. 15.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) ~ MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Siegel, Andrea: The James Bond / Woody Allen dialectic. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Allen, Woody
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Siegel, Tatiana: Bond book spies a Da Vinci Code. In: Variety 413. 2008. No. 2. [November 24] pp. 5 ff.
On alleged hidden occult motifs in the James Bond novels and films.
Howard, Ron
Da Vinci Code, The (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Religion: Okkultismus ~ Religion: Occultism
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sigler, David: "Sigmund Freud, analyze this": How Madonna situates Die Another Day beyond the pleasure principle. In: Studies in Popular Culture 29. 2006. No. 1. [October] pp. 77-97.
A psychoanalytical study of Madonna’s title song for the James Bond film.
Tamahori, Lee
Ciccone, Madonna Louise [Pseudonym: Madonna]
Die Another Day (2002)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Silberg, Jon: High stakes for 007. In: American Cinematographer 87. 2006. No. 12. [December] pp. 42-57.
On Phil Méheux’s camera work for Martin Campbell’s Casino Royale.
Campbell, Martin
Méheux, Phil
Casino Royale (2006)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
James Bond ~ James Bond
Simonelli, Giorgio: Il mio nome e sempre Bond. In: Segnocinema ?G. 1996. No. 78. [March/April] pp. 11-13.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Simpson, Paul: The rough guide to James Bond. - London: Rough Guides 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sivent Baño, Francesc: Bond, 007: Seduce y dispara: Guía cinematográfica del agente
secreto. - Madrid: Ed. Cevagraf SCCL 1999.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Verführung ~ Seduction
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sjögren, C. G.: Agent utan rätt att dö. In: Chaplin 26. 1984. No. 2(191). [?D] pp. 84-85.
On James Bond films. Discusses especially Never Say Never Again and Roger Moore’s role as Bond.
Kershner, Irvin
Moore, Roger
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sklar, Robert: Doctor Slow. In: New York Times, July 17, 1989. p. A16.
On the representation of violence in the James Bond film.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Gewalt ~ Violence
Smith, Frank J.: Christian culture, morality, and James Bond. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Religion ~ Religion
James Bond ~ James Bond
Smith, Jeff: Creating a Bond market: Selling John Barry’s soundtracks and theme songs. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Smoltczyk, Alexander: James Bond, Berlin, Hollywood: Die Welten des Ken Adam. Vorwort von Volker Schlöndorff. - Berlin: Nicolai Verlag 2002.
Nagel, Josef: Realismus ist langweilig: Ein Buch und eine Ausstellung über den Filmdesigner Ken Adam. In: Film-Dienst 55. 2002. No. 15. [July 16] pp. 36-37.
Adam, Ken
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Berlin ~ Berlin
Sonntag, Sabine: Einfach toll! Der Opernbesuch im Spielfilm. - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2013.
Discusses, among others, the representation of the opera in Werner Herzog’s Fitzcarraldo as well as in crime and horror films.
Herzog, Werner
Fitzcarraldo (1981)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Phantom of the Opera (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
Kriminalität ~ Crime
Horror ~ Horror
James Bond ~ James Bond
South, James B.: "Six to four against": James Bond and the hope for a meaningful life. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spahlinger, Lothar: Käsefieber: Vergleichende Analyse der James-Bond-Filme von James Bond jagt Dr. No (1962) bis James Bond 007 - In tödlicher Mission (1981). - Schwieberdingen: Neue Welt Verlag 1983.
Young, Terence
Glen, John
Dr. No (1962)
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sperling, Nicole: James Bond gets pushed around. In: Entertainment Weekly 2010. No. 1101. [May 7] p. 12.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Der Spion, der aus dem Kalten Krieg kam In: F.LM - Texte zum Film. Online edition, May 2009.
On an international Saarbrücken conference over James Bond.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Krieg ~ War
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spotnitz, Frank: Dialogue on film: Ken Adam. In: American Film 16. 1991. No. 2. [February] pp. 16-21.
Interview with Stanley Kubrick’s production designer who is also responsable for many James Bond films.
