The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|
literature list on: Religion: Buddhismus
number of items: 117
?O | City of publication unknown |
?V | Publishing company unknown |
?J | Year of publication unknown |
?N | Issue number unknown |
?G | Volume number unknown |
?D | Date of publication unknown |
?P | Number of pages unknown |
?R | Series number unknown |
Abramson, Marc: Mountains, monks, and mandalas: Kundun and Seven Years in Tibet. In: Cineaste 23. 1998. No. 3. [?D] pp. 8-12.
Scorsese, Martin
Annaud, Jean-Jacques
Kundun (1997)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Berge ~ Mountains
Asma, Stephen: Against transcendentalism: Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life and Buddhism. In: Monty Python and philosophy: Nudge nudge, think think! Edited by Gary L. Hardcastle and George A. Reisch. - Chicago, Illinois: Open Court 2006. (= Popular culture and philosophy 19.) pp. 93-110.
Gilliam, Terry
Jones, Terry
Monty Python’s Meaning of Life (1983)
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Monty Python ~ Monty Python
Avila, Wanda: Enlightenment through film: Why has Bodhidharma left for the East? In: Journal of Religion and Film 14. 2010. No. 1. [April] p. 1-6.
Bae, Yong-kyun
Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? (1989)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Baker, Geoff: Portraying the quest for Buddhist wisdom?: A comparative study of The Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. In: Journal of Religion and Film 10. 2006. No. 1. [April] p. 3.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Lee Ang
Matrix, The (Filmreihe)
Wo hu zang long / Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Bakker, Freek L.: The challenge of the silver screen: An analysis of the cinematic portraits of Jesus, Rama, Buddha and Muhammad. - Boston, Massachussetts; Leiden: Brill 2009. (= Studies in religion and the arts 1.)
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Islam ~ Religion: Islam
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion: Hinduismus ~ Religion: Hinduism
Barad, Judith: The ethical underpinnings of Kundun. In: The philosophy of Martin Scorsese. Edited by Mark T. Conard. - Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky 2007. (= The philosophy of popular culture.) p. ?P.
Scorsese, Martin
Kundun (1997)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Billson, Anne: Zen and the art of King Hu. In: Sight and Sound NS 26. 2016. No. 4. [April] pp. 96-97.
On a DVD edition of King Hu’s Xia nu (A Touch of Zen).
King Hu
Xia nu (1969)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Blizek, William / Desanti, Brady: Understanding Jacob’s Ladder through the Tibetan Book of the Dead. In: Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 27. 2015. No. 1. [Spring] pp. 45-56.
Lyne, Adrian
Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Tibet ~ Tibet
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Bortolin, Matthew: The dharma of Star Wars. - Boston, Massachussetts: Wisdom 2005.
Lucas, George
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Bortolin, Matthew: The dharma of Star Wars. Second edition. - Somerville, Massachussetts: Wisdom Publications 2015.
First edition:
Lucas, George
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Botz-Bornstein, Thorsten: Anti-Freudianism Korean Style: Kim Ki-duk’s dream. In: Journal of Japanese & Korean Cinema 2. 2011. No. 1. [?D] pp. 51-62.
Kim Ki-Duk
Freud, Sigmund
Traum ~ Dreams
Korea ~ Korea
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Brannigan, Michael: There is no spoon: A Buddhist mirror. In: The Matrix and philosophy: Welcome to the desert of the real. Edited by William Irwin. - Chicago: Open Court 2002. pp. 101-110.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (1999)
Spiegel ~ Mirror
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Browning, John Edgar / Stein, Wayne: The western Eastern: De-coding hybridity and cyberZen goth(ic) in Vampire Hunter D (1985). In: Draculas, vampires, and other undead forms: Essays on gender, race, and culture. Edited by John Edgar Browning and Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart. - Lanham, Maryland; London: Scarecrow Press 2009. p. ?P.
On Banpaia hantâ D by Toyoo Ashida and Carl Macek.
Ashida, Toyoo
Macek, Carl
Banpaia hantâ D (1985)
Ethnie ~ Ethnicity
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Vampire ~ Vampires
Buddhism and American cinema. Edited by John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff. Foreword by Danny Rubin. - Albany: State University of New York Press 2014. (= SUNY series in Buddhism and American culture.)
Religion ~ Religion
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Cardinale, Liza: Return of the white rabbit. In: CinemaEditor 60. 2010. No. 1. [?D] pp. 29-32.
On Buddhist motifs in Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.
Burton, Tim
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Cardullo, Robert: A passage to Tokyo: The art of Ozu, remembered. In: Asian Cinema 24. 2013. No. 1. [?D] pp. 21-35.
