Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

number of items: 6

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Church Gibson, Pamela: Pippi Longstocking / Pippi Långstrumpf / Pippi Langstrumpf. In: Sight and Sound NS 10. 2000. No. 5. [May] p. 58.
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

Feinstein, Howard: Pippi Longstocking. In: Variety 368. 1997. No. 3. [August 25] p. 75.
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

Fuchs, Wolfgang J.: Die gezeichnete Kinderheldin: Pippi Langstrumpf. In: Medien und Erziehung 42. 1998. No. 1. [?D] p. 43.
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)
Helden ~ Heros
Jugend ~ Youth

Löser, Claus: Pippi Langstrumpf. In: Film-Dienst 51. 1998. No. 1. [January 6] p. 223.
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

Lukasz-Aden, Gudrun: Pippi Langstrumpf. In: Kinder- und Jugendfilm Korrespondenz 19. 1998. No. 1(73). [?D] p. 15.
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

Pippi Langstrumpf. - Wien: ?V ?J. (= Neues Filmprogramm 10302.)
Giggie, Bill
Schaack, Michael
Smith, Clive A.
Pippi Langstrumpf / Pippi Longstocking (1997)

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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