Adam, Ken
Kubrick, Stanley
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spotswood, Stephen: The real James Bond. In: Cinefantastique 29. 1998. No. 9. [?D] pp. 28 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spungen, Lauren: When can homophobia live and let die? An examination of sexual deviance in the James Bond franchise. In: Film Matters 8. 2017. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 12-17.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
James Bond ~ James Bond
The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Steadman, R.: Underwater for Never Say Never Again. In: American Cinematographer 64. 1983. No. 10. [October] pp. 52-54.
On the underwater scenes, especially the shark scenes, in the James Bond film.
Kershner, Irvin
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stefancic Jr.. Marcel: Struktura zanra. In: Ekran 11. 1986. No. 1/2. [?D] p. 34.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stefancic Jr-, Marcel: Struktura zanra: Struktura bipartitne akcije. In: Ekran 10. 1985. No. 7/8. [?D] pp. 51-53.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Steffke, Nicola: Die gespaltene Persönlichkeit James Bonds in Flemings Goldfinger. - München: GRIN Verlag 2006.
Fleming, Ian
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Goldfinger (Literatur ~ Literature)
Stephens, Florian: James Bond: The game. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 265-290.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Sterneborg, Anke: Keine Gadgets, keine Sprüche. In: EPD Film 26. 2009. No. 8. [August] p. 59.
On a DVD edition of Marc Forster’s Bond movie Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Steveker, Lena: 007 meets Van Helsing: James Bond and contemporary gothic visual culture. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 235 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Horror ~ Horror
Vampire ~ Vampires
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stewart, Andrew: Platinum Bond. In: Daily Variety 317. 2012. No. 31. [November 12] pp. 3 ff.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stockdale, Jonathan: Bond resounding. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 87-105.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stolze, Joachim / Tolan, Metin: A física de James Bond. Trad. Saulo Krieger. - SÆo Paulo: Ed. Cultrix 2013.
First edition:
[Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt: James Bond und die Physik.]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Technik ~ Technology
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Stolze, Joachim / Tolan, Metin: Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt: James Bond und die Physik. - München; Zürich: Piper 2008.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Technik ~ Technology
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Stolze, Joachim / Tolan, Metin: Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt: James Bond und die Physik. - München; Zürich: Piper 2010. (= Piper 5847.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stolze, Joachim / Tolan, Metin: Geschüttelt, nicht gerührt: James Bond und die Physik. - München: Piper ebooks 2013.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Strauven, Michael: Jedermanns Lieblingsschurke: Gert Fröbe: Eine Biografie. - Berlin: Rotbuch-Verlag 2012.
Fröbe, Karl Gerhart "Gert"
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stresau, Norbert: Bond kommt. In: Science Fiction Times 29. 1987. No. 8. [August] p. 18.
On John Glen’s The Living Daylights.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Stresau, Norbert: Starman und 007. In: Science Fiction Times 27. 1985. No. 8. [August] pp. 16-17.
Reviews of John Glen’s A View to Kill and John Carpenter’s Starman.
Glen, John
Carpenter, John
View to Kill, A (1985)
Starman (1984)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Strobel, Beate: Gert Fröbe: Vom Stehgeiger zum Goldfinger. - Wien: Braumüller 2012.
Fröbe, Karl Gerhart "Gert"
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Strong, Jeremy: Introduction. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 1-22.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Strong, Jeremy: James Bond: International man of gastronomy? In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 61-85.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Nahrung ~ Food
James Bond ~ James Bond
Strotmann, Peter: Sean Connery: Vom Superspion 007 zum Charakterdarsteller. - Bergisch-Gladbach: Bastei Lübbe 1991. (= Bastei-Lübbe 61208.)
Connery, Sean
James Bond ~ James Bond
Spione ~ Spys
Stuart, Jay: "Sure thing" in Italy. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 72.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Italien ~ Italy
Stubbs, J.: Inventing England: Representations of English history in Hollywood cinema, 1950-1964. - Norwich, Norfolk: University of East Anglia, Ph.D. 2007. [Abstract in: Index to Theses with Abstracts 57-7660.]
Discusses, among others, Richard Thorpe’s Ivanhoe and Knights of the Round Table, Michael Anderson’s Around the World in 80 Days and the first three James Bond films.
Thorpe, Richard
Anderson, Michael
Ivanhoe (1952)
Knights of the Round Table (1953)
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Geschichte ~ History
Svetkey, Benjamin: Bond is back. In: Entertainment Weekly 2008. No. 1019. [November 7] pp. 28-33.
On Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Svetkey, Benjamin: Ew celebrates 50 years of Bond. In: Entertainment Weekly 2012. No. 1219. [August 10] pp. 28-31.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Svetkey, Benjamin: Goodbye, Mr. Bond. In: Entertainment Weekly 2010. No. 1115. [August 13] pp. 32-39.
How financial problems of MGM may affect future Bond filmings.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wirtschaft ~ Economy
MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) ~ MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Svetkey, Benjamin: The spy who raised me. In: Entertainment Weekly 2007. No. 964. [November 16] pp. 42-45.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Swift-Kramer, Jennifer: Sellers’ 1 1/2: Evelyn tremble’s celebrity impression of Bond in Casino Royale. In: James Bond in world and popular culture: The films are not enough. Edited by Jan Becker, Robert G. Weiner and B. Lynn Whitfield. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2010. p. ?P.
Guest, Val
Hughes, Kenneth
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Sellers, Peter
Casino Royale (1967)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Szebin, Frederick C.: Martian victim: Pierce Brosnan: Suave James Bond on playing a clueless scientist. In: Cinefantastique 28. 1997. No. 7. [January] p. 24.
On Brosnan’s role in Tim Burton’s Mars Attacks.
Burton, Tim
Brosnan, Pierce
Mars Attacks! (1996)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tapper, Michael: 007: 40 år av snobberi och våld på vita duken. In: Filmhäftet 30. 2002. No. 124. [?D] pp. 4-35.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tata, Nadja: Product placement in James-Bond-Filmen. - Saarbrücken: VDM Müller 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Taylor, Antony: Super-villains: The genealogy of Bond’s adversaries in the novels of Ian Fleming. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 53 ff.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Taylor-Wood, Sam: Daniel Craig. In: Interview 37. 2007. No. 6. [July] pp. 84-93.
Craig, Daniel
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tedesco, Matthew: The moral status of the double-0 agent: Thinking about the license to kill. In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 111-120.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Teichmann, Bernd: Nr. 5 lebt! Der neue Bond: Pierce Brosnan. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1994. No. 8(195). [?D] p. 13.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Teichmann, Bernd / Tesche, Siegfried: Sein Name ist Bond, James Bond ... In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1996. No. 1(212). [?D] pp. 56-73.
On the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Teichmann, Bernd: Warten auf Bond ... James Bond. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1991. No. 4(155). [?D] pp. 64-66.
Preview on Martin Campbell’s Bond film Goldeneye.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: "Nur Roger Moore war sauer". In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 60. 2006. No. 47. [November 24] p. 38.
On the London premiere of the latest Bond film Casino Royale.
Campbell, Martin
Moore, Roger
Casino Royale (2006)
London ~ London
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Bonds are forever: James Bond will return in ... In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 133-135.
Schuchnig, Josef: [untitled] In: Filmkunst 48. 1996. No. 2(150). [?D] p. 60.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Casino Royale (1954). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 10-12.
On the first James Bond film by William H. Brown.
Brown, William H.
Casino Royale (1954)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Casino Royale (1966). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 39-45.
On the James Bond pastiche by Val Guest, Ken Hughes, John Huston, Joseph McGrath and Robert Parrish.
Guest, Val
Hughes, Ken
Huston, John
McGrath, Joseph
Parrish, Robert
Casino Royale (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1999.
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995.
Includes articles and filmographies on the various James Bond films and its main actors, statistics on the commercial success and on the awards for single films plus a bibliography.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Wirtschaft ~ Economy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch. Neuausgabe. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 2002.
First edition:
Gräfe, Lutz: [untitled] In: Film-Dienst 56. 2002. No. 1. [December 31] p. 39.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Lexikon. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 2005.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James-Bond-Buch. Ungekürzte Lizenzausgage. - Rheda-Wiedenbrück; Gütersloh: RM-Buch-und-Medien-Vertrieb 2002.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Der Hauch des Todes / The Living Daylights (1987). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 113-119.
Glen, John
Living Daylights, The (1987)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Der Mann mit dem goldenen Colt / The Man with the Golden Gun (1974). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 68-72.