Ozu, Yasujirô
Tokyo monogatari (1953)
Tokio ~ Tokyo
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Chan, Felicia: Politics into aesthetics: Cultural translation in Kundun, Seven Years in Tibet and The Cup. In: Buddhism and American cinema. Edited by John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff. Foreword by Danny Rubin. - Albany: State University of New York Press 2014. (= SUNY series in Buddhism and American culture.) p. ?P.
Scorsese, Martin
Annaud, Jean-Jacques
Wincer, Simon
Kundun (1997)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Cup, The (2011)
Religion ~ Religion
Politik ~ Politics
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Changing mode of religioso features: Moslem, Mormon, Buddhist pics. In: Variety 291. 1978. No. ?N. [July 19] pp. 5 ff.
Religion: Mormonen ~ Religion: Mormons
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Islam ~ Religion: Islam
Cho, Francisca: Buddhism, film, and religious knowing: Challenging the literary approach to film. In: Teaching religion and film. Edited by Gregory J. Watkins. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press 2008. p. ?P.
Pädagogik ~ Paedagogy
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Cho, Francisca: Buddhism. In: The Routledge companion to religion and film. Edited by John C. Lyden. - London; New York: Routledge 2009. p. ?P.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Cho, Francisca: The art of presence: Buddhism and Korean films. In: Representing religion in world cinema: Filmmaking, mythmaking, culture making. Edited by S. Brent Plate. - Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2003. (= Religion / culture / critique 2.) p. ?P.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Korea ~ Korea
Religion ~ Religion
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Choi Heawon: Oblivion beyond forgetting: A Buddhist reflection on suffering in Ashes of Time. In: Journal of Religion and Film 14. 2010. No. 2. [October] p. 1-10.
Wong Kar-wai
Dung che sai duk / Dong xie xi du (1994)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Cinema e Buddismo: I film visti in Occidente. In: Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007. pp. 123 ff.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Colombo, Paolo: Cristianesimo e Buddismo: Ipotesi di dialogo. In: Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007. pp. 9 ff.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Conroy, Melissa: Seeing with Buddha’s eyes: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. In: Journal of Religion and Film 11. 2007. No. 2. [October] p. 13.
Kim Ki-Duk
Bom, yeoreum, gaeul, gyeowool, geurigo, bom (2003)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Augen ~ Eyes
Contreras, Cynthia: Depicting the Buddha, teaching the Dharma. In: Asian Cinema 10. 1998. No. 1. [Fall] pp. 176-192.
On the representation of Buddhism in film. Discusses Bernardo Bertolucci’s Little Buddha, Yong-kyun Baes Dharmagat tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? and The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche by Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam.
Bertolucci, Bernardo
Bae, Yong-kyun
Sarin, Ritu
Sonam, Tenzing
Little Buddha (1993)
Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? (1989)
Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche, The (1991)
Pädagogik ~ Paedagogy
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Corless, Kieron: Symbols of transformation. In: Sight and Sound NS 20. 2010. No. 12. [December] pp. 19-20.
Interview with Apichatpong Weerasethakul on Loong Boonmee raleuk chat.
Weerasethakul, Apichatpong
Loong Boonmee raleuk chat (2010)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Cuasay, Joseph Paul L.: Social and political struggle: Buddhism and indigenous beliefs in contemporary Korean cinema. - Athens, Ohio: Ohio University, M.A. 1997. [Abstract In: Masters Abstracts International 35. 1997. No. 6. (December) p. 1560.]
Discusses, among others, Yong-kyun Bae’s Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun?, Im Kwon-Taek’s Mandala and Jang Sun-Woo’s Hwaomkyung.
Bae, Yong-kyun
Im Kwon-Taek
Jang Sun-Woo
Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? (1989)
Mandala (1981)
Hwaomkyung (1993)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Politik ~ Politics
Korea ~ Korea
Cuddy, Luke / Bruce, Michael: Could Beatrix Kiddo reach enlightenment? Traces of Buddhist philosophy in Kill Bill. In: Quentin Tarantino and philosophy: How to philosophize with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. Edited by Richard Greene and K. Silem Mohammad. - Chicago: Open Court 2007. (= Popular culture and philosophy 29.) p. ?P.
Tarantino, Quentin
Kill Bill (Filmreihe)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Desmarais, Michele: Buddhist movies. In: The Continuum companion to religion and film. Edited by William Blizek. - London; New York: Continuum 2009. p. ?P.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Felperin, Leslie: The temple of the lake within. In: Sight and Sound NS 14. 2004. No. 6. [June] pp. 32-34.
On the representation of Buddhism in Bom, yeoreum, gaeul, gyeowool, geurigo, bom.
