The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: Liquid Sky (1982)
number of items: 14
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
Batchan, Alexander: The "alienation" of Slava Tsukerman. In: Before the wall came down: Soviet and East European filmmakers working in the West: Proceedings of a conference held at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario on March 10-11, 1989. Edited by Graham Petrie and Ruth Dwyer. - Lanham, Maryland; New York; London: University Press of America 1990. pp. 15-34.
On Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Osteuropa ~ Eastern Europe
Europa ~ Europe
Aliens ~ Aliens
UdSSR (Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken) ~ USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Bergstrom, Janet: Androids and androgyny. In: Camera Obscura 1986. No. 15. [Fall] pp. 36-65.
Feminist analysis of gender roles in advertisement and in the science fiction film. Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, Michael Crichton’s Looker, Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky and George Lucas’s Star Wars.
Crichton, Michael
Tsukerman, Slava
Scott, Ridley
Lucas, George
Liquid Sky (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope / Star Wars (1977/1997)
Roboter ~ Robots
Sexualität: Androgynität ~ Sexuality: Androgynity
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Frauen ~ Women
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Bergstrom, Janet: Androids and androgyny. In: Close encounters: Film, feminism, and science fiction. Edited by Janet Bergstrom, Elisabeth Lyon, Constance Penley and Lynn Spigel. - Minneapolis, Minnesota; Oxford: University of Minnesota Press 1991. (= Camera Obscura Book.) pp. 33-60.
Feminist analysis of gender roles in advertisement and in the science fiction film. Discusses, among others, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, Michael Crichton’s Looker, Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky and George Lucas’s Star Wars.
Crichton, Michael
Tsukerman, Slava
Scott, Ridley
Lucas, George
Liquid Sky (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope / Star Wars (1977/1997)
Roboter ~ Robots
Sexualität: Androgynität ~ Sexuality: Androgynity
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Frauen ~ Women
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Hedderich, Detlef / Riepe, Manfred: Liquid Sky. In: Enzyklopädie des phantastischen Films. 26. Ergänzungslieferung. - Meitingen: Corian-Verlag, September 1992.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Howard, Yetta: Alien/ating lesbianism: Ugly sex and postpunk feminist dystopia in Liquid Sky. In: Woman and Performance 21. 2011. No. 1. [?D] pp. 41-61.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Utopie ~ Utopia
Sexualität: Homosexualität ~ Sexuality: Homosexuality
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Punk ~ Punk
Frauen ~ Women
Jackson, Suzanne / Viano, Maurizio: An interview with Slava Tsukerman, director of Liquid Sky. In: Third Rail 7. 1985/1986. [?D] pp. 92-93, 97.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Jackson, Suzanne / Viano, Maurizio: Liquid Sky: The art of asking questions. In: Third Rail 7. 1985/1986. [?D] pp. 90-91.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Knee, Adam: Liquid Sky, Repo Man and genre. In: Wide Angle 8. 1986. No. 3/4. [?D] pp. 101-113.
On the SF films by Slava Tsukerman and Alex Cox.
Tsukerman, Slava
Cox, Alex
Liquid Sky (1982)
Repo Man (1984)
Science Fiction ~ Science Fiction
Laderman, David: Punk slash! musicals: Tracking slip-sync on film. - Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 2010.
Discusses, among others, Jim Sharman’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Derek Jarman’s Jubilee and Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky.
Sharman, Jim
Jarman, Derek
Tsukerman, Slava
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1974)
Jubilee (1978)
Liquid Sky (1982)
Punk ~ Punk
Musik ~ Music
Riepe, Manfred: Ein Alien kommt selten allein: Zur Massenpsychologie der Außerirdischen. In: F.LM - Texte zum Film 2. 2003. No. 2. [?D] pp. 32-41.
Discusses, among others, the Man Who Fell to Earth, The Thing, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman and Invasion of the Body Snatchers series as well as Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky and Paul Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers.
Tsukerman, Slava
Verhoeven, Paul
Man Who Fell to Earth (Filmreihe)
Thing, The (Filmreihe)
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (Filmreihe)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Filmreihe)
Liquid Sky (1982)
Starship Troopers (1997)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Aliens ~ Aliens
Sharrett, Christopher: "No more going back and forth as in the past": Notes on the fate of history in recent European film. In: Persistence of Vision 1990. No. 8. pp. 29-44.
Discusses also a lot of fantastic films, among them Wim Wenders’s Der Himmel über Berlin, Hans Jürgen Syberberg’s Parsifal, Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and her Lover and Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky.
Wenders, Wim
Syberberg, Hans Jürgen
Greenaway, Peter
Tsukerman, Slava
Himmel über Berlin, Der (1987)
Parsifal (1982)
Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The (1989)
Liquid Sky (1982)
Geschichte ~ History
Europa ~ Europe
Studlar, Gaylyn: Midnight s/excess: Cult configurations of "femininity" and the perverse. In: Journal of Popular Film and Television 17. 1989. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 2-14.
On Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky and Jim Sharman’s Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Tsukerman, Slava
Sharman, Jim
Liquid Sky (1982)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1974)
Nacht ~ Night
Frauen ~ Women
Telotte, J. P.: Beyond all reason: The nature of the cult. In: The cult film experience: Beyond all reason. Edited by J. P. Telotte. - Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press 1991. (= Texas film studies.) pp. 5-17.
Discusses also some fantastic cult movies, among them Jim Sharman’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Slava Tsukerman’s Liquid Sky.
Sharman, Jim
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (1974)
Trefz, Linda: Photography for Liquid Sky. In: American Cinematographer 65. 1984. No. 2. [February] pp. 62-72.
Tsukerman, Slava
Liquid Sky (1982)
Technik: Kamera ~ Technology: Camera
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