Hamilton, Guy
Man With the Golden Gun, The (1974)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Der Spion, der mich liebte / The Spy who Loved Me (1977). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 73-78.
Gilbert, Lewis
Spy Who Loved Me, The (1977)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Diamantenfieber / Diamonds are Forever (1971). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 57-61.
Hamilton, Guy
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Die schönsten Zitate aus James-Bond-Filmen: Für Reden, E-Mails, Gästebuch, zum Vergnügen und zur Erkenntnis: Mit ausführlicher Vorstellung aller Filme. - Baden-Baden: Humboldt 2005. (= Humboldt-Taschenbuch 4057 / Information & Wissen.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Die wichtigsten Darsteller von A-Z. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 153-187.
Encyclopedic list of the James Bond actors except the respectiv main actor who played the title role.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Feuerball / Thunderball (1965). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 32-38.
Young, Terence
Thunderball (1965)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: George Lazenby - Der australische Dressman. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 143-145.
Lazenby, George
Australien ~ Australia
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: GoldenEye (1995). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 125-132.
Campbell, Martin
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Goldfinger (1964). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 24-31.
Hamilton, Guy
Goldfinger (1964)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Im Angesicht des Todes / A View to Kill (1985). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 107-112.
Glen, John
View to Kill, A (1985)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät / On Her Majestys Secret Service (1969). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 52-56.
Hunt, Peter
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: In tödlicher Mission / For Your Eyes Only (1981). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 85-91.
Glen, John
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: James Bond - 007 jagt Dr. No / Dr. No (1962). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 13-18.
Young, Terence
Dr. No (1962)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: James Bond - Top-Secrets: Die Welt des 007. - Leipzig: Militzke 2006.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: James Bond: Autos, Action und Autoren. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1997.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Tesche, Siegfried: Leben und sterben lasen / Live and Let Die (1973). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 62-67.
Hamilton, Guy
Live and Let Die (1973)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Liebesgrüße aus Moskau / From Russia with Love (1963). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 19-23.
Young, Terence
From Russia with Love (1963)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Lizenz zum Töten / Licence to Kill (1989). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 120-124.
Glen, John
Licence to Kill (1988/1989)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Man lebt nur zweimal / You Only Live Twice (1967). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 46-51.
Gilbert, Lewis
You Only Live Twice (1967)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Mit 200 Millionen Dollar in die 70er Jahre. In: Filmecho/Filmwoche 62. 2008. No. 20. [May 17] pp. 42-43.
Production report on Marc Forster’s Bond movie Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Moonraker - Streng geheim / Moonraker (1979). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 79-84.
Gilbert, Lewis
Moonraker (1979)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: Die Geschichte der James-Bond-Filmmusiken. - Mainz: Schott (2006.
Kanthak, Dietmar: Auf jeden Fall informativ: Siegfried Tesches Studie zur Musik in den 007-Filmen. In: EPD Film 24. 2007. No. 6. [June] p. 60.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Octopussy (1983). In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 92-98.
Glen, John
Octopussy (1983)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Pierce Brosnan - Erfolg im zweiten Anlauf. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 151-152.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Roger Moore - Der englische Gentleman. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 146-148.
Moore, Roger
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Sag niemals nie / Never Say Never Again. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 99-106.
Kershner, Irvin
Never Say Never Again (1983)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Sean Connery - Der schottische Idealtyp. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 138-142.
Connery, Sean
Schottland ~ Scotland
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tesche, Siegfried: Timothy Dalton - Britisch zurück zu den Wurzeln. In: Tesche, Siegfried: Das große James Bond Buch: 007 - Stars und Stories. - Berlin: Henschel Verlag 1995. pp. 149-150.
Dalton, Timothy
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thadeusz, Frank: Ding der Unmöglichkeit. In: Der Spiegel 61. 2007. No. 11. [March 12] pp. 158-159.
On a Dortmund physician who checked the special effects in the James Bond films whether they are, from a scientific point of view, realistic or not.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik: Spezialeffekte ~ Technology: Special Effects
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thomas, Steven W.: The new James Bond. In: Cineaction 2009. No. 78. [?D] pp. 32-39.