Kim Ki-Duk
Bom, yeoreum, gaeul, gyeowool, geurigo, bom (2003)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Fielding, Julien: Beyond Judeo-Christianity: Star Wars and the great Eastern Religions. In: Sex, politics, and religion in Star Wars: An anthology. Edited by Douglas Brode and Leah Deyneka. - Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press 2012. p. ?P.
Lucas, George
Star Wars (Filmreihe)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Politik ~ Politics
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Fielding, Julien R.: Discovering world religions at 24 frames per second. - Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press 2008. (= Atla publications 4.)
On the representation of religion in Asian film. Includes chapters on India, China, Japan and on Buddhism in film.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Japan ~ Japan
Indien ~ India
China ~ China
Asien ~ Asia
Flannery-Dailey, Frances / Wagner, Rachel: Wake up! Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix. In: Journal of Religion and Film 5. 2001. No. 2. [October] p. ?P.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (1999)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Flannery-Dailey, Frances / Wagner, Rachel: Wake up! Worlds of illusion in Gnosticism, Buddhism, and The Matrix project. In: Philosophers explore The Matrix. Edited by Christopher Grau. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press 2005. p. ?P
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (Filmreihe)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Flesher, Paul Virgil McCracken / Torry, Robert: Film & religion: An introduction. - Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press 2007.
Includes chapters on Christmas films, on the representation of the Cold War and nuclear fears in film, on the representation of ancient history and the rise of the Christianity in film, on alien messiah figures, on the representation of the devil and finally on the representation of world religions like Islam, Judaism and Buddhism in film. Discusses, among others, How the Grinch Stole Christmas! by Chuck Jones and Ben Washam, Rudolph Maté’s When Worlds Collide, Robert Wise’s The Day the Earth Stood Still, Mervyn LeRoy’s Quo Vadis? and King of Kings, Henry Koster’s The Robe, Cecil Blount DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, Norman Jewison’s Jesus Christ Superstar and Agnes of Good, Martin Scorsese’s The Last Temptation of Christ, Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, William Friedkin’s The Exorcist, Richard Donner’s The Omen, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 - A Space Odyssey, Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Barry Levinson’s The Natural, Phil Alden Robinson’s Field of Dreams and Bernardo Bertolucci’s Little Buddha.
Jones, Chuck
Washam, Ben
Maté, Rudolph
Wise, Robert
LeRoy, Mervyn
Koster, Henry
DeMille, Cecil Blount
Jewison, Norman
Scorsese, Martin
Gibson, Mel
Friedkin, William
Donner, Richard
Kubrick, Stanley
Spielberg, Steven
Levinson, Barry
Robinson, Phil Alden
Bertolucci, Bernardo
How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1966)
When Worlds Collide (1951)
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951)
Quo Vadis? (1951)
King of Kings (1961)
Robe, The (1953)
Ten Commandments, The (1957)
Jesus Christ Superstar (1972)
Agnes of Good (1985)
Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988)
Passion of the Christ, The (2004)
Exorcist, The (1973)
Omen, The / Birthmark (1976)
2001 - A Space Odyssey (1968)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Natural, The (1983)
Field of Dreams (1989)
Little Buddha (1993)
Religion: Teufel ~ Religion: Devil
Religion: Juden ~ Religion: Jews
Religion: Islam ~ Religion: Islam
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Krieg ~ War
Geschichte: Antike ~ History: Ancient Times
Atom ~ Nuclear
Angst ~ Fear
Aliens ~ Aliens
Ford, James L.: Buddhism, Christianity, and The Matrix: The dialectic of myth-making in contemporary cinema. In: Journal of Religion and Film 4. 2000. No. 2. [October] p. ?P.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (1999)
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Ford, James L.: Buddhism, mythology, and The Matrix. In: Taking the red pill: Science, philosophy and religion in The Matrix. Edited by Glenn Yeffeth. - Dallas, Texas: BenBella Books 2003. pp. 125-144.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (Filmreihe)
Wissenschaft ~ Science
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Fuhrmann, Arnika: Ghostly desires: Queer sexuality and vernacular Buddhism in contemporary Thai cinema. - Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press 2016.
Discusses, among others, Nonzee Nimibutr’s Nang nak, Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Sud pralad, the work of video artist Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook and the films of Danny and Oxide Pang.
Nimibutr, Nonzee
Weerasethakul, Apichatpong
Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya
Pang, Danny
Pang, Oxide
Nang nak (1999)
Sud pralad (2004)
Thailand ~ Thailand
Video ~ Video
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Politik ~ Politics
Geister ~ Ghosts
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Fuhrmann, Arnika: Ghostly desires: Sexual subjectivity in Thai cinema and politics after 1997. - Chicago, Illinois: The University of Chicago, Ph.D. 2008. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 69. 2009. No. 11. (May)]
Discusses, among others, Nonzee Nimibutr’s Nang nak, Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Sud pralad and the work of video artist Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook.
