Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film
Bibliografie des Fantastischen Films
Bibliography of Fantastic Film
literature list results

The literature list indexes sources from different countries in different languages. In principle the original spelling of each language was kept including its special characters. |info| Film, literature and music titles cited in the literature list are shown in italics. |info|

literature list on: polizia ha le mani legate, La (1975)

number of items: 1

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?O City of publication unknown
?V Publishing company unknown
?J Year of publication unknown
?N Issue number unknown
?G Volume number unknown
?D Date of publication unknown
?P Number of pages unknown
?R Series number unknown
Literature list

Keßler, Christian: Ruckzuck die Fresse dick! In: Splatting Image 1994. No. 17. [March] pp. 11-18.
On 1970s Italian police action film. Discusses, among others, Camorra - Ein Bulle räumt auf (Napoli Violenta) and Die Kröte (La banda del gobbo) by Umberto Lenzi, Tote Zeugen singen nicht / Straße ins Jenseits (La polizia incrimina / La legge assolve) by Enzo G. Castellari, Killer-Cop (La polizia ha le mani legate) by Luciano Ercoli, Hunted City (Sbirro, la tua legge e lenta, la mia ... no!) by Stelvio Massi, Die gnadenlose Hand des Gesetzes / Das Blut der schwarzen Schlange (La mano spietata della legge) by Mario Gariazzo, Die Killer-Meute (Napoli spara) by Mario Caiano, Kaliber 38 - Genau zwischen die Augen (Quelli della calibro 38) by Massimo Dallamano, Cop Hunter ( Italia a mano armata) by Mariano Girolami and Provinz ohne Gesetz / Kommando Siku (Provincia violenta) by Mario Bianchi. Includes a filmography.
Lenzi, Umberto
Castellari, Enzo G.
Ercoli, Luciano
Massi, Stelvio
Gariazzo, Mario
Caiano, Mario
Dallamano, Massimo
Girolami, Marino
Bianchi, Mario
Napoli violenta (1976)
banda del gobbo, La (1977)
polizia incrimina, La / legge assolve, La (1973)
polizia ha le mani legate, La (1975)
Sbirro, la tua legge e lenta, la mia ... no! (1979)
mano spietata della legge, La (1973)
Napoli spara (1977)
Quelli della calibro 38 (1976)
Italia a mano armata (1976)
Provincia violenta (1978)
Action ~ Action
Polizei ~ Police
Italien ~ Italy

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Bibliografie des fantastischen Films / Bibliography of Fantastic Film

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