Discusses especially Marc Forster’s Quantum of Solace.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thomas, Steven W.: The new James Bond and globalization theory, inside and out. In: Cineaction 2009. No. 78. [?D] pp. 32-39.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Globalisierung ~ Globalization
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thomé-Gomez, Françoise: Le gadget, une forme dégradée de l’invention? La panoplie James Bond au cinéma. In: Cahiers de la Cinémathèque 1996. No. 65. [December] pp. 21-56.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thumin, Janet: Celluloid sisters: Women and popular cinema. Consultant editor Jo Campling. - Basingstoke; London: Macmillan Press 1992.
On women’s roles in popular British and American film between 1945 and 1965. Discusses also a lot of fantastic films, among them Black Narzissus by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, Caesar and Cleopatra by Gabriel Pascal, The Curse of Frankenstein by Terence Fisher, the James Bond films Dr. No and From Russia with Love by Terence Young as well as Goldfinger by Guy Hamilton, the Hitchcock films The Man who Knew too Much, Marnie, Rear Window and Spellbound, Mary Poppins by Robert Stevenso and The Seventh Veil by Compton Bennett.
Powell, Michael
Pressburger, Emeric
Pascal, Gabriel
Fisher, Terence
Young, Terence
Hamilton, Guy
Hitchcock, Alfred
Stevenson, Robert
Bennett, Compton
Black Narcissus (1947)
Caesar and Cleopatra (1946)
Curse of Frankenstein, The (1957)
Dr. No (1962)
From Russia with Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956)
Marnie (1963/1964)
Rear Window (1954)
Spellbound (1945)
Mary Poppins (1964)
Seventh Veil, The (1945)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Thumin, Janet: Celluloid sisters: Women and popular cinema. Consultant editor Jo Campling. - New York: St. Martin’s Press 1992.
On women’s roles in popular British and American film between 1945 and 1965. Discusses also a lot of fantastic films, among them Black Narzissus by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, Caesar and Cleopatra by Gabriel Pascal, The Curse of Frankenstein by Terence Fisher, the James Bond films Dr. No and From Russia with Love by Terence Young as well as Goldfinger by Guy Hamilton, the Hitchcock films The Man who Knew too Much, Marnie, Rear Window and Spellbound, Mary Poppins by Robert Stevenso and The Seventh Veil by Compton Bennett.
Powell, Michael
Pressburger, Emeric
Pascal, Gabriel
Fisher, Terence
Young, Terence
Hamilton, Guy
Hitchcock, Alfred
Stevenson, Robert
Bennett, Compton
Black Narcissus (1947)
Caesar and Cleopatra (1946)
Curse of Frankenstein, The (1957)
Dr. No (1962)
From Russia with Love (1963)
Goldfinger (1964)
Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956)
Marnie (1963/1964)
Rear Window (1954)
Spellbound (1945)
Mary Poppins (1964)
Seventh Veil, The (1945)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tiedemann, Mark W.: The spy who would not die. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 33 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Timothy Dalton chosen as new James Bond. In: New York Times, August 7, 1986. p. C26.
Dalton, Timothy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tolan, Metin: Die Mythen aus Goldfinger. In: James Bond: Anatomie eines Mythos. Hrsg. von Astrid Böger und Marc Föcking. - Heidelberg: Winter 2012. (= Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte 289.) pp. 223 ff.
Hamilton, Guy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Goldfinger (1964)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Too Tough to Die Another Day: Vorwort. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 10 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Töpper, Jörn: Der filmische James Bond und sein musikalisches Leitmotiv: Ein kognitionspsychologisches Experiment zur Bildung von Inferenzen über die Emotionen des Hauptdarstellers. Neue Ausgabe. - Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller 2010.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Trudeau, Noah Amdre: The Bond cycle: Drawing a bead on the 007 soundtracks. In: High Fidelity and Musical America 35. 1985. No. ?N. [August] pp. 47 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Musik ~ Music
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tschiedert, Markus: "Bond ist pure Männlichkeit": Ein Interview mit Pierce Brosnan. In: Moviestar 5. 1998. No. 1(36). [January] p. 26.
On Brosnan’s role in Roger Spottiswoode’s Tomorrow Never Dies.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Brosnan, Pierce
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tuma, Thomas: Die Wut-Probe. In: Der Spiegel 53. 1999. No. 7. [February 15] pp. 121-122.