Nimibutr, Nonzee
Weerasethakul, Apichatpong
Rasdjarmrearnsook, Araya
Nang nak (1999)
Sud pralad (2004)
Thailand ~ Thailand
Video ~ Video
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Politik ~ Politics
Geister ~ Ghosts
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Ganter, Matthias: Buddhistisches Zeugnis oder unabhängiges Kunstwerk? Zur Bedeutung des Buddhismus für Yong-Kyun Baes Film Warum Bodhi-Dharma in den Osten aufbrach?. In: Weltreligionen im Film: Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Hinduismus, Buddhismus. Hrsg. von Joachim Valentin unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Müller. - Marburg: Schüren 2002. (= Film und Theologie 3.) pp. 243-260.
Bae, Yong-kyun
Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? (1989)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Gieselmann, Martin: Dalei Lama pictures! In: EPD Film 25. 2008. No. 12. [December] pp. 10-11.
On the representation of Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalei Lama in film.
Dalei Lama
Tibet ~ Tibet
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Godfrey, Edward J.: Zen Noir vis-à-vis Myers-Briggs personality typology: Semiotic multivalency as grounds for dialog. In: Journal of Religion and Film 20. 2016. No. 3. [October] pp. 1-25.
Rosenbush, Marc
Zen Noir (2004)
Psychologie ~ Psychology
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Götze, Thilo: Regenbogen: Dialektik des Mitgefühls: Buddhismus und Film. - Marburg: diagonal-Verlag 2002.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Goulding, Jay: Crossroads of experience: Miyazaki Hayao’s global / local nexus. In: Asian Cinema 17. 2006. No. 2. [Fall/Winter] pp. 114-123.
On the representation of Asian religion traditions in the animated films of Miyazaki Hayao, especially in Mononoké Hime and Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi.
Miyazaki, Hayao
Mononoké Hime (1999)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
Religion ~ Religion
Asien ~ Asia
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Animation ~ Animation
Green, Ronald S.: Buddhism goes to the movies: Introduction to Buddhist thought and practice. - New York: Routledge 2014.
Includes chapters on Frank Capra’s Lost Horizon, David Fincher’s Fight Club, Richard Linklater’s Waking Life, Yong-kyun Bae’s Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? and on Thai Buddhism in horror films, especially in Nonzee Nimibutr’s Nang nak and Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives.
Capra, Frank
Fincher, David
Linklater, Richard
Bae, Yong-kyun
Nimibutr, Nonzee
Weerasethakul, Apichatpong
Lost Horizon (1937)
Fight Club (1999)
Waking Life (2001)
Dharmaga tongjogurdo kan kadalgun? (1989)
Nang nak (1999)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)
Thailand ~ Thailand
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Horror ~ Horror
Griffin, Nancy: The Buddha from another planet. In: Esquire 128. 1997. No. ?N. [October] pp. 60 ff.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Grist, Leighton: The films of Martin Scorsese, 1978-99: Authorship and context II. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013.
Includes chapters on Cape Fear, on religion and blasphemy in The Last Temptation of Christ and on the representation of transcendence in Kundun.
Scorsese, Martin
Cape Fear (1991)
Last Temptation of Christ, The (1988)
Kundun (1997)
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Hammond, Stefan / Wilkins, Mike: Sex and zen & a bullet in the head: The essential guide to Hong Kong’s mind-bending films. - New York: Simon & Schuster 1996.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong
Hammond, Stefan / Wilkins, Mike: Sex and zen & a bullet in the head: The essential guide to Hong Kong’s mind-bending films. - London: Titan Books 1997.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong
Hammond, Stefan / Wilkins, Mike: Sex und Zen und eine Kugel in den Kopf: Der Hongkong-Film. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Karsten Prüßmann. - München: Heyne 1999. (= Heyne Filmbibliothek 259.)
Arnold, Frank: In: Filmbulletin 41. 1999. No. 3(222). [?D] pp. 7-8.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Hongkong ~ Hong Kong
Han Joon Magnan-Park, Aaron: End-gendering re-gendered romance of multiple lives: Reincarnation in Bungee Jumping of Their Own. In: Post Script 27. 2008. No. 3. [Summer] pp. 37-58.
On Kim Dae-seung’s Beonjijeompeureul hada.
Kim Dae-seung
Beonjijeompeureul hada (2001)
Religion: Reinkarnation ~ Religion: Reincarnation
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Harnden-Simpson, Mona: Forging a Buddhist cinema: Exploring Buddhism in cinematic representations of Tibetan culture. - Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University, M.A. 2011. [Abstract in: Masters Abstracts International 50. 2012. No. 5. (October).]
