The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
number of items: 8
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
Allison, Anne: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The first crossover superheroes. In: Allison, Anne: Millennial monsters: Japanese toys and the global imagination. Foreword by Gary Cross. - Berkeley, California: University of California Press 2006. (= Asia-local studies / global themes 13.) p. ?P.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Spielzeuge ~ Toys*
Helden ~ Heros
Monster ~ Monster
Japan ~ Japan
Bachmair. Ben / Tilemann, Friederike: Pädagogische Genre-Forschung: Zur Diskussion um die RTL-Serie Power Rangers. In: Medien Praktisch 19. 1995. No. 2(74). [?D] pp. 52-56.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Pädagogik ~ Paedagogy
Broderick, Mick: Hibakusha cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the nuclear image in Japanese film. - ?O: Kegan Paul International ?J (1997)
Discusses, among others, the Godzilla and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series as well as Katsuhiro Ôtomo’s Akira.
Ôtomo, Katsuhiro
Akira (1988)
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Godzilla (Filmreihe)
Nagasaki ~ Nagasaki
Hiroshima ~ Hiroshima
Atom ~ Nuclear
Godzilla ~ Godzilla
Japan ~ Japan
Gangloff, Tilmann P.: Geballte Gewalt: Was Kindern so alles angeboten wird. In: Medien und Erziehung 39. 1995. No. 1. [?D] pp. 37-38.
On the two TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (in Germany shown on RTL) and Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (in Germany shown on SAT 1).
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (TV)
Deutschland ~ Germany
Jugend ~ Youth
Gewalt ~ Violence
Fernsehen ~ Television
Hiddemann, Frank: Betr.: Power Rangers: Eine populäre Ästhetik der Verklärung. In: Medien Praktisch 19. 1995. No. 4(76) [?D] p. 60.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Ono, Kent A.: Power Rangers: An ideological critique of neocolonialism. In: Ono, Kent A.: Contemporary media culture and the remnants of a colonial past. - New York: Peter Lang 2009. (= Critical intercultural communication studies 8.) p. ?P.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Politik ~ Politics
Phillips, Phil: The truth about Power Rangers. - Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Starburst Publishers 1995.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Religion ~ Religion
Reichertz, Jo: Wieviel Gewalt geht von den Power Rangers aus? In: Tele-Kulturen: Fernsehen und Gesellschaft: Media-Lectures in der Ausstellung "Der Traum vom Sehen". Hrsg. von Jo Reichertz und Thomas Unterberg. - Berlin: ?V 1998. p.?P.
Power Rangers / Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (TV)
Gewalt ~ Violence
Fernsehen ~ Television
This literature list was generated on Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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