On the actor Claude-Oliver Rudolph and his role in the James Bond film The World is Not Enough.
Rudolph, Claude-Oliver
Apted, Michael
World is Not Enough, The (1999)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tunesmith Barry keeps in mind the kid on the edge of his seat. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 66 ff.
Barry, John
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Turnquist, K.: Licensed to thrill. In: Boxoffice 123. 1987. No. ?N. [August] pp. 9-11.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thriller ~ Thriller
James Bond ~ James Bond
25th anniversary of James Bond. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. 3. [?D] pp. 57-84.
Articles on the history of the James Bond films.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
25 years of James Bond. In: Playboy 34. 1987. No. ?N. [September] pp. 124-127.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Tylski, Alexandre: La saga James Bond: Des génériques (dés)habillés. In: Positif 2007. No. 555. [May] pp. 32-35.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Körper ~ Bodies
UA Bond helmers. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] p. 59.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
UA revives search for new James Bond. In: Variety 323. 1986. No. ?N. [July 23] p. 7.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
van de Graaff, Gert: 35 jaar van James Bond: De evolutie van een held. In: Skrien 1997. No. 218. [?D] pp. 52-55.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Helden ~ Heros
James Bond ~ James Bond
Vandiste, Jean-Luc: Pierce Brosnan: Goldeneye. In: L’Écran Fantastique 1996. No. 154. [October] p. 63.
Interview with the actor plus an review of the James Bond film by Martin Campbell.
Campbell, Martin
Brosnan, Pierce
Goldeneye (1995)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Verhouck, S. H.: Newest caper: James Bond in the temple of culture. In: New York Times, June 8, 1987. p. B2.
On a Bond exhibition at the New York "Museum of Modern Art".
James Bond (Filmreihe)
New York ~ New York
James Bond ~ James Bond
Viol, Claus-Ulrich: Quantum of smoothness: Bond and spatial desire. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 183 ff.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Vohlidka, John: Who, Doctor Who: 007’s influence on the Pertwee era of Doctor Who. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
Doctor Who (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Volk, Stefan: Da-dam: Die Scherben eines Mythos: Skyfall. In: Film-Dienst 65. 2012. No. 26. [December 20] pp. 8-9.
Mendes, Sam
Skyfall (2012)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
von Hadeln, Hajo: Mein Name ist Bond, James Bond. In: Medienobservationen, 15.12.2009. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Voordewind, J.: Het Tarzan effect: Geachte heer Broccoli ... In: Skoop 23. 1987. No. 5. [?D] pp. 7-11.
A letter from a fan to the producer of the James Bond films in which he offers himself as the next Bond actor.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Tarzan ~ Tarzan
James Bond ~ James Bond
Walker, Cynthia W.: Mr. Bond’s neighborhood: Domesticating the superspy for American television. In: James Bond and popular culture: Essays on the influence of the fictional superspy. Edited by Michele Brittany. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2014. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Fernsehen ~ Television
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Walter, Klaus-Peter: Das James Bond-Buch. - Frankfurt/M.: Ullstein 1995. (= Ullstein-Buch 23712.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Walter, Klaus-Peter: Das James Bond-Buch. 2. Auflage. - Frankfurt/M.: Ullstein 1996. (= Ullstein-Buch 23712.)
First edition:
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wandrup, Fredrik: James Bond: Mannen som erobret det tyvende år hundret. - Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag 1999.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Ward, Dan: "I sized You up the moment I saw You" - Masculinity and male body objectification in Casino Royale. In: The cultures of James Bond. Edited by Joachim Frenk and Christian Krug. - Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2011. pp. 169 ff.
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Männer ~ Men
Körper ~ Bodies
James Bond ~ James Bond
Waterman, Tim: Thailand, highland and secret island: Landscape and power in Bond films. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 185-201.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Thailand ~ Thailand
Natur ~ Nature
James Bond ~ James Bond
Watkins, Roger: 007 sights $2-bil in ducats overall. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Watt, Stephen: 007 and 9/11, specters and structures of feeling. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Politik ~ Politics
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Watt-Evans, Lawrence: Chinks in the armor. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 117 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Watts, Philip: Roland Barthes’ cinema. Manuscript edited from the author’s unfinished chapters, Dudley Andrew, Yves Citton, Vincent Debaene, Sam Di Iorio. - New York: Oxford University Press 2016.