Tibet ~ Tibet
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Harner, Devin: Christian allegory, Buddhism and Bardo in Richard Kelly’s Donnie Darko. In: Buddhism and American cinema. Edited by John Whalen-Bridge and Gary Storhoff. Foreword by Danny Rubin. - Albany: State University of New York Press 2014. (= SUNY series in Buddhism and American culture.) p. ?P.
Kelly, Richard
Donnie Darko (2001)
Religion ~ Religion
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Höfler, Alfred: Schritte der Achtsamkeit: Eine Reise mit Tich Nhat Hanh. In: Religion and Literature 28. 1999. No. 1. [?D] pp. 22 ff.
On Thomas Lüchinger’s documentation on Zen Buddhism.
Lüchinger, Thomas
Schritte der Achtsamkeit (1998)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Huang, Andrew: A Kung Fu swan song. In: Newsweek 147. 2006. No. 7. [February 13]. pp. 48-49.
Interview with actor Jet Li on his role in Ronny Yu’s Huo yuan jia (Fearless).
Li, Jet
Yu, Ronny
Huo yuan jia (2006)
Martial Art ~ Martial Art
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Hutchinson, Richard: God and the Bodhisattva: A Buddhist reading of Stranger Than Fiction. In: Journal of Religion and Film 13. 2009. No. 1. [April] p. ?P.
Forster, Marc
Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Iwamura, Jane Naomi: Virtual orientalism: Asian religions and American popular culture. - New York: Oxford University Press 2011.
Burch, Kate Netzler: [untitled.] In: Journal of Popular Culture 45. 2012. No. 5. [?D] pp. 1116-1118.
Chen, Carolyn: [untitled.] In: Discourse 32. 2010. No. 2. [?D] pp. 256-259.
Hsu, Madeline Y.: [untitled.] In: Journal of Asian American Studies 13. 2010. No. 3. [?D] pp. 399-401.
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Religion ~ Religion
Orient ~ Orient
Asien ~ Asia
Martial Art ~ Martial Art
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Izzi, Alessandro: Dal Tibet a Hollywood: Bertolucci, Scorsese e Herzog: Tre sguardi occidentali sul buddhismo. - Roma: Aracne 2008.
Discusses Bernardo Bertolucci’s Little Buddha, Martin Scorsese’s Kundun and Werner Herzog’s Wheel of Time.
Bertolucci, Bernardo
Scorsese, Martin
Herzog, Werner
Little Buddha (1993)
Kundun (1997)
Wheel of Time (2003)
Tibet ~ Tibet
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Jackson, Leah: Saiyuki reloaded. In: Cinefantastique 37. 2005. No. 2. [April/May] p. 64.
On a DVD edition containing several animated filmings of the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West, telling the legend of Buddhist monk Xuanzang.
Wu Cheng’en
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
China ~ China
Animation ~ Animation
Journey to the West / Monkey (Literatur ~ Literature)
James, David E.: Im Kwon-Taek. In: Film Quarterly 54. 2001. No. 3. [Spring] pp. 14-31.
On the rerpesentation ob buddhism in the films of the South Korean director. Discusses especially Mandala und Aje aje bara aje.
Im Kwon-Taek
Mandala (1981)
Aje aje bara aje (1989)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Korea ~ Korea
Kingsley, Simon: How To Cook Your Life. In: German Films Quarterly 2006. No. 3. [?D] pp. 35-36.
Dörrie, Doris
How to Cook Your Life (2007)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Klinger, Walter: Kurosawa’s censored Satori. In: Asian Cinema 17. 2006. No. 2. [Fall/Winter] pp. 124-143.
Kurosawa, Akira
Sugata Sanshirô (1943)
Zoku Sugata Sanshirô (1945)
Zensur ~ Censorship
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Klinger, Walter: Kurosawa’s sensored Satori. In: Asian Cinema 17. 2006. No. 2. [?D] pp. 124-145.
Kurosawa, Akira
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Knoben, Martina: Rad der Zeit: Werner Herzogs Dokumentarfilm über den Buddhismus. In: EPD Film 20. 2003. No. 11. [November] pp. 48-49.
Herzog, Werner
Rad der Zeit (2003)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Dokumentarfilm ~ Documentary Film
Knop, Matthias: Operation Buddha: Zur Rekonstruktion von Franz Ostens Die Leuchte Asiens. In: Filmgeschichte [Berlin] 2001. No. 15. [September] pp. 95-96.
Osten, Franz
Leuchte Asiens, Die (1925)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Knudsen, Erik: Zen and the art of film narrative: Towards a transcendental realism in film. In: Journal of Screenwriting 1. 2010. No. 2. [?D] pp. 343-355.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Korte, P.: Kathryn Bigelow: Bankraub, Surfen, Zen-Buddhismus. In: EPD Film 8. 1991. No. 10. [October] pp. 12-13.
On Point Break.
Bigelow, Kathryn
Point Break (1991)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Kriest, Ulrich: How to Cook Your Life. In: Film-Dienst 60. 2007. No. 10. [May 10] p. 31.
On Doris Dörrie’s portrait of zen buddhist and cook Ed Espe Brown.
Dörrie, Doris
Brown, Ed Espe
How to Cook Your Life (2007)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
LaFleur, William R.: Suicide off the edge of explicability: Awe in Ozu and Kore’eda. In: Film History 14. 2002. No. 2. pp. 158-165.
Ozu, Yasujirô
Kore-eda, Hirokazu
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Selbstmord ~ Suicide
Lederle, Josef: Vom Loslassen: Mandala: Dokumentarfilm über eine meditative Performance buddhistischer Mönche. In: Film-Dienst 66. 2013. No. 4. [February 14] p. 39.
Hübner, Christoph
Mandala (2012)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Dokumentarfilm ~ Documentary Film
Lee, Hunju: The new Asian female ghost films: Modernity, gender politics, and transnational transformation. - Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Amherst, Ph.D. 2011. [Abstract in: Dissertation Abstracts International A 72. 2011. No. 5. (November)]
Compares the roleof female ghosts in Buddhism, Confucianism and Asian cultural history with their representation in cinematic horror.
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Politik ~ Politics
Horror ~ Horror
Geister ~ Ghosts
Frauen ~ Women
Asien ~ Asia
Loewe, Peter: Bertolucci byter revolutionen mot religionen. In: Chaplin 36. 1994. No. 2(251). [?D] pp. 40-45.
Bertolucci, Bernardo
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Lunghamer, Kristin: Buddhism moves West: Its influence and reflection in literature and film. - Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2015.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Literatur ~ Literature
MacDonald, Scott: Perception as transcendence: Interview with Pawel Wojtasik. In: Film Quarterly 65. 2011. No. 2. [Winter] pp. 52-58.
Wojtasik, Pawel
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Experimentalfilme ~ Experimental Films
MAERZ: Buddhismus-Machine: Split. In: Splatting Image 1990. No. 3. [May] p. 40.
Shaw, Chris
Split (1989)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Mann, Douglas: Buddhists, existentialists, and situationists: Waking up in Waking Life. In: Journal of Film and Video 62. 2010. No. 4. [Winter] pp. 15-30.
Linklater, Richard
Waking Life (2001)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Existentialismus ~ Existentialism
Traum ~ Dreams
Marassi, Mauricio Yushin: La comunicazione mediale nel Buddismo. In: Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007. pp. 45 ff.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Martin, Adrian: Extraordinary Joe. In: Sight and Sound NS 20. 2010. No. 12. [December] pp. 16-19.
On the films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, especially Loong Boonmee raleuk chat.
Weerasethakul, Apichatpong
Loong Boonmee raleuk chat (2010)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Martini, Giulio: Il cinema "Buddista" in Occidente. In: Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007. pp. 71 ff.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Martonova, Andronika M.: Enlightenments: The interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism on screen. In: Journal of Religion and Film 20. 2016. No. 1. [?D] p. 1-31.
Tibet ~ Tibet
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Mazzocchi, Luciano: II dialogo tra Cristianesimo e Buddismo: I reciproci arricchimenti. In: Cinema e buddismo. A cura di Giulio Martini. - Milano: Centro Ambrosiano 2007. pp. 25 ff.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
McDaniel, Justin: The emotional lives of Buddhist monks in modern Thai film. In: Journal of Religion and Film 14. 2010. No. 2. [October] p. 1-16.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Thailand ~ Thailand
Mellencamp, Pat: The Zen of masculinity: Rituals of heroism in The Matrix. In: The end of cinema as we know it: American film in the nineties. Edited by Jon Lewis. - New York: New York University Press 2001. pp. 83-94.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (1999)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Männer ~ Men
Helden ~ Heros
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Moreman, Christopher M.: Dharma of the dead: Zombies, mortality and Buddhist philosophy. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company 2018. (= Contributions to zombie studies.)
Zombies ~ Zombies
Tod ~ Death
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Moreman, Christopher M.: Dharma of the living dead: A Buddhist meditation on the zombie. In: Zombies are us: Essays on the humanity of the walking dead. Edited by Christopher M. Moreman and Cory James Rushton. - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland 2011. pp. 123 ff.
Zombies ~ Zombies
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Mullen, Eve L.: Orientalist commercializations: Tibetan Buddhism in American popular film. In: Journal of Religion and Film 2. 1998. No. 2. [October] p. ?P.