Includes, among others, chapters on Pier Paolo Pasolini and on the James Bond films.
Barthes, Roland
Pasolini, Pier Paolo
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Weber, Sebastian: James Bond als Spieler: Zur Metapher des Spiels - Spielräume im Casino und darüber hinaus. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 63 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Weiner, Rex: A case fit for 007. In: Variety 368. 1997. No. ?N. [October 20] p. 85.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Weiner, Rex: Studios hot for Bondage. In: Variety 368. 1997. No. ?N. [October 20] pp. 1 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wellershoff, Marianne: Im Reich des Bösen. In: Der Spiegel 51. 1997. No. 50. [December 8] pp. 226-228.
On Roger Spottiswoode’s James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies.
Spottiswoode, Roger
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Werckmeister, Otto Karl: Kafka 007. In: Critical Inquiry 21. 1995. No. 2. [?D] pp. 468-495.
Kafka, Franz
Soderbergh, Steven
Kafka (1991)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Whelehan, Imelda: Breaking Bond’s balls: A feminist re-reading Ian Fleming. In: James Bond uncovered. Edited by Jeremy Strong. - Cham: Springer International Publishing / Palgrave Macmillan 2018. (= Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture.) pp. 107-126.
Fleming, Ian
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wilhelmsson, Putte [et al.]: 007: Oikeus keskustella. In: Filmihullu 1987. No. 7. [?D] pp. 26-32.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Willemsen, Roger: Ich war Miß Moneypenny: Der Mythos Bond. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1996. No. 1(212). [?D] p. 53.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Williams, David E.: Reintroducing Bond ... James Bond: Goldeneye revamps secret agent’s screen legend. In: American Cinematographer 76. 1995. No. 12. [December] pp. 34-44.
On director Martin Campbell and cinematographer Phil Méheux.
Campbell, Martin
Méheux, Phil
Goldeneye (1995)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Williams, Greg: Bond on set: Filming Casino Royale. - London; New York: DK Publishing 2006.
Campbell, Martin
Casino Royale (2006)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Williams, Greg: Bond on set: Filming Die Another Day. - London: Boxtree 2002.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Williams, Greg: Bond on set: Filming Quantum of Solace. - New York: DK Publishing 2008.
Forster, Marc
Quantum of Solace (2008)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Willis, Martin: Hard-wear: The millennium, technology, and Brosnan’s Bond. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
Brosnan, Pierce
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Willman, Skip: The Kennedys, Fleming, and Cuba: Bond’s foreign policy. In: Ian Fleming and James Bond: The cultural politics of 007. Edited by Edward P. Comentale, Stephen Watt and Skip Willman. - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press 2005. p. ?P.
Fleming, Ian
Kennedy, John F[itzgerald]
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond (Literatur ~ Literature)
Kuba ~ Cuba
Politik ~ Politics
James Bond ~ James Bond
Willy Bogner makes Bond fly on skis. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 58 ff.
Bogner, Willy
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wolf, Martin: "Narkose des Herzens". In: Der Spiegel 56. 2002. No. 49. [December 2] pp. 186-188.
Interview with John Cleese on his role in the new James Bond movie Die Another Day and on the British humor in general.
Cleese, John
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Humor ~ Humor
Großbritannien ~ Great Britain
Wolf, Martin: Jane Austen trifft James Bond. In: Der Spiegel 65. 2011. No. 21. [May 23] p. 141.
On Joe Wright’s Hanna.
Wright, Joe
Austen, Jane
Hanna (2011)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wolf, Martin: Liebesgrüße aus der Mottenkiste. In: Der Spiegel 56. 2002. No. 47. [November 18] p. 24.
On Lee Tamahori’s James Bond film Die Another Day.
Tamahori, Lee
Die Another Day (2002)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Women of 007. In: Playboy 34. 1987. No. ?N. [September] pp. 128-31.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Frauen ~ Women
Wood, Christopher: Moonraker streng geheim: 007 erobert den Weltraum. Aus dem Englischen von Tony Westermayr. - München: Goldmann 1979. (= Goldmann-Filmbuch 3888 / Goldmann-Taschenbuch.)