Religion ~ Religion
USA (United States of America) ~ USA (United States of America)
Tibet ~ Tibet
Orient ~ Orient
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Neuhaus, Tom: How can a war be holy? Weimar attitudes toward eastern spirituality. In: Weimar culture revisited. Edited by John Alexander Williams. - New Yok: Palgrave Macmillan 2011. (= Studies in European culture and history.) p. ?P.
Religion ~ Religion
Krieg ~ War
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Deutschland ~ Germany
Ng, Andrew Hock Soon: Between subjugation and subversion: Ideological ambiguity in the cinematic Mae Nak of Thailand. In: Horror Studies 5. 2014. No. 2. [October] pp. 171-182.
Discusses Gomarchun’s Mae Nak Phra Khanong, Seney’s Winyan Rak Mae Nak Phra Khanong and Nonzee Nimibutr’s Nang nak.
Nimibutr, Nonzee
Mae Nak Phra Khanong (1959)
Winyan Rak Mae Nak Phra Khanong (1962)
Nang nak (1999)
Thailand ~ Thailand
Politik ~ Politics
Geister ~ Ghosts
Horror ~ Horror
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Nordin, Kenneth D.: Buddhist symbolism in Akira Kurosawa’s Ran: A counterpoint to human chaos. In: Asian Cinema 16. 2005. No. 2. [Fall/Winter] pp. 242-254.
Kurosawa, Akira
Ran (1985)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Okuyama, Yoshiko: Motifs of Buddhism and folklore in Dororo (2007) and Departures (2008). In: Okuyama, Yoshiko: Japanese mythology in film: A semiotic approach to reading Japanese film and anime. - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books 2015. p. ?P.
Shiota, Akihiko
Takita, Yôjirô
Dororo (2007)
Okuribito (2008)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Japan ~ Japan
Animation ~ Animation
Mythologie ~ Mythology
Pearl, Monica: Minority identities: Zero Patience: AIDS, music, and reincarnation films. In: Musicals: Hollywood and beyond. Edited by Bill Marshall and Robynn Stilwell. - ?O: Intellect 2000. pp. 141-146.
Greyson, John
Zero Patience (1993)
Religion: Reinkarnation ~ Religion: Reincarnation
Musik ~ Music
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Piccardi, Adriano: Io e il tutto. In: Cineforum 38. 1998. No. ?N(373). [April] pp. 10-13.
On the representation of buddhism in Martin Scorsese’s Kundun.
Scorsese, Martin
Kundun (1997)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Polson, Tod: The Noble approach: Maurice Noble and the Zen of animation design. - San Francisco: Chronicle Books 2013.
Noble, Maurice
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Animation ~ Animation
Prince, Stephen: Zen and selfhood: Patterns of eastern thought in Kurosawa’s films. In: Post Script 7. 1988. No. 2. [Winter] pp. 4-17.
Kurosawa, Akira
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Prince, Stephen: Zen and selfhood: Patterns of eastern thought in Kurosawa’s films. In: Perspectives on Akira Kurosawa. Edited by James Goodwin. - New York: G. K. Hall / Don Mills, Ontario: Maxwell Macmillan Canada 1994. (= Perspectives on film.) pp. 225-235.
Kurosawa, Akira
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Reed, Charley: Fight Club: An exploration of Buddhism. In: Journal of Religion and Film 11. 2007. No. 2. [October] p. 2.
Fincher, David
Fight Club (1999)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Richie, Donald: Viewed sideways: Writings on culture and style in contemporary Japan. - Berkeley, California: Stone Bridge Press 2011.
Includes several chapters on Japanese film, especially on the representation of life and death and on Buddhism in Japanese movies.
Tod ~ Death
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Japan ~ Japan
Rosner, Heiko: Der wütende Buddha: Keanu Reeves, der Umsteiger aus Hollywood. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1994. No. 11(198). [?D] pp. 54-56.
Discusses, among others, Reeves’s role in Jan De Bont’s Speed.
Reeves, Keanu
De Bont, Jan
Speed (1994)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Hollywood ~ Hollywood
Schaedler, Luc: Westliche Okkupation und östliche Selbstreflexion: Buddhismus im Spielfilm. In: Weltreligionen im Film: Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Hinduismus, Buddhismus. Hrsg. von Joachim Valentin unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Müller. - Marburg: Schüren 2002. (= Film und Theologie 3.) pp. 211-224.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Scheffold, Armin: Kundun: Eine authentische Verfilmung der Biographie des Dalai Lama? In: Weltreligionen im Film: Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Hinduismus, Buddhismus. Hrsg. von Joachim Valentin unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Müller. - Marburg: Schüren 2002. (= Film und Theologie 3.) pp. 225-242.
Scorsese, Martin
Kundun (1997)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Schönfeld, Carl-Erdmann: Das wahre Märchen vom Prinzen Buddha: Franz Ostens indische Stummfilme. In: EPD Film 13. 1996. No. 7. [July] pp. 28-33.
Osten, Franz
Stummfilm ~ Silent Film
Indien ~ India
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Märchen ~ Fairy Tales
Schritte der Achtsamkeit: Eine Reise an den Ursprung des Buddhismus. Hrsg. von Thomas Lüchinger. - Freiburg/Breisgau; Basel; Wien: Herder 2014. (= Herder-Spektrum 6731.)
Lüchinger, Thomas
Schritte der Achtsamkeit (1998)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Sharp, Jasper: Buddha: Selling an Asian spectacle. In: Journal of Japanese & Korean Cinema 4. 2013. No. 1. [?D] pp. 29-52.
Misumi, Kenji
Shaka (1961)
Asien ~ Asia
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Shaw, Scott: Zen filmmaking. - Palos Verdes Peninsula, California: Buddha Rose Publications 2008.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Simon, John: Not for enlightened Buddhists. In: National Review 44. 1992. No. ?N. [December 14] pp. 52-54.
Coppola, Francis Ford
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Spalinska-Mazur, Joanna: Matrix: Korekta manifestacji kultury cyberpunkowej wedlug braci Wachowskich. In: Kwartalnik Filmowy ?G. 2000. No. 31/32. [Fall/Winter] pp. 206-214.
Wachowski, Andy
Wachowski, Larry
Matrix, The (1999)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Punk ~ Punk
Cyberspace ~ Cyberspace
Suh, Sharon A.: Silver screen Buddha: Buddhism in Asian and Western film. - London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2015.
Green, Ronald S.: [untitled.] In: Journal of Religion and Film 19. 2015. No. 2. [Fall] pp. 1-9.
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Asien ~ Asia
Teichmann, Bernd: Opulent bebilderter Schnellkurs in Buddhismus: Little Buddha. In: Cinema [Hamburg] 1994. No. 2(189). [?D] pp. 18-28, 30.
Bertolucci, Bernardo
Little Buddha (1993)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Tessier, Max: Interview with Kim Ki-Duk. In: Cinemaya 2004. No. 63/64. [?D] pp. 83-85.
Discusses especially the representation of violence, sex and Buddhism in Kim’s work.
Kim Ki-Duk
Sexualität ~ Sexuality
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Gewalt ~ Violence
Von Mueller, Eddy: Naked swords: The Zen warrior tradition and the intertextual odyssey of the nameless Ronin in Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, and Sanjuro. In: Post Script 20. 2000. No. 1. [Fall] pp. 53-67.
Kurosawa, Akira
Shichinin no samurai (1953)
Yojimbo (1960)
Tsubaki sanjuro (1962)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Krieg ~ War
Walling, Mark: All roads lead to the self: Zen Buddhism and David Lynch’s Lost Highway. In: The philosophy of David Lynch. Edited by William J. Devlin and Shai Biderman. - Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky 2011. (= The philosophy of popular culture.) pp. 95-112.
Lynch, David
Lost Highway (1996)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Philosophie ~ Philosophy
Weltreligionen im Film: Christentum, Islam, Judentum, Hinduismus, Buddhismus. Hrsg. von Joachim Valentin unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Müller. - Marburg: Schüren 2002. (= Film und Theologie 3.)
Staiger, Michael: [untitled] In: Film-Dienst 55. 2002. No. 25. [December 3] pp. 38-39.
Religion ~ Religion
Religion: Hinduismus ~ Religion: Hinduism
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion: Islam ~ Religion: Islam
Religion: Juden ~ Religion: Jews
Wright, Dale S.: Human responsibility and the awakening of character in the Buddhist film Mandala. In: Literature and Theology 18. 2004. No. 3. [?D] pp. 308-320.
Im Kwon-Taek
Mandala (1981)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Religion ~ Religion
Yamada, Marc: Between documentary and fiction: The films of Kore-Eda Hirokazu. In: Journal of Religion and Film 20. 2016. No. 3. [October] pp. 1-28.
On the representation of Buddhism in Wandafuru raifu and Kiseki.
Kore-eda, Hirokazu
Wandafuru raifu (1998)
Kiseki (2011)
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
Dokumentarfilm ~ Documentary Film
Zeitlin, Marilyn A.: Jim Campbell: Working in the open sphere. In: Millennium Film Journal 2001. No. 37. [Fall] pp. 17-24.
On Buddhistic motifs in the work of the video artist.
Campbell, Jim
Video ~ Video
Religion: Buddhismus ~ Religion: Buddhism
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