Gilbert, Lewis
Moonraker (1979)
Weltraum ~ Space
James Bond ~ James Bond
Woodward, Steven: The arch archenemies of James Bond. In: Bad: Infamy, darkness, evil, and slime on screen. Edited by Murray Pomerance. - Albany: New York State University Press 2004. (= SUNY series: Cultural studies in cinema/video.) pp. 173-185.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Böse, Das ~ Evil, The
Woollacott, Janet: The James Bond films: Conditions of production. In: The James Bond phenomenon: A critical reader. Edited by Christoph Lindner. - Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press / New York: Palgrave 2003. p. ?P.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Wünsch, Michaela: Lizenz zum Lieben: Zum Melodramatischen im Action-Kino am Beispiel von James Bond und Miami Vice. In: Sexualität im Film. Redaktion: Annette Brauerhoch. - Frankfurt/Main; Basel: Stroemfeld 2011. (= Frauen und Film 66.) pp. 91 ff.
Mann, Michael
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Miami Vice (2006)
Miami Vice (TV)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Action ~ Action
Frauen ~ Women
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Wüsten, Dorian: Zwischen Herr und Hund - Bonds Rollenwechsel. In: Die Evolution des James Bond: Stabilität und Wandel. Hrsg. von Stefani Brusberg-Kiermeier und Werner Greve. - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2014. pp. 97 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Yu, Eric K. W.: 007 in late colonial Hong Kong: Technology, masculinity, and sly humour in Stephen Chow’s From Beijing with Love. In: East Asian cinemas: Regional flows and global transformations. Edited by Vivian P.Y. Lee. - Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. p. ?P.
Chow, Stephen
Lee Lik-Chi
Gwok chaan Ling Ling Chat (1994)
Technik ~ Technology
Männer ~ Men
James Bond ~ James Bond
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong
Asien ~ Asia
Zani, Steven: James Bond and Q: Heidegger’s technology, or "You’re not a sportsman, Mr. Bond". In: James Bond and philosophy: Questions are forever. Edited by Jacob M. Held and James B. South. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 23.) pp. 173-186.
Heidegger, Martin
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zec, Donald: Behind 15 James Bond pics lie the talents of Cubby Broccoli. In: Variety 327. 1987. No. ?N. [May 13] pp. 57 ff.
Broccoli, Albert R.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zerm, Eric: Der Spion, den wir lieben - Ein Agent im Wandel der Zeit: Franchise-Sachbuch. - Mülheim an der Ruhr: In Farbe und Bunt Verlag 2015.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zettel, Sarah: Covalent Bonds. In: James Bond in the 21st century: Why we still need 007. Edited by Leah Wilson and Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2006. (= Smart Pop.) pp. 181 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zettler, Jochen: "May I ask what motive our Russian friends would have for wishing to destroy American spacecraft?": James Bond zwischen Fiktion und Realität - Wie viel Wahrheit steckt in den Filmen von 007? In: The spy who impressed me: Zur kollektiven Wirkung und kulturellen Bedeutung von James-Bond-Filmen. Hrsg. von Christoph I. Barmeyer. - Passau: Stutz 2013. pp. 19 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Weltraum ~ Space
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Russland ~ Russia
Spione ~ Spys
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zimmer, Jacques: 007: James Bond story. - Paris: Ed. J’ai lu 1989. (= J’ai lu cinéma 19.)
James Bond (Filmreihe)
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zimmer, Jacques: A la James Bond girl inconnue. In: La Revue du Cinéma 1987. No. 430. [September] p. 8.
On the history of the James Bond films, especially on the leading female characters.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Frauen ~ Women
James Bond ~ James Bond
funktioniert. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 16 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
James Bond ~ James Bond
Zywietz, Bernd: Schmutziges Gerät: Über die Technologie der Bond-Schurken. In: Mythos 007: Die James-Bond-Filme im Fokus der Popkultur. Hrsg. von Andreas Rauscher, Cord Krüger, Georg Mannsperger und Bernd Zywietz. - Mainz: Bender 2007. pp. 160 ff.
James Bond (Filmreihe)
Technik ~ Technology
James Bond ~ James